Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Free will in the Spiritual Planets - There is ALWAYS choice to be with Narayana in Vaikuntha or Krishna in Goloka Vrindavan, or leave if one wants.

This painting description below does not mean when we enter Vaikuntha and Goloka Vrindavan, we loose our free will, individuality and the sense of self.

We are eternally an independent living entity and that "sense of self", individuality and unique personality is NEVER lost in the Spiritual World.

There is ALWAYS choice to be with Krishna or leave, even if the guru tells you, you have no choice!

Or Krishna promises you, that once you enter Vaikuntha or Goloka Vrindavan, you never again fall down.

No! You CAN fall down if you choose, but by doing so you are carving your way to the hellish material creation Prabhupada has told us (in a letter sent to me May 1975)

And there is NO material cause to one's fall down, it is simply due to free will.

The 4th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam tells the story of one devotee who chose to go to the material world and after many, many lives again meets up with Krishna.

The following Conversation took place in Melbourne, Australia June 25, 1974 between Srila Prabhupada and his disciples.

Devotee – “When we are in the spiritual sky and serving Krishna, we have a perfect relationship with Krishna, what causes us to fall down in the material world, because we’re already serving Krishna?”

Srila Prabhupada – “Because you desire to fall down. Here it is explained that “Don’t fall down.”

Devotee – “Srila Prabhupada, I can’t understand why we should have an impure desire when we are already serving…”

Srila Prabhupada – “Because you have got little freedom. Why one is not coming here and going to the liquor shop? It is his desire.

Devotee – “In the Srimad-
Bhagavatam, it says that Krishna did not want us to come to this material world. If Krishna did not want us to come, why are we here?”

Srila Prabhupada – “Yes. You forced Krishna to allow you to come. Just like sometimes a child forces his father. Father says, “My dear son, do not do this. Do not go there.” But he insists, “Oh, I must go. I must go.” “All right, you go at your risk. That’s all. And you suffer. What can be done?” Because you are Son of God you have got independence, full independence, almighty—therefore you have acquired the quality of your father. You have got little independence. So God does not interfere with your little independence. If you persist that “I must go and enjoy independently,” so God says, “All right, you can go.” This is the position. You have to take sanction. That is a fact. But when you persist, God sanctions. And you come and enjoy”.

Srila Prabhupada emphasizes the point to his disciple -

"You have already promised to follow the rules and regulations of our ISKCON Society, so therefore there is NO choice, you MUST follow, otherwise you are carving you way to hell!"

I now understand Prabhupada's letter to a disciple about him "having no choice" once he had promised to follow the basic principles of Krishna Consciousness.

Prabhupada's words were -

"You have already promised to follow our teachings, therefore you have NO choice, you must follow, you have promised!"

But then Prabhupada says -

"Otherwise if you do not follow our teachings of chanting 16 rounds a day and following the 4 regulated principles, then you are only carving your way to hell!"

So technically if one does not follow, then "he IS making a choice" which is entering hellish life.

So, even though Prabhupada said you have no choice, actually there IS always a choice -

1 - The Krishna Consciousness path.


2 - The path of Hellish life.

Therefore what Prabhupada really means is a choice has already been made, and a promise to follow given, so now one is obliged to live by that promise and honor that promise as a decent human being.

This is Prabhupada's main point.
Therefore, one should keep their promise to the Spiritual Master and follow our ISKCON Society principles.

Prabhupada emphasizes the point-

"You have already promised, so therefore there is NO choice".

However, Prabhupada's point is very clear and that is one should keep their promise because it will lead to the only positive outcome, going back home, back to Godhead.

So in other words, as Prabhupada says, if you reject your previous comittment to surrender to our Krishna Conscious principles, then by making that choice of rejecting your previous promise to follow the instructions of the Spiritual Master.

Then that act of NOT honoring your promise IS really "choosing" to foolishly carve your pathway to hellish life in the material world of repeated birth and death.

So there is ALWAYS a choice for the jiva soul.

It is the same when Krishna says-

"Those who enter My eternal Abode (Vaikuntha or Goloka Vrindavan) NEVER again fall down to the material World".

Yes, Krishna will ALWAYS keep that promise however, the jiva may choose to reject Krishna's offer and come to the material creation anyway.

Therefore it is NOT just Krishna's promise of eternal deliverance for the jiva soul of going back home back to Godhead that automatically means the jiva soul will ALSO agree and accept that promise to NEVER again fall down to the material creation.

No, the jiva souls also have THEIR free will too and may reject Krishna's offer to NEVER again fall down from Vaikuntha or Goloka Vrindavan and choose to enter the material creation.

The point of this comment is only mutual  "reciprication between the jiva soul and the Lord",  can their be true love, pure genuine personel devotional service and selfless dedication between the jiva soul and Krishna.

It is NOT a one way street where ONLY Krishna dictates EVERYTHING and squashes the individuality, sense of self, and unique character the jiva soul has.

The jiva-soul ALSO has THEIR say in where they want to spend their existence too.

Krishna, like the Guru, can NEVER force one to surrender to Him because that "choice to surrender" to the Lord is also up to the individual jiva.

Otherwise if there is force, where one's individuality and a sense of an independent self is squashed, then how can there be genuine love?

Krishna NEVER forces the jiva soul to love Him. And Krishna NEVER forces the jivas to surrender to Him. 

He does not want a mindless slave as a servant.

The relationship MUST always be one of reciprocation between the Lord and the jiva-soul (His devotees and aspiring devotee.)

Only then can "real" love exist.

We are all eternally independent living entities and that "sense of self" and individuality that allows each individual jiva soul to have their own unique characteristics, abilities and talents, is NEVER lost in the Spiritual World.

The photo of chanting Hare Krishna is the formula to help one always think of Krishna as your dearest friend, or reciprocal master.

So always chant Hare Krishna and perform Sankirtan (chanting on the streets of all major world Cities and Towns)

We are all unique individual jiva souls (persons).

Therefore there is ALWAYS the choice made by the jiva soul to be with Krishna, or leave His association in Vaikuntha or Goloka Vrindavan, even if the some tell you, you have no choice, no, there is ALWAYS a choice!

Krishna also promises in Bhagavad Gita that once you enter Vaikuntha or Goloka Vrindavan, you NEVER again fall down. 

No! You CAN fall down if YOU choose.

But by doing so you are carving your way to the hellish material creation of repeated birth and death Prabhupada has told us.

And there is NO material cause to one's fall down, it is simply due to free will.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The ''outer'' surrounding Brahmanda universe encases and surrounds our inner smaller material universe within the Brahmanda.

The massive Brahmanda is the outer shell covering our small material universe deep inside the Brahmanda. 

Our small material universe is encased by 7 material layers that make up the surrounding Brahmanda. 

Billions of these Brahmanda universes are coming from the Bodily pores and breathing of the sleeping Maha-Visnu. 

In the painting below, we see deep within each of the billions of Brahmanda universal shells coming from the Body of Maha Visnu, is a secondary universe where Maha-Visnu expands to Garbhodakashayi Visnu and from Him Lord Brahma appears and builds the many planetary systems within the secondary universe.

Each of the millions of Brahmanda universes has a secondary universe within it that are all different sized with each having a different  number of planetary systems.

This is based on how many heads the Lord Brahma has in each of the secondary material universes.

For example in our inner universe called Bhu-Mandala Brahma has four heads, while in other universes inside their Brahmanda they have 10, 20, 50, 200, 10,000 or could have a million heads according to the 5th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam.  

The material creation is a multi-universe spread throughout the creation that takes up 1/4 of the spiritual sky.

The other 3/4 of the spiritual sky is the perpetual abodes of Vaikuntha where the four armed Visnu resides, and the central planet known as Goloka-Vrindavana, the home of Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead and cause of all causes.

From Garbhodakashayi Visnu deep inside the surrounding Brahmanda as seen in the painting, a stem grows from His naval with a lotus flower at its end. This is where Lord Brahma resides.

As said above, in our material universe that is deep within the surrounding massive Brahmanda shell, Brahma creates or builds the 14 different planetary systems that all exist within the lotus stem growing from Garbhodakashayi Visnu's naval.

The universal space within the lotus stem is simultaneously where our 4 billion mile diameter material universe exists that houses the 14 planetary systems collectively called Bhu-Mandala.

It is important to understand that each "secondary material universe" inside the Brahmanda, like our Bhu-Mandala universe with its 14 different planetary systems, are encased and surrounded by that greater universal body called a Brahmanda.

The outer Brahmanda covering of our inner small 4 billion mile diameter material universe is made up of 7 massive material layers 

1 - Earth, 
2 - Water, 
3 - Fire, 
4 - Air, 
5 - Sky, 
6 - Total material energy (mahat-tattva),  
7 - False ego.  

That all collectively reveal the size of our Brahmanda shell that is 44 quadrillion 444 trillion 444 billion miles in diameter as seen in the below painting, or double that size if measured from the outer edge of the inner material secondary universe.

Srila Prabhupada - "Beginning with the covering of earth, each covering is ten times greater than the previous one. Thus we can only imagine how great each universe (Brahmanda shell) is, and there are many millions of universes." (SB Canto 6 Chapter 16 Text 37)

Srimad Bhagavatam - "This universal egg, or the universe in the shape of an egg (Brahmanda shell), is called the manifestation of material energy. Its layers of water, air, fire, sky, ego and mahat-tattva increase in thickness one after another. Each layer is ten times bigger than the previous one, and the final outside layer is covered by pradhāna. Within this egg (deep inside the Brahmanda shell) is the universal form of Lord Hari, of whose body the fourteen planetary systems are parts."

Srila Prabhupada's purport  - "There are seven coverings (of the Brahmanda shell), each one ten times greater than the one preceding it. The layer of water (although, inother places in Bhagavatam, it says earth layer is first layer) is ten times greater than the diameter of the (inner) universe (4 billion miles in diameter), and the layer of fire is ten times greater than that of water. Similarly, the layer of air is ten times greater than that of fire. 

These dimensions are all inconceivable to the tiny brain of a human being. It is also stated that this description is of only one egg (Brahmanda shell) like universe. There are innumerable universes besides this one, and some of them are many, many times greater. It is considered, in fact, that this universe (our Brahmanda shell) is the smallest; therefore the predominating superintendent, or Brahmā, has only four heads for management.

In other universes, which are far greater than this one, Brahmā has more heads. In the Caitanya-caritāmṛta it is stated that all these Brahmās were called one day by Lord Kṛṣṇa on the inquiry of the small Brahmā, who, after seeing all the larger Brahmās." (SB Canto 3 Chapter 26 Text 52)

The painting below does not reveal the correct size of our small 4 billion mile diameter inner Bhu-Mandala universe that is deep inside our massive outer surrounding Brahmanda.

If it did, you would not even see our smaller inner material universe because the surrounding Brahmanda shell is so massive in size.

Srila Prabhupada - "On the ground our earth looks flat but when you go up you will see our Earth planet is a ball (A global round sphere" (Lecture New York 1966.)

The Earth planet is a "round global sphere" in the ocean of outer space.

It is NOT flat as the misinformed foolishly believe, Srila Prabhupada tells us this.

Srila Prabhupada - "On the ground our earth looks flat but when you go up you will see our Earth planet is a ball (A global round sphere" (Lecture New York 1966.)

The Sanskrit word "Dvīpa" has two meanings -

1 - "Islands" or "continents"

 2 - "But also round planetary globes or spheres" situated in the ocean of outer space Srila Prabhupada explains.

Srila Prabhupada - "The planets are called dvīpas. Outer space is like an ocean of air. Just as there are islands in the watery ocean, these planets in the ocean of space are called dvīpas, or islands in outer space" (Chaitanya Caritamrita Madhya 20.218, Purport)

At the death of the material bodily vessel, the jiva-soul takes with them the same mentality, sense of self and character to the new material body they enter.

Great Wisdom! 

Yes, Death is GREATLY over rated, everyone expects big mystical changes.


Are there big changes to ones character when one gets out of an old run down car and gets into brand new shinning car?

No, you take with you the same mentality, sense of self and character.

It has ALWAYS been part of the human race's nature to seek out what's in and around their surroundings, even a child from the day it learns to walk, is out their discovering the world they live in.

Why do we seek out what's on our Earth and now the universe? What drives us?

Billions of dollars are wasted searching and seeking for answer to the human races question of what is really out there in this world and the universe, and what is the real purpose of human life.

Has man always had this desire to discover the extent of their surroundings?

Or is our existence in this material creation unnatural to the soul?

Of course it has ALWAYS been part of mans nature to seek out what's in their surroundings, even a child from the day it learns to walk, is out their discovering the world they live in.

The fact is, instinctly we are all seekers and travellers that stride to find out for themselves what's going on in the world. 

And that is why man has climbed big Mountains like Mt Everest, left Europe in the 15th Century to prove Earth is a globe and not flat as previously taught by the Catholic Church

And while travelling to the far East, discovering new lands like the Americas.

New discoveries in the 16 century AD in this new land called America, had never previously been seen before in Europe, India, China or anywhere in Asia.

New foods like potatoes, Tomatoes, Pineapples, peanuts, Cashew nuts and other varieties of nuts, Avocados, Beans, coco, Cassava, corn and Maize, Papaya, Peppers, Quinoa, Squash, Sweet potato, Sunflower, Tomatillo, chia seeds now used in bread, Amaranth,etc.

All these foodstuffs was discovered by those seekers who also searched out the surrounding world they lived in.

Therefore this ''desire'' today to continue this search into outer space, spending billions of dollars, should not be surprising because it is inherent in mans nature to discover this universe and what's in it, and frankly no one will EVER stop this continuous search.

This is why it is so important to offer everyone who is a seeker of of the universe the Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita As It Is and Caitanya Caritamrita.

Because, when it comes to ''journey to other Planets'' then they should be encouraged to study ancient Vedic texts and see the universe through the eyes of shastra (Vedic texts) and stop wasting their billions of dollars depending on their material mundane senses.

The material matrix or energy is a 1/4 of the Spiritual Sky, the jiva-souls can enter this temporary place if they choose to leave Vaikuntha or Goloka Vrindavan (3/4 of the Spiritual Sky where Narayana and Krishna reside) and do their own thing.

All material bodily vessels that houses the perpetual anti-material jiva soul, are made of sound vibrations and light waves slowed down to appear as a solid form.

They are not an illusion as impersonalists, mayavadis and mundane scientists suggest.

These material bodily forms, made of material energy, are very real but temporary, the human material body is also a walking bundle of frequencies that covers ALL the individual jivas that are confined and housed in our human material biological body we are in.

It is important to understand that we are the ''prominent'' individual jiva soul dressed up with an external biological material garment that is made up of billions of other jiva souls, also confined and contained to there individual cells in the material body.

The material bodily containers number 8 million 400 thousand different forms that all jivas are confined too.

Such vessels are instruments through which we, the jiva soul, evolve and experience our independent material desires in the temporary material manifestation.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Karma - "What goes around comes around"

Karma - "What goes around comes around"

Everything happens, not by chance or accident, but caused by one's past actions, good and bad, in this life or previous lives.

Therefore everyone is born into a situation they deserve rich or poor.

Nothing happens by chance like car accidents, cancer, plane crashes, murder.

What happen to John Lennon (one of the famous Beatles) in December 1980 is the result of something he did in this life or a past life that had caught up with him in his present material bodily vessel.

What actions we sow, good or bad over millions of life times, is what we gradually reep.

The reactions to our past actions gradually unfolds upon each material body we possess.

The material bodily vessel is a garment the jiva soul wears while in the material creation

Therefore, each of us have a karmic bank balance that follows us everywhere we go, to every material body we take over eternity or for as long as we choose to stay in the mundane material creation.

No one knows what is coming their way because the "cause" of their pain, suffering and disappointment, or moments of enjoyment, pleasure and happyness, is now long ago forgotten, happened thousands, even millions of life times ago.

We are all eternal beings, anti-material perpetual living entities (the jiva-tattva) originally from the the never decaying Spiritual Worlds of Vaikuntha and Goloka Vrindavan that can NEVER be destroyed.

The concept of Karma (action and reaction) does not exist there.

We are now in this temporary material creation that is 1/4 the size of the Spiritual Sky because we "chose" to foolishly come here long, long, long ago.

There is no death for the life force or soul (anti-material jiva-tattva or soul) occupying the material bodily vessel, the jiva-soul is beginningless and endless, only the material body deteriorates, wears out and merges back into material elements.

There is no material cause to our fall down, it is simply choice and free will.

While in this temporary decaying material creation, there is only a change of material bodies for the eternal jiva soul.

This happens when our present material bodily vessel wears out and becomes unfit for the jiva soul to occupy.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Both Lord Krsna and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu appear just "once" during a 24 hour day of Brahma but only during the daylight hours of Brahma's day when the 1000 Maha-yugas occur.

Lord Caitanya and Lord Krsna’s appearance in this material world is very, very rare.

Srila Prabhupada – "Lord Kṛṣṇa and Lord Caitanya appear once in each day of Brahmā." (CC Adi 3.10 Text 10 Purport)

Many take it for granted without realizing how rare Lord Caitanya and Lord Krsna's appearance actually is. 

Both Lord's appear just "once" in a "24 hour day" of Brahmā, but ONLY during the "day-light hours" when the 1000 Maha-yugas also only appear.

There are no Maha-yugas during Brahma's "night-time period" because he sleeps and during his sleeping a partial annihilation of the material universe occures.
A "24 hours day/night" of Brahma equals 8 billion 640 million human years.

Brahma's day is divided into "day-time hours," when the 1000 Maha-yugas appear, and night-time hours when no Maha-yugas appear.

In other words, all 1000 maha-yugas ONLY occur during the "day-time period" of Brahma between "sunrise to sunset."

So, to be clear, the make up of Brahma's "24 hour day/night" period is 12 hours of "day-time" and 12 hour of "night-time," 4 billion 320 million human years is Brahma's "daytime period,"  while another 4 billion 320 million human years is also Brahma's night-time hours.

So, as said above the full 24 hour day/night period of Brahma equals 8 billion 640 million human years.

There are 4 yugas to a maha-yuga all in human years-

1 - Satya-yuga - 1 million 728 thousand years. 

2 - Treta-yuga - 1 million 296 thousand years.

3 - Dvapara-yuga - 864 thousand years.

4 - Kali-yuga - 432 thousand years.

A maha-yuga is also called a catur-yuga and divya-yuga.

Lord Krsna appears at the end of just "one" Dvapara-yuga out of every 1000 during Brahma's day-time.

And Lord Caitanya appears near the beginning of just "one" Kali-yuga with His Sankirtan movement out of every 1000 Kali-yugas.

So as said above, both Lord Krsna and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu appear just "once" over Brahma's 24 hour "day/night" period, but ONLY during the daylight hours.

Lord Caitanya and Lord Krsna (in His "original" Form) both appear "once" during the "day/night time" full day of Brahma.

So a ''day-time'' period made up of 1000 Maha-yugas is called a kalpa, and a ''night-time'' period of a partial annihilation of this universe is also a kalpa 

There are "two kalpas" in a "day/night" (24 hour period) of Brahma which together is 8 billion 640 million human years.

As said above, Lord Caitanya and Lord Krsna's appearance are very rare as they both come "once" over that enormous period of time as Prabhupada has explained.

Srila Prabhupada –"At the end of the Dvāpara-yuga of the twenty-eighth divya-yuga (Maha-yuga), Lord Kṛṣṇa appears on earth with the full paraphernalia of His eternal Vraja-dhāma." (CC Adi 3.10 Text 10)

Srila Prabhupada – "Now is the term of Vaivasvata Manu, during which Lord Caitanya appears. First Lord Kṛṣṇa appears at the close of the Dvāpara-yuga of the twenty-eighth divya-yuga (maha-yuga), and then Lord Caitanya appears in the Kali-yuga of the same maha-yuga. Lord Kṛṣṇa and Lord Caitanya appear "once" in each day of Brahmā, or once in fourteen manv-antaras, each of seventy-one divya-yugas (maha-yugas) in duration. 

From the beginning of Brahmā’s day-time period of 4 billion, 320 million human years, six Manus appear and disappear before Lord Kṛṣṇa appears. Thus 1 billion, 975 million 320 thousand years of the day of Brahmā elapse before the appearance of Lord Kṛṣṇa. This is an astronomical calculation according to solar years." (CC Adi 3.10 Text 10)

Devotee - "Śrīla Prabhupāda, does Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu also appear every day of Brahma?"

Srila Prabhupāda - "Yes, following Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa comes in the Dvāpara-yuga. There are four periods of each yuga: Satva, Tretā, Dvāpara, Kali. So Kṛṣṇa comes at the end of Dvāpara-yuga, and Caitanya Mahāprabhu comes in the Kali-yuga." (Lecture, SB Canto 6 Ch 1 Text 3 Melb, May 22, 1975)

So as explained above, there are no maha-yugas in Brahma's 12 hour "night-time" period (that also takes 4 billion 320 million human years to pass) while Brahma sleeps and a partial annihilation takes place.

Srila Prabhupada – "Lord Kṛṣṇa and Lord Caitanya appear "once" in each day of Brahmā." (CC Adi 3.10 Text 10 Purport)

Srila Prabhupāda - "Oh. Anyway, I give you the right figure, four million, according to American or English calculation, 4,300,000 years and multiply it by one thousand. Then what it comes according to English calculation?"

Paramahaṁsa - "4,300,000?"

Srila Prabhupāda - "That is twelve hours. And add again twelve hours, night. Then eight billion...? So Kṛṣṇa comes after this period. In one day, after one day of Brahma, He appears."

Devotee - "Śrīla Prabhupāda, does Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu also appear every day of Brahma?"

Srila Prabhupāda - "Yes, following Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa comes in the Dvāpara-yuga. There are four periods of each yuga: Satva, Tretā, Dvāpara, Kali. So Kṛṣṇa comes at the end of Dvāpara-yuga, and Caitanya Mahāprabhu comes in the Kali-yuga." (SB Canto 6 Ch 1 Text 3 Melb Australia May 22, 1975)

1 kalpa equals Brahma's 12 hour day-time period.

1 kalpa equals his 12 hour night-time period.

So there are 2 kalpas in a 24 hour day of Brahma that takes 8 billion 640 million human years.

The Catur-yuga is also known as Divya-yuga or Maha-yuga and is made up of the four yugas mentioned above.***.

Our small 4 billion miles in diameter material universe, is situated deep within our surroundings massive Brahmanda shell that is 44 quadrillan 444 Trillion, 444 billion miles in diameter.

Within each global universal shell coming from the sleeping Maha Vishnu called a Brahmanda, is a secondary smaller universe where Garbhodakashayi Vishnu, Lord Brahma and the many planetary systems exist.

In our small material universe deep within our Brahmanda shell, we have 14 planetary systems and our Brahma has 4 heads.

In other universes deep within their Brahmanda shell, they can have many hundreds of planetary systems and their Brahma can also have hundreds of heads, or even thousands.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Visnu or Narayana (God) expansions of Krsna, and the jiva-tattva or individual jiva-souls, are also within each individual atom.

Morning Walk with Srila Prabhupada , April 4, 1975, Mayapur.

Tamala Krsna - "Srila Prabhupada, someone asked a question the other day about the atom which I couldn’t give the answer to. His question is that if we say that within the atom the living entity, the jiva, is present, and life symptoms means six symptoms of birth, growth…"

Srila Prabhupada - "That’s all right. Their life symptoms has not yet come. But there is."

Jayadvaita - "Potential."

Srila Prabhupada - "Yes."

Tamala Krsna - "His question was… It was sort of a dual question. At what time, or what…? Just like at the time of disintegration of this body, the living entity leaves this body and the body disintegrates, so does the atomic body also disintegrate when the living entity leaves it and moves to a higher body?"

Srila Prabhupada - "Atomic body? Atomic body means material body. Unless you are free from this material body, the atomic body will go on with you. That means unless you are mukta, the atomic body will go on. Mind, intelligence, ego — they are also atomic, finer atomic body."

Tamala Krsna - "But within each atom the living entity is present?"

Srila Prabhupada - "Yes. God is present; therefore living entity is present."

Tamala Krsna - "So the living entity is present within the atom just as I am present within this body. When I leave this body, my body breaks apart."

Srila Prabhupada - "Yes, you leave this body, enter another body."

Tamala Krsna - "Right."

Srila Prabhupada - "By nature’s law."

Tamala Krsna -"And when I leave this body, the body breaks apart."

Srila Prabhupada - "Eh?"

Tamala Krsna -"When I leave this body, the body dis…"

Srila Prabhupada - "The body is already atomic combination."

Tamala Krsna -"Yes."

Srila Prabhupada - "So it remains atomic combination. You leave the body."

Tamala Krsna - "Yes. It remains…"

Srila Prabhupada - "You leave the house. That does not mean the house is finished."

Tamala Krsna - "Right, I can understand that."

Hamsaduta - "He’s asking that if the soul leaves the atomic particle, then does the particle break apart. Isn’t it?"

Srila Prabhupada - "No, no. You have not left atomic particle."

Tamala Krsna - "No, but you, you’re… I think you were saying that within the atom there’s also a living entity. So when that living entity leaves the atomic particle does the particle break apart? Or doesn’t it? I mean what…?"

Srila Prabhupada - "Just try to understand. From the sastra, you understand that andantara-stham: 
“God lives within the atom.”

Tamala Krsna - "Yes."

Srila Prabhupada - "And when the God is there, living entity’s also there. This… This much you try to understand. Because God and living entity, they remain together, as two friends. God is trying to save this fallen friend. That is the information from Upanisad. So when God is there, the living entity is also there."

Rupanuga - "So Paramatma and jiva-soul are always together."

Srila Prabhupada - "Yes."

Pancadravida - "The jivas inside the atom, are they like impersonalists who are in the Brahman?"

Srila Prabhupada - "That you consider. He has not de veloped  consciousness. Practically, it is like dead."(Morning Walk April 4 1975, Mayapur)

His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada says if you go up you see Earth as a global sphere and only on the ground do you see it as flat. (lecture in New York City 1966)

We can clearly see Earth is a globe today. Prabhupada says if you go up you see Earth as a globe but only on the ground you will see it as flat.(lecture in New York City 1966)

Of course man cannot enter the subtle heavenly world of Chandraloke in their gross material bodies and spacecrafts as Prabhupada always said.

Also regarding the word Dvipa and it's meaning that Prabhupada explains clearly-

"Dvīpa has two meanings "island" or "continent" and "planetary globes" situated in the ocean of outer space".

Srila Prabhupada - "The planets are called dvīpas. Outer space is like an ocean of air. Just as there are islands in the watery ocean, these planets in the ocean of space are called dvīpas, or islands in outer space" (Chaitanya Caritamrita Madhya 20.218, Purport)

Everyone should learn to read Prabhupada's books!!

Even Wikipedia quotes Prabhupada explaining that Dvipa means planetary globes in outer space.

Monday, November 11, 2019

"The Subterranean Heavenly Planets" Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 5 Chapter 24 Text 1 to Text 31. By His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

"The Subterranean Heavenly Planets"

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 5 Chapter 24 Text 1 to Text 31.

By His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

This chapter describes the planet Rāhu, which is 10,000 yojanas (80,000 miles) below the sun, and it also describes Atala and the other lower planetary systems.

Rāhu is situated below the sun and moon. It is between these two planets and the earth.

When Rāhu conceals the sun and moon, eclipses occur, either total or partial, depending on whether Rāhu moves in a straight or curving way.

Below Rāhu by another 1,000,000 yojanas (8 million miles) are the planets of the Siddhas -


And below these are planets such as Yakṣaloka and Rakṣaloka.

Below these planets is the earth, and 70,000 yojanas (280,000 miles) below the earth are the lower planetary systems —


Demons and Rakṣasas live in these lower planetary systems with their wives and children, always engaged in sense gratification and not fearing their next births.

The sunshine does not reach these planets, but they are illuminated by jewels fixed upon the hoods of snakes. Because of these shining gems there is practically no darkness.

Those living in these planets do not become old or diseased, and they are not afraid of death from any cause but the time factor, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

In the planet Atala, the yawning of a demon has produced three kinds of women, called svairiṇī (independent), kāmiṇī (lusty) and puḿścalī (very easily subdued by men). Below Atala is the planet Vitala, wherein Lord Śiva and his wife Gaurī reside.

Because of their presence, a kind of gold is produced called hāṭaka. Below Vitala is the planet Sutala, the abode of Bali Mahārāja, the most fortunate king.

Bali Mahārāja was favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vāmanadeva, because of his intense devotional service.

The Lord went to the sacrificial arena of Bali Mahārāja and begged him for three paces of land, and on this plea the Lord took from him all his possessions.

When Bali Mahārāja agreed to all this, the Lord was very pleased, and therefore the Lord serves as his doorkeeper. The description of Bali Mahārāja appears in the Eighth Canto of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.

When the Supreme Personality of Godhead offers a devotee material happiness, this is not His real favor.

The demigods, who are very puffed up by their material opulence, pray to the Lord only for material happiness, not knowing anything better.

Devotees like Prahlāda Mahārāja, however, do not want material happiness.

Not to speak of material happiness, they do not want even liberation from material bondage, although one can achieve this liberation simply by chanting the holy name of the Lord, even with improper pronunciation.

Below Sutala is the planet Talātala, the abode of the demon Maya. This demon is always materially happy because he is favored by Lord Śiva, but he cannot achieve spiritual happiness at any time.

Below Talātala is the planet Mahātala, where there are many snakes with hundreds and thousands of hoods. Below Mahātala is Rasātala, and below that is Pātāla, where the serpent Vasukī lives with his associates.

SB 5.24 Text 1


Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: My dear King, some historians, the speakers of the Purāṇas, say that 10,000 yojanas [80,000 miles] below the sun is the planet known as Rāhu, which moves like one of the stars.

The presiding deity of that planet, who is the son of Siṁhikā, is the most abominable of all asuras, but although he is completely unfit to assume the position of a demigod or planetary deity, he has achieved that position by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Later I shall speak further about him.

SB 5.24.2


The sun globe, which is a source of heat, extends for 10,000 yojanas [80,000 miles]. The moon extends for 20,000 yojanas [160,000 miles], and Rāhu extends for 30,000 yojanas [240,000 miles].

Formerly, when nectar was being distributed, Rāhu tried to create dissension between the sun and moon by interposing himself between them.

Rāhu is inimical toward both the sun and the moon, and therefore he always tries to cover the sunshine and moonshine on the dark-moon day and full-moon night.


As stated herein, the sun extends for 10,000 yojanas (80,000 miles), and the moon extends for twice that, or 20,000 yojanas (160,000 miles). The word dvādaśa should be understood to mean twice as much as ten, or twenty.

In the opinion of Vijayadhvaja, the extent of Rāhu should be twice that of the moon, or 40,000 yojanas (320,000 miles) .

However to reconcile this apparent contradiction to the text of the Bhāgavatam, Vijayadhvaja cites the following quotation concerning Rāhu; rāhu-soma-ravīṇāṁ tu maṇḍalā dvi-guṇoktitām.

This means that Rāhu is twice as large as the moon, which is twice as large as the sun. This is the conclusion of the commentator Vijayadhvaja.

SB 5.24.3


After hearing from the sun and moon demigods about Rāhu’s attack, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Viṣṇu, engages His disc, known as the Sudarśana cakra, to protect them.

The Sudarśana cakra is the Lord’s most beloved devotee and is favored by the Lord.

The intense heat of its effulgence, meant for killing non-Vaiṣṇavas, is unbearable to Rāhu, and he therefore flees in fear of it. During the time Rāhu disturbs the sun or moon, there occurs what people commonly know as an eclipse.


The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Viṣṇu, is always the protector of His devotees, who are also known as demigods.

The controlling demigods are most obedient to Lord Viṣṇu, although they also want material sense enjoyment, and that is why they are called demigods, or almost godly.

Although Rāhu attempts to attack both the sun and the moon, they are protected by Lord Viṣṇu.

Being very afraid of Lord Viṣṇu’s cakra, Rāhu cannot stay in front of the sun or moon for more than a muhūrta (forty-eight minutes).

The phenomenon that occurs when Rāhu blocks the light of the sun or moon is called an eclipse.

The attempt of the scientists of this earth to go to the moon is as demoniac as Rāhu’s attack.

Of course. their attempts will be failures because no one can enter the moon or sun so easily. Like the attack of Rāhu, such attempts will certainly be failures.

SB 5.24.4


Below Rāhu by 10,000 yojanas [80,000 miles] are the planets known as Siddhaloka, Cāraṇaloka and Vidyādhara-loka.


It is said that the residents of Siddhaloka, being naturally endowed with the powers of yogīs, can go from one planet to another by their natural mystic powers without using airplanes or similar machines.

SB 5.24.5


Beneath Vidyādhara-loka, Cāraṇaloka and Siddhaloka, in the sky called antarikṣa, are the places of enjoyment for the -

ghosts and so on.

Antarikṣa extends as far as the wind blows and the clouds float in the sky. Above this there is no more air.

SB 5.24.6


Below the abodes of the Yakṣas and Rākṣasas by a distance of 100 yojanas [800 miles] is the planet earth. Its upper limits extend as high as swans, hawks, eagles and similar large birds can fly.

SB 5.24.7


My dear King, beneath this earth are seven other planets, known as -


I have already explained the situation of the planetary systems of earth. The width and length of the seven lower planetary systems are calculated to be exactly the same as those of earth.

SB 5.24.8


In these seven planetary systems, which are also known as the subterranean heavens [bila-svarga], there are very beautiful houses, gardens and places of sense enjoyment, which are even more opulent than those in the higher planets because the demons have a very high standard of sensual pleasure, wealth and influence.

Most of the residents of these planets, who are known as Daityas, Dānavas and Nāgas, live as householders. Their wives, children, friends and society are all fully engaged in illusory material happiness.

The sense enjoyment of the demigods is sometimes disturbed, but the residents of these planets enjoy life without disturbances. Thus they are understood to be very attached to illusory happiness.


According to the statements of Prahlāda Mahārāja, material enjoyment is māyā-sukha, illusory enjoyment. A Vaiṣṇava is full of anxieties for the deliverance of all living entities from such false enjoyment.

Prahlāda Mahārāja says, māyā-sukhāya bharam udvahato vimūḍhān: these fools (vimūḍhas) are engaged in material happiness, which is surely temporary.

Whether in the heavenly planets, the lower planets or the earthly planets, people are engrossed in temporary, material happiness, forgetting that in due course of time they have to change their bodies according to the material laws and suffer the repetition of birth, death, old age and disease.

Not caring what will happen in the next birth, gross materialists are simply busy enjoying during the present short span of life.

A Vaiṣṇava is always anxious to give all such bewildered materialists the real happiness of spiritual bliss.

SB 5.24.9


My dear King, in the imitation heavens known as bila-svarga there is a great demon named Maya Dānava, who is an expert artist and architect. He has constructed many brilliantly decorated cities.

There are many wonderful houses, walls, gates, assembly houses, temples, yards and temple compounds, as well as many hotels serving as residential quarters for foreigners.

The houses for the leaders of these planets are constructed with the most valuable jewels, and they are always crowded with living entities known as Nāgas and Asuras, as well as many pigeons, parrots and similar birds. All in all, these imitation heavenly cities are most beautifully situated and attractively decorated.

SB 5.24.10


The parks and gardens in the artificial heavens surpass in beauty those of the upper heavenly planets. The trees in those gardens, embraced by creepers, bend with a heavy burden of twigs with fruits and flowers, and therefore they appear extraordinarily beautiful.

That beauty could attract anyone and make his mind fully blossom in the pleasure of sense gratification. There are many lakes and reservoirs with clear, transparent water, agitated by jumping fish and decorated with many flowers such as lilies, kuvalayas, kahlāras and blue and red lotuses.

Pairs of cakravākas and many other water birds nest in the lakes and always enjoy in a happy mood, making sweet, pleasing vibrations that are very satisfying and conducive to enjoyment of the senses.

SB 5.24.11


Since there is no sunshine in those subterranean planets, time is not divided into days and nights, and consequently fear produced by time does not exist.

SB 5.24.12


Many great serpents reside there with gems on their hoods, and the effulgence of these gems dissipates the darkness in all directions.

SB 5.24.13


Since the residents of these planets drink and bathe in juices and elixirs made from wonderful herbs, they are freed from all anxieties and physical diseases.

They have no experience of grey hair, wrinkles or invalidity, their bodily lusters do not fade, their perspiration does not cause a bad smell, and they are not troubled by fatigue or by lack of energy or enthusiasm due to old age.

SB 5.24.14


They live very auspiciously and do not fear death from anything but death’s established time, which is the effulgence of the Sudarśana cakra of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


This is the defect of material existence. Everything in the subterranean heavens is very nicely arranged. There are well situated residential quarters, there is a pleasing atmosphere, and there are no bodily inconveniences or mental anxieties, but nevertheless those who live there have to take another birth according to karma.

Persons whose minds are dull cannot understand this defect of a materialistic civilization aiming at material comforts. One may make his living conditions very pleasing for the senses, but despite all favorable conditions, one must in due course of time meet death.

The members of a demoniac civilization endeavor to make their living conditions very comfortable, but they cannot check death. The influence of the Sudarśana cakra will not allow their so-called material happiness to endure.

SB 5.24.15


When the Sudarśana disc enters those provinces, the pregnant wives of the demons all have miscarriages due to fear of its effulgence.

SB 5.24.16


My dear King, now I shall describe to you the lower planetary systems, one by one, beginning from Atala. In Atala there is a demon, the son of Maya Dānava named Bala, who created ninety-six kinds of mystic power.

Some so-called yogīs and svāmīs take advantage of this mystic power to cheat people even today. Simply by yawning, the demon Bala created three kinds of women, known as svairiṇī, kāmiṇī and puḿścalī.

The svairiṇīs like to marry men from their own group, the kāmiṇīs marry men from any group, and the puḿścalīs change husbands one after another.

If a man enters the planet of Atala, these women immediately capture him and induce him to drink an intoxicating beverage made with a drug known as hāṭaka [cannabis indica].

This intoxicant endows the man with great sexual prowess, of which the women take advantage for enjoyment. A woman will enchant him with attractive glances, intimate words, smiles of love and then embraces. In this way she induces him to enjoy sex with her to her full satisfaction.

Because of his increased sexual power, the man thinks himself stronger than ten thousand elephants and considers himself most perfect. Indeed, illusioned and intoxicated by false pride, he thinks himself God, ignoring impending death.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.24.17


The next planet below Atala is Vitala, wherein Lord Śiva, who is known as the master of gold mines, lives with his personal associates, the ghosts and similar living entities.

Lord Śiva, as the progenitor, engages in sex with Bhavānī, the progenitress, to produce living entities, and from the mixture of their vital fluid the river named Hāṭakī is generated.

When fire, being made to blaze by the wind, drinks of this river and then sizzles and spits it out, it produces gold called Hāṭaka.

The demons who live on that planet with their wives decorate themselves with various ornaments made from that gold, and thus they live there very happily.


It appears that when Bhava and Bhavānī, Lord Śiva and his wife, unite sexually, the emulsification of their secretions creates a chemical which when heated by fire can produce gold.

It is said that the alchemists of the medieval age tried to prepare gold from base metal, and Śrīla Sanātana Gosvāmī also states that when bell metal is treated with mercury, it can produce gold.

Śrīla Sanātana Gosvāmī mentions this in regard to the initiation of low-class men to turn them into brāhmaṇas. Sanātana Gosvāmī said:

yathā kāñcanatāḿ yātikāḿsyaḿ rasa-vidhānataḥtathā dīkṣā-vidhānenadvijatvaḿ jāyate nṛṇām

"As one can transform kaḿsa, or bell metal, into gold by treating it with mercury, one can also turn a lowborn man into a brāhmaṇa by initiating him properly into Vaiṣṇava activities."

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness is trying to turn mlecchas and yavanas into real brāhmaṇas by properly initiating them and stopping them from engaging in meat-eating, intoxication, illicit sex and gambling.

One who stops these four principles of sinful activity and chants the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra can certainly become a pure brāhmaṇa through the process of bona fide initiation, as suggested by Śrīla Sanātana Gosvāmī.

Apart from this, if one takes a hint from this verse and learns how to mix mercury with bell metal by properly heating and melting them, one can get gold very cheaply.

The alchemists of the medieval age tried to manufacture gold, but they were unsuccessful, perhaps because they did not follow the right instructions.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.24.18


Below the planet Vitala is another planet, known as Sutala, where the great son of Mahārāja Virocana, Bali Mahārāja, who is celebrated as the most pious king, resides even now.

For the welfare of Indra, the King of heaven, Lord Viṣṇu appeared in the form of a dwarf brahmacārī as the son of Aditi and tricked Bali Mahārāja by begging for only three paces of land but taking all the three worlds.

Being very pleased with Bali Mahārāja for giving all his possessions, the Lord returned his kingdom and made him richer than the opulent King Indra.

Even now, Bali Mahārāja engages in devotional service by worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the planet of Sutala.


The Supreme Personality of Godhead is described as Uttamaśloka, "He who is worshiped by the best of selected Sanskrit verses," and His devotees such as Bali Mahārāja are also worshiped by puṇya-śloka, verses that increase one's piety.

Bali Mahārāja offered everything to the Lord — his wealth, his kingdom and even his own body (sarvātma-nivedane baliḥ).

The Lord appeared before Bali Mahārāja as a brāhmaṇa beggar, and Bali Mahārāja gave Him everything he had. However, Bali Mahārāja did not become poor; by donating all his possessions to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he became a successful devotee and got everything back again with the blessings of the Lord.

Similarly, those who give contributions to expand the activities of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement and to accomplish its objectives will never be losers; they will get their wealth back with the blessings of Lord Kṛṣṇa.

On the other side, those who collect contributions on behalf of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness should be very careful not to use even a farthing of the collection for any purpose other than the transcendental loving service of the Lord.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.24.19


My dear King, Bali Mahārāja donated all his possessions to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vāmanadeva, but one should certainly not conclude that he achieved his great worldly opulence in bila-svarga as a result of his charitable disposition.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the source of life for all living entities, lives within everyone as the friendly Supersoul, and under His direction a living entity enjoys or suffers in the material world.

Greatly appreciating the transcendental qualities of the Lord, Bali Mahārāja offered everything at His lotus feet.

His purpose, however, was not to gain anything material, but to become a pure devotee. For a pure devotee, the door of liberation is automatically opened. One should not think that Bali Mahārāja was given so much material opulence merely because of his charity.

When one becomes a pure devotee in love, he may also be blessed with a good material position by the will of the Supreme Lord. However, one should not mistakenly think that the material opulence of a devotee is the result of his devotional service.

The real result of devotional service is the awakening of pure love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, which continues under all circumstances.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.24.20


If one who is embarrassed by hunger or who falls down or stumbles chants the holy name of the Lord even once, willingly or unwillingly, he is immediately freed from the reactions of his past deeds.

Karmīs entangled in material activities face many difficulties in the practice of mystic yoga and other endeavors to achieve that same freedom.


It is not a fact that one has to offer his material possessions to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and be liberated before he can engage in devotional service. A devotee automatically attains liberation without separate endeavors.

Bali Mahārāja did not get back all his material possessions merely because of his charity to the Lord.

One who becomes a devotee, free from material desires and motives, regards all opportunities, both material and spiritual, as benedictions from the Lord, and in this way his service to the Lord is never hampered. Bhukti, material enjoyment, and mukti, liberation, are only by-products of devotional service.

A devotee need not work separately to attain mukti. Śrīla Bilvamańgala Ṭhākura said, muktiḥ svayaḿ mukulitāñjaliḥ sevate 'smān: a pure devotee of the Lord does not have to endeavor separately for mukti, because mukti is always ready to serve him.

In this regard, Caitanya-caritāmṛta (Antya 3.177-188) describes Haridāsa Ṭhākura's confirmation of the effect of chanting the holy name of the Lord.

keha bale — 'nāma haite haya pāpa-kṣaya'keha bale — 'nāma haite jīvera mokṣa haya'

Some say that by chanting the holy name of the Lord one is freed from all the reactions of sinful life, and others say that by chanting the holy name of the Lord one attains liberation from material bondage.

haridāsa kahena, — "nāmera ei dui phala nayanāmera phale kṛṣṇa-pade prema upajaya

Haridāsa Ṭhākura, however, said that the desired result of chanting the holy name of the Lord is not that one is liberated from material bondage or freed from the reactions of sinful life.

The actual result of chanting the holy name of the Lord is that one awakens his dormant Kṛṣṇa consciousness, his loving service to the Lord.

ānuṣańgika phala nāmera — 'mukti', 'pāpa-nāśa'tāhāra dṛṣṭānta yaiche sūryera prakāśa

Haridāsa Ṭhākura said that liberation and freedom from the reactions of sinful activities are only by-products of chanting the holy name of the Lord.

If one chants the holy name of the Lord purely, he attains the platform of loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In this regard Haridāsa Ṭhākura gave an example comparing the power of the holy name to sunshine.

ei ślokera artha kara paṇḍitera gaṇa"sabe kahe, — 'tumi kaha artha-vivaraṇa'

He placed a verse before all the learned scholars present, but the learned scholars asked him to state the purport of the verse.

haridāsa kahena, — "yaiche sūryera udayaudaya nā haite ārambhe tamera haya kṣaya

Haridāsa Ṭhākura said that as the sun begins to rise, it dissipates the darkness of night, even before the sunshine is visible.

caura-preta-rākṣasādira bhaya haya nāśaudaya haile dharma-karma-ādi parakāśa

Before the sunrise even takes place, the light of dawn destroys the fear of the dangers of the night, such as disturbances by thieves, ghosts and Rākṣasas, and when the sunshine actually appears, one engages in his duties.

aiche nāmodayārambhe pāpa-ādira kṣayaudaya kaile kṛṣṇa-pade haya premodaya

Similarly, even before one's chanting of the holy name is pure, one is freed from all sinful reactions, and when he chants purely he becomes a lover of Kṛṣṇa.

'mukti' tuccha-phala haya nāmābhāsa haiteye mukti bhakta nā laya, se kṛṣṇa cāhe dite"

A devotee never accepts mukti, even if Kṛṣṇa offers it. Mukti, freedom from all sinful reactions, is obtained even by nāmābhāsa, or a glimpse of the light of the holy name before its full light is perfectly visible.

The nāmābhāsa stage is between that of nāma-aparādha, or chanting of the holy name with offenses, and pure chanting. There are three stages in chanting the holy name of the Lord. In the first stage, one commits ten kinds of offenses while chanting.

In the next stage, nāmābhāsa, the offenses have almost stopped, and one is coming to the platform of pure chanting. In the third stage, when one chants the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra without offenses, his dormant love for Kṛṣṇa immediately awakens. This is the perfection.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.24.21


The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in everyone's heart as the Supersoul, sells Himself to His devotees such as Nārada Muni. In other words, the Lord gives pure love to such devotees and gives Himself to those who love Him purely.

Great, self-realized mystic yogīs such as the four Kumāras also derive great transcendental bliss from realizing the Supersoul within themselves.


The Lord became Bali Mahārāja's doorkeeper not because of his giving everything to the Lord, but because of his exalted position as a lover of the Lord.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.24.22


The Supreme Personality of Godhead did not award His mercy to Bali Mahārāja by giving him material happiness and opulence, for these make one forget loving service to the Lord. The result of material opulence is that one can no longer absorb his mind in the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


There are two kinds of opulence. One, which results from one's karma, is material, whereas the other is spiritual. A surrendered soul who fully depends upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead does not want material opulence for sense gratification.

Therefore when a pure devotee is seen to possess exalted material opulence, it is not due to his karma. Rather, it is due to his bhakti. In other words, he is in that position because the Supreme Lord wants him to execute service to Him very easily and opulently.

The special mercy of the Lord for the neophyte devotee is that he becomes materially poor. This is the Lord's mercy because if a neophyte devotee becomes materially opulent, he forgets the service of the Lord.

However, if an advanced devotee is favored by the Lord with opulence, it is not material opulence but a spiritual opportunity.

Material opulence offered to the demigods causes forgetfulness of the Lord, but opulence was given to Bali Mahārāja for continuing service to the Lord, which was free from any touch of māyā.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.24.23


When the Supreme Personality of Godhead could see no other means of taking everything away from Bali Mahārāja, He adopted the trick of begging from him and took away all the three worlds. Thus only his body was left, but the Lord was still not satisfied.

He arrested Bali Mahārāja, bound him with the ropes of Varuṇa and threw him in a cave in a mountain. Nevertheless, although all his property was taken and he was thrown into a cave, Bali Mahārāja was such a great devotee that he spoke as follows.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.24.24


Alas, how pitiable it is for Indra, the King of heaven, that although he is very learned and powerful and although he chose Bṛhaspati as his prime minister to instruct him, he is completely ignorant concerning spiritual advancement. Bṛhaspati is also unintelligent because he did not properly instruct his disciple Indra.

Lord Vāmanadeva was standing at Indra's door, but King Indra, instead of begging Him for an opportunity to render transcendental loving service, engaged Him in asking me for alms to gain the three worlds for his sense gratification.

Sovereignty over the three worlds is very insignificant because whatever material opulence one may possess lasts only for an age of Manu, which is but a tiny fraction of endless time.


Bali Mahārāja was so powerful that he fought with Indra and took possession of the three worlds. Indra was certainly very advanced in knowledge, but instead of asking Vāmanadeva for engagement in His service, he used the Lord to beg for material possessions that would lie finished at the end of one age of Manu.

An age of Manu, which is the duration of Manu's life, is calculated to last seventy-two yugas. One yuga consists of 4,300,000 years, and therefore the duration of Manu's life is 309,600,000 years.

The demigods possess their material opulence only until the end of the life of Manu. Time is insurmountable. The time one is allotted, even if it be millions of years, is quickly gone.

The demigods own their material possessions only within the limits of time. Therefore Bali Mahārāja lamented that although Indra was very learned, he did not know how to use his intelligence properly, for instead of asking Vāmanadeva to allow him to engage in His service, Indra used Him to beg Bali Mahārāja for material wealth.

Although Indra was learned and his prime minister, Bṛhaspati, was also learned, neither of them begged to be able to render loving service to Lord Vāmanadeva. Therefore Bali Mahārāja lamented for Indra.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.24.25


Bali Mahārāja said: My grandfather Prahlāda Mahārāja is the only person who understood his own self-interest. Upon the death of Prahlāda's father, Hiraṇyakaśipu, Lord Nṛsiḿhadeva wanted to offer Prahlāda his father's kingdom and even wanted to grant him liberation from material bondage, but Prahlāda accepted neither.

Liberation and material opulence, he thought, are obstacles to devotional service, and therefore such gifts from the Supreme Personality of Godhead are not His actual mercy.

Consequently, instead of accepting the results of karma and jñāna, Prahlāda Mahārāja simply begged the Lord for engagement in the service of His servant.


Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu has instructed that an unalloyed devotee should consider himself a servant of the servant of the servant of the Supreme Lord (gopī-bhartuḥ pāda-kamalayor dāsa-dāsānudāsaḥ).

In Vaiṣṇava philosophy, one should not even become a direct servant. Prahlāda Mahārāja was offered all the blessings of an opulent position in the material world and even the liberation of merging into Brahman, but he refused all this.

He simply wanted to engage in the service of the servant of the servant of the Lord. Therefore Bali Mahārāja said that because his grandfather Prahlāda Mahārāja had rejected the blessings of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in terms of material opulence and liberation from material bondage, he truly understood his self-interest.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.24.26


Bali Mahārāja said: Persons like us, who are still attached to material enjoyment, who are contaminated by the modes of material nature and who lack the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, cannot follow the supreme path of Prahlāda Mahārāja, the exalted devotee of the Lord.


It is said that for spiritual realization one must follow great personalities like Lord Brahmā, Devarṣi Nārada, Lord Śiva and Prahlāda Mahārāja.

The path of bhakti is not at all difficult if we follow in the footsteps of previous ācāryas and authorities, but those who are too materially contaminated by the modes of material nature cannot follow them.

Although Bali Mahārāja was actually following the path of his grandfather, because of his great humility he thought that he was not. It is characteristic of advanced Vaiṣṇavas following the principles of bhakti that they think themselves ordinary human beings.

This is not an artificial exhibition of humility; a Vaiṣṇava sincerely thinks this way and therefore never admits his exalted position.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.24.27


Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: My dear King, how shall I glorify the character of Bali Mahārāja? The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of the three worlds, who is most compassionate to His own devotee, stands with club in hand at Bali Mahārāja's door.

When Rāvaṇa, the powerful demon, came to gain victory over Bali Mahārāja, Vāmanadeva kicked him a distance of eighty thousand miles with His big toe. I shall explain the character and activities of Bali Mahārāja later [in the Eighth Canto of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam].

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.24.28


Beneath the planet known as Sutala is another planet, called Talātala, which is ruled by the Dānava demon named Maya. Maya is known as the ācārya [master] of all the māyāvīs, who can invoke the powers of sorcery.

For the benefit of the three worlds, Lord Śiva, who is known as Tripurāri, once set fire to the three kingdoms of Maya, but later, being pleased with him, he returned his kingdom. Since that time, Maya Dānava has been protected by Lord Śiva, and therefore he falsely thinks that he need not fear the Sudarśana cakra of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.24.29


The planetary system below Talātala is known as Mahātala. It is the abode of many-hooded snakes, descendants of Kadrū, who are always very angry. The great snakes who are prominent are Kuhaka, Takṣaka, Kāliya and Suṣeṇa.

The snakes in Mahātala are always disturbed by fear of Garuḍa, the carrier of Lord Viṣṇu, but although they are full of anxiety, some of them nevertheless sport with their wives, children, friends and relatives.


It is stated here that the snakes who live in the planetary system known as Mahātala are very powerful and have many hoods.

They live with their wives and children and consider themselves very happy, although they are always full of anxiety because of Garuḍa, who comes there to destroy them.

This is the way of material life. Even if one lives in the most abominable condition, he still thinks himself happy with his wife, children, friends and relatives.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.24.30


Beneath Mahātala is the planetary system known as Rasātala, which is the abode of the demoniac sons of Diti and Danu. They are called Paṇis, Nivāta-kavacas, Kāleyas and Hiraṇya-puravāsīs [those living in Hiraṇya-pura]. They are all enemies of the demigods, and they reside in holes like snakes.

From birth they are extremely powerful and cruel, and although they are proud of their strength, they are always defeated by the Sudarśana cakra of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who rules all the planetary systems.

When a female messenger from Indra named Saramā chants a particular curse, the serpentine demons of Mahātala become very afraid of Indra.


It is said that there was a great fight between these serpentine demons and Indra, the King of heaven. When the defeated demons met the female messenger Saramā, who was chanting a mantra, they became afraid, and therefore they are living in the planet called Rasātala.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.24.31


Beneath Rasātala is another planetary system, known as Pātāla or Nāgaloka, where there are many demoniac serpents, the masters of Nāgaloka, such as Śańkha, Kulika, Mahāśańkha, Śveta, Dhanañjaya, Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Śańkhacūḍa, Kambala, Aśvatara and Devadatta. The chief among them is Vāsuki.

They are all extremely angry, and they have many, many hoods — some snakes five hoods, some seven, some ten, others a hundred and others a thousand. These hoods are bedecked with valuable gems, and the light emanating from the gems illuminates the entire planetary system of bila-svarga.

Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Fifth Canto, Twenty-fourth Chapter of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled "The Subterranean Heavenly Planets."