Friday, December 27, 2019

This is the real truth we should ALL try and understand! The fact is, this temporary material universe, that includes all material bodily vessels the individual jiva-souls are trapped in, are in a perpetually state of decay, decline and in need of constant maintenance. This is because each "material bodily vessel" is on a constant decomposing journey or march from birth, to youth, to middle age, and finally, to crippling old age, that leads to its ultimate demise and death due to the troublesome rotting material body being so decrepit, decayed and old, it ceases to function. "WAKE UP EVERYONE!! This material creation is NOT our real home! And we, the jiva soul trapped in these impermanent putrid repulsive material bodies, should NOT even be here in this material world of death!!" Our real permanent home is with Lord Vishnu (Whom is God in Vaikuntha that has unlimited names) or with our dear Lord Krishna in Goloka Vrindavana, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and cause of all causes. However, to His devotees, is only just an amazing young beautiful strong boy who is everyone's best friend there, and never seen as some fearful scary God! In fact, the inhabitants of Vrindavana do not care if He is the Supreme God or if He is not God. To them Krishna is just their wonderful friend, family member, associate and intimate lover.

Everything in this mundane material world will NEVER last because this world is in a constant state of change, decay and decline.

Everything here fades away over time because all material things, like our material bodily vessels or containers, are in a constant state of impermanence and inevitable decay.

This material world is always in a state of disrepair and in need of constant maintenance.

The real truth is - "It is NOT our real home! And we all should NOT even be here!!"

Yes, it was a mistake we foolishly chose to came to this temporary material creation in the first place!!

No matter how hard we try, we can NEVER find permanent satisfaction, happiness and loving relationships in this alien environment called the material creation.

Only a fool will try to find comfort in these temporary dysfunctional material bodily vessels that will eventually grow feeble, diseased and old, ending up being food for maggots, bacteria and earth worms.

Therefore, the REAL purpose of this rare human form of life, should be used to GET OUT OF THIS MATERIAL WORLD and not try and make ourselves comfortable in these decaying material bodily vessels!

Our only desire while trapped in this material creation within these material bodies, should be to "Go back home, Go back to Godhead" and attain the perpetual Spiritual Worlds of Vaikuntha and Goloka Vrindavana.

And also NOT foolishly desire to go to enter the higher heavenly planets that exist in this material universe which also never last.

We should spend our entire human form of life, learning we ARE the "individual jiva soul or jivatma" trapped within these external material bodily containers or compartments housing the soul.

And that we are NOT these material bodies.

In fact, the "jiva soul", while confined in the material creation on this Earth Globe, are covered by two external material bodily vessels while at least in the middle planetary system called Bhurloka  -

1 - The "subtle" material bodily vessel of mind, intelligence and false ego.

2 - The "gross" material bodily biological vessel.

In the higher planets and lower planets, the jiva-tattva has only a subtle material body (no gross biological body).

And also while there, they do NOT accumulate karma, they only exhaust the build up (like having a bank balance) of their pious and impious acts (karma) created by their actions and deeds while on this Earth globe in the Bhurloka planetary system.

All material endeavours attempting to achieve happiness will NOT solve the problems of birth, disease, old age and death all the material bodily container or vessel go through.

The purpose of this very rare human form of life is to get out of this material world and NOT try and build the kingdom of God without God.

Those who try, will only fail because nothing here lasts, everything in the material creation, including our material bodies we are so proud of, all will fade away into oblivion, and eventually be as if it never really existed in the first place.

Just like a dream becomes insignificant as soon as one awakens from sleep.

Srila Prabhupada - ''When the superior energy is in contact with inferior energy, it becomes an incompatible situation. But when the supreme marginal potency is in contact with the spiritual potency, Harā, it becomes the happy, normal condition of the living entity''. (From the "Happening record Album" New York City December 1966)

Friday, December 20, 2019

The fact is, the material creation is NOT the jiva soul's real home.

Understanding who we really are as Krishna's eternal thoughtful contributing servantI, and where we eternally belong.

This temporary material creation is constantly in a state of decay, disrepair and in need of constant maintenance.

The fact is, the material creation is NOT the jiva soul's real home.

All things will never last within this material world, everything here eventually fades away over time because all material things, like our material bodily vessels, are in a constant state of decay.

This material world is always in a state of decline, nothing here lasts, it is not the real home of all jiva-tattva souls.

The fact is, we shouldn't even be here!! It was a mistake that some of us chose to came here in the first place, leaving Vaikuntha or Goloka-Vrindavana!!

We can never find permanent satisfaction and happiness in this alien environment called the material creation.

Only a fool will try to find comfort in these temporary material bodily vessels that will eventually grow diseased and old and end up being food for earth worms.

Therefore, the goal of human life is to GET OUT OF THIS MATERIAL WORLD and not try and make our selves be comfortable here!

Our only desire should be to go back home back to Godhead and NOT desire to go to other heavenly planets in the material universe, or take a higher human birth in aristocrat or rich families.

We should be learning we are the individual jiva soul within these material bodily containers and that material endeavour's for happiness will not solve the problems of birth, disease, old age and death.

The purpose of this very rare human form of life is to get out of this material world and NOT try and build the kingdom of God without God.

Srila Prabhupada - ''When the superior energy is in contact with inferior energy, it becomes an incompatible situation. But when the supreme marginal potency is in contact with the spiritual potency, Harā, it becomes the happy, normal condition of the living entity''. (The "Happening Record Album" New York City December 1966)

Also the modern popular "New Age" hippy and ''Star Wars Movie'' idea there is “ONE” life force or consciousness” moving all the trillions of different bodily containers (our material bodies) through time and space has been around for a long time and therefore not new, they believe there is only ''ONE'' all-pervasive life force or consciousness that only becomes an individual while embodied in a material bodily vessel or container.

This idea is technically called impersonalism or Mayavadi philosophy and no, this idea of just "one consciousness or life force" moving through all material bodies and only called an individual when that "all pervasive life force" is contained in a bodily vessel, is not true.

John Lennon (From the Beatles which is the most popular musical group in all modern history) also had this belief that "one" consciousness is governing and moving the entire universe of bodily "material vessels" making the "life force" or "universal single consciousness" "appear" to show "individuality" while embodied in material bodily vessel.

Lennon mentioned this in his song “I am the Walrus” where he sings - “I am he, and he is me and we are all together” and made it popular among the younger generation of the 1960's.

His realization was there is only “one consciousness or life force” but confined temporarily in a bodily container (material body) “just like water from a river is confined in a bottle but when freed from that bottle merges back into the river and becomes "one" with the river.

And then there is the great scientists John Wheeler who suggested to Richard Feynman there is just "one electron" travelling back and forward through time and space, claiming "EVERYTHING " in the material universe is also just "one'' single electron moving back and forward through time and space.

In this way modern science speculates the material energy is ''an all one all pervasive energy'' made of atoms, and that ''life'' is just a combination of atoms (chemicals and matter) and that the belief in an individual soul, or even an all pervasive life living anti-material life force, or a God, is all silly primitive superstitious nonsense.

This is the real reason modern impersonalist science is dangerous.

John Wheeler calls his atheism the "One-electron universe"

The one-electron universe postulate, proposed by John Wheeler in a telephone call to Richard Feynman in the spring of 1940, hypothesises that all electrons and positrons are actually manifestations of a single entity moving backwards and forwards in time.

According to Feynman:

“I received a telephone call one day at the graduate college at Princeton from Professor Wheeler, in which he said, "Feynman, I know why all electrons have the same charge and the same mass" "Why?" "Because, they are all the same electron!”

Considering the notion that positrons were electrons that were travelling backwards in time, John Wheeler came up in 1940 with his one-electron universe postulate: that there was in fact only one electron, bouncing back and forth in time.

His graduate student, Richard Feynman who would eventually win the Noble prize for science in 1965, found this hard to believe at first, but the idea that positrons were electrons travelling backwards in time intrigued him and Feynman incorporated the notion of the reversibility of time into his Feynman diagrams

This new idea from material scientists like Professor Wheeler and adapted by Richard Feynman is also impersonalism or Mayavadi philosophy representing modern material atheistic science.

Most of us are only familiar with Impersonalist yogis, Mayavadi sadhus and Buddhist who foolishly believe that either the life force is an all pervasive consciousness of living anti-matter that moves all material bodies when contained in individual material bodily forms, or atheistic Buddhism that only believes in matter and do not believe in a life force.

Modern materialistic scientists also deny the changing of material bodies (reincarnation)

The impersonalists and Mayavadis believe merging into the oneness of ''Brahman or the light or void'' is the ultimate goal, like letting the air out of a bottle and watching it merge back into the “oneness of the surrounding air”.

The fact is the life force or universal consciousness is NOT all one.

So all of these people, Lennon, Wheeler, Feynman, impersonalist yogis and Buddhists are all wrong, the universe is NOT all one and we are NOT all one consciousness of spirit, life force or matter (atoms).

We are eternally individual persons called the jiva tattva.

The fabric of space-time is based on the individuality of all living entities. In other words no one can become you as an individual soul, you are unique, you are a person and will remain an individual unit eternally as Bhagavad gita as it is tells us.

Therefore we do not become God or merge into God at the time at the death of the material bodily vessel that we are all presently confined to.

The ancient Vedas tell us we are all individual units or spiritual beings called the jiva-tattva that is an individual person that IS a spiritual bodily form in one's full potential expressed as an eternal individual serving Vishnu in Vaikuntha or Krishna in Goloka-Vrindavana, the endless perpetual Kingdoms of God.

This temporary material creation is constantly in a state of decay therefore is not our real home as already emphasised.

Therefore we do not have a soul because we ARE that soul that is within and confined to our present material body or external vessel that we are contained in while trapped in the material creation.

Important point to understand.

To a devotee this “all one concept” is spiritual suicide because one is attempting to eradicate there individuality and identity and merge into the light or void.

A devotee of Krishna knows the purpose of life is to perfect their individuality by seeking out a pure devotee of the Lord and serving the servants of the servants of such pure devotees who already know Krishna.

So be careful out there because there are many cheaters, false profits and gurus who do not even realize a genuine messenger of God even if they are standing there right in front of them.

Devotees always preach “personalism” where one believes the life force is always an individual bodily form known as the jiva-tattva.

The mayavadis on the other hand (“impersonalists”) deny the existence of a personal God and believe instead we are all one and will eventually merge back into the “one consciousness” we originated from that is eternally experiencing itself by possessing trillions of different material bodily vessels or containers.

This is like the air or water is taken out of the "oneness" of the atmosphere or from the "oneness" of the ocean.

This idea of "oneness" (impersonalism) is rejected by Vaishnavas (devotees of Krishna).

Ancient Vedic texts like Srimad Bhagavad gita as it is, Sri Caitanya Caritamrita and Srimad Bhagavatam all confirm we are "individual souls" known as the “individual jivatma, jiva or soul” that is given a "subtle" material bodily covering first when entering the material creation, then manifests a further "gross" material covering or biological bodily form (vessel) while in this material world.

This correct understanding of “consciousness or the life force” is called personalism because we are all ultimately “individual” persons eternally.

John Lennon had the “impersonal realization” that “he” was everything (it's all one) but is rejected by intelligent scholars, seekers of absolute knowledge and devotees of Krishna (God) and later by John himself.

Where as devotees or Vaishnava’s of the “Personal” school of thought worship Krishna the Supreme Personality of God and cause of all causes and never deny Krishna or God is ultimately an individual Person and all living entities are also individual beings with personality and spiritual form eternally (vigraha).

Below shown in painting is the perpetual atmosphere of our real home beyond this temporary material creation where we are eternally Krishna conscious in endless pastimes pleasing the Lord yet have no idea our wonderful friend Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the cause of all causes from who all other Vishnu expansions originate from.

Your aspiring servant Gauragopala dasa ACBSP

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The material creation is a multi-verse that has billions of individual smaller universes that each exist deep within a larger universe that surrounds and encases the smaller universe. These massive outer larger universes are called a Brahmanda shell that all originate from the Body of Maha Vishnu

All the large almost spherical or egg shaped universes called Brahmandas, seen in first painting, all originate from the Bodily pores and breathing of Kāraṇodakaśāyī Vishnu, who is called Maha Vishnu.

In Gaudīya Vaishnavism three different forms of Vishnu are described that manifest in the material creation.

1 - Mahā Vishnu also known as Kāraṇodakaśāyī Vishnu.

2 - Garbhodakaśāyī Vishnu (Hiraņyagarbha).

3 - Ksirodakaśāyī Vishnu (Paramātmā).

Each Vishnu Form has a different role in the maintenance of the material universe and the jiva souls who have chosen to come to the temporary worlds.

Therefore for material creation, Lord Krishna's plenary expansion assumes these three Vishnus.

1 - The first, Mahā Viṣhṇu, creates the total material energy, known as the mahat-tattva, exhibited with billions of different massive universes called Brahmandas.

2 - The second, Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣhṇu, enters into each of those massive universal Brahmandas and creates, with the help of Lord Brahma who manifests on a lotus flower that grows from Garbhodakashayi Vishnu's navel, a secondary smaller universe that is deep inside each Brahmanda where each Brahma also builds many planetary systems, with 14 in ours.

All are different in size based on how many heads Brahma has, our Brahma has 4 heads, whereas other Brahma's in other material universes that exist deep within their Brahmanda, may have 10, 20, 100, 1000 or even a million heads.

3 - The third, Kṣīrodakaśāyī Vishnu, also called Paramātmā, is the all-pervading super soul, yet importantly simultaneously seen also as an "individual Person" who accompanies each "individual jiva" soul within their material bodies vessel's heart in all material bodily forms that are inside those smaller universes deep inside each Brahmanda.

Kṣīrodakaśāyī Vishnu, also called Paramātmā, is present even within the atoms.

The real objective of meditation is realizing that Paramātmā (Krishna in the form of Vishnu-tattva) is always with each jiva tattva. 

It must be understood that NEVER does the jiva-tattva become "one" with Paramātmā (Vishnu-tattva)

Such a belief that there is "one all pervading life force or consciousness" that only becomes an individual while housed or contained in a material bodily vessel, is called impersonalism or Mayavadi philosophy.

Anyone who realizes this understanding can be liberated from material entanglement.

Garbhodhakaśāyī Viṣhṇu is an expansion of Mahā Viṣhṇu who is an expansion of Saṃkarṣaṇa of second caturvyūha, whom expands from Nārāyaṇa in Vaikuṇṭhaloka.

Garbhodhakaśāyī Vishnu is realized as the form of Pradyumna within each of the  billions of inner material universes deep with each Brahmanda outer universal shell.

Garbhodhakaśāyī Vishnu is the father of Brahmā who appeared from His navel.

Garbhodakashayi Vishnu is in each of the billions of smaller universes  that are deep within their surrounding Brahmanda shells, and is also called Hiraņyagarbha.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Siva is Lord Krsna's greatest devotee.

Siva is Lord Krsna's greatest devotee.

Devotees of Lord Krsna honor Lord Siva for his celebrated qualities and his exalted status in the hierarchy of beings.

Srimad Bhagavatam is an amazing collection of the glories and activities of Sri Krsna and His devotees, the Vaisnavas.

In Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavat Purana) Canto 12 Chapter 13 text 16, declares Lord Siva to be the greatest of all Vaisnavas-  

vaishnavanam yatha shambhuh. 

Lord Siva’s special position, his post, his personality, and his activities are fascinating to know, yet also mysterious and hard to understand. 

The following is from the Srimad Bhagavatam explaining the various attributes and activities of Lord Siva.

Siva 84.375% of Krsna's qualities which means he has 55 of Krsna's 64 qualities.

Srila Prabhupada - "Therefore, Siva is NOT the Supreme Personality of Godhead like Krsna is. His position is somewhere between Visnu (Visnu-tattva), also the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Lord Brahma, a perfected jiva-soul (jiva-tattva) 

Lord Siva is different from the jiva-souls who have only 78.125% of Krsna's qualities, which is having 50 of Krsna's 64 attributes.  

Lord Siva is explained in Brahma-samhita (5.45) in this way-

"kshiram yatha dadhi vikara-vishesha-yogat
sanjayate na hi tatah prithag asti hetoh
yah shambhutam api tatha samupaiti karyad
govindam adi-purusham tam aham bhajami"

Lord Siva is considered to be like yogurt (dadhi). Yogurt is nothing but transformed milk; nonetheless, yogurt cannot be accepted as milk. 

Similarly, Lord Siva holds almost all the powers of Lord Visnu, and he is also above the qualities of the jiva-souls, but he is not exactly like Visnu, just as yogurt, although transformed milk, is not exactly like milk." (SB Canto 4 Ch 30 text 24, Purport)

Learned scholars in transcendental subjects have carefully analyzed the summum bonum Krsna to have sixty-four principal attributes. 

All the expansions or categories of the Lord possess three different percentages of these attributes. 

Visnu-tattva (93.75%)
Siva-tattva (84.375 %)
Jiva-tattva or jiva-souls (78.125%)

But Sri Krsna is the possessor of the attributes cent percent. And His personal expansions possess only up to ninety-three percent of these transcendental attributes. Lord Siva possesses eighty-four percent of the attributes.” (SB Canto 1 Ch 3 text 28, Purport)

Lord Siva is considered the father of this universe, and material nature, or goddess Durga, is considered the mother. 

Siva is neither the Supreme Lord nor a jiva-tattva (the independent jiva-soul), the category to which we belong. 

Siva is the personal form through which the Supreme Lord works to inject the living entities (jiva-souls) into this material world.

Lord Siva is in charge of the tamo-guna, the mode of ignorance, and is thus in the category of incarnations known as gunavataras. 

Suta Goswami says - "The transcendental Supreme Personality of Godhead is indirectly associated with the three modes of material nature namely-

1 - passion, 
2 - goodness, 
3 - ignorance.

All 3 are part of the material world's 


He accepts the three qualitative forms of Brahma, Visnu, and Siva." (SB Canto 1 Ch 2 Text 23) 

As the god of annihilation, Siva is responsible for destroying the universes during the partial and complete devastations, which occur respectively at the end of each day (only between sunset and sunrise night time hours where no Maha-yugas are created) of Brahma and at the end of his life.

Srila Prabhupada - "The dissolution of the three worlds is effected by the incarnation of darkness, Rudra [Siva], represented by the fire of eternal time which blazes over the three worlds." (SB Canto 3 Ch 11 text 28, Purport) 

Shukadeva Goswami - "Thereafter, at the end of the millennium, the Lord Himself in the form of Rudra, the destroyer, will annihilate the complete creation as the wind displaces the clouds." (SB Canto 2 Ch 10 text 43)

Siva’s personality of Ashutosha is pleased very quickly.

From being simple-hearted to being tricky, from being easily pleased to blazing with anger, Lord Siva displays many facets of personality, all in the service of his dear Lord Sri Krsna. He exhibits dependence on Krsna and His devotees as well, as surrender and service to them.

One of the prominent attributes of Lord Siva is being quickly pleased with anyone. 

Amongst all the demigods, Lord Siva can be pacified even by the lowest class of men, who need only offer him obeisances and leaves of a bael tree. 

Thus his name is Ashutosha, which means that he is pleased very quickly. 

Being Ashutosha, Siva is approached by various types of beings – demigods, demons, pious and impious human beings, devotees of Krsna, and so on. 

However, as Lord Siva knows the intentions of everyone, he tricks the demons, satisfies the materialists, blesses the simple-hearted with devotional service to the Supreme Lord, offers heartfelt benedictions to devotees, and associates with advanced devotees. 

In this way Lord Siva blesses different people according to their position and at the same time exhibits his devotion unto the Lotus feet of the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna.

Siva’s mercy on the Vaisnavas.

Although Lord Siva bestows benedictions upon devotees and demons alike, there is a gulf of difference in the way he blesses them. He is always pleased with the pure devotees of Lord Krsna, as he himself says-

yah param ramhasah sakshat
tri-gunaj jiva-samjnitat
bhagavantam vasudevam
prapannah sa priyo hi me

"Any person who is surrendered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, the controller of everything – material nature as well as the living entity – is actually very dear to me." (SB Canto 4 Ch 24 text 28)

How much he is pleased with Krsna’s devotees can be seen in how he sometimes appears before them even uninvited. 

For example, the Pracetas were the ten sons of Pracinabarhi, a king in the dynasty of Dhruva Maharaja. Before taking charge of the kingdom, they went to perform devotional austerities to please Lord Krsna. 

Knowing this, Lord Siva came before them to bestow his mercy upon them by guiding them in devotional service. Thus He taught them the Rudra-gita. (SB Canto 4, Ch 24)

Similarly, Lord Siva came to Markandeya Rishi, a great devotee of the Supreme Lord, glorified his devotional attributes, and gave him benedictions of knowledge, renunciation, realization of Krsna, and the post of spiritual master of the Puranas. (SB Canto 12, Ch 10)

Siva’s mercy on the demons and ghosts.

Although Lord Siva is easily pleased and his mercy is easily available to Krsna’s devotees, demons and others have to undergo at least some endeavor to please him. He uses these demons to show his dependence upon his worshipable Lord Krsna. 

He also tricks them by offering them benedictions that seem to favor them but ultimately lead to their destruction. 


All the above were among the various materialistic and demoniac people eventually destroyed even though they had summoned Lord Siva by their austerities and received benedictions from him. 

Siva appears before demons in an official capacity, as required by his post.

One example is the demon Vrikasura, who worshiped Lord Siva by offering pieces of his own flesh as oblations into fire. 

When Siva did not appear before him, Vrika prepared to cut off his own head. Then the supremely merciful Lord Siva rose up out of the sacrificial fire and stopped him, offering him whatever boon he chose.

Vrika said, “May death come to whomever I touch upon the head with my hand.”

Upon hearing this, Lord Siva seemed somewhat disturbed. Nonetheless, he was obliged to reciprocate and vibrated om to signify his assent, granting Vrika the benediction with an ironic smile, as if giving milk to a poisonous snake.

Wicked Vrika tried to test the benediction by putting his hand on Siva’s head. 

Terrified, Siva fled and finally reached Lord Visnu in Shvetadvipa. Visnu disguised Himself as a young student, went before Vrikasura, and bewildered him to put his hand on his own head, thus causing his destruction. (SB Canto Ten, Ch 84)

Thus the benedictions Lord Siva gives to the demons generally end up glorifying Visnu as the ultimate protector. Siva thus takes pleasure in praising his beloved Lord.

Siva is also easily angered.

Another aspect of Lord Siva’s personality is his anger. He exhibits anger as part of his position as the destroyer of the universe. 

His anger, however, is born out of his compassion as well as his intolerance in seeing conditioned souls wasting time by not taking to devotional service.

In an episode related in the Fourth Canto, Lord Siva once exhibited anger toward Daksha, a leading progenitor in the universe. 

Although Daksha insulted Siva at a great sacrifice, Siva's anger was aroused not because Daksha insulted him but because Daksha later caused the death of Sati, his own daughter and Siva's dear devoted wife. 

When Siva heard from Narada Muni that Sati was now dead because of Daksha’s insulting her, Siva became greatly angry and created Virabhadra from his hair and ordered him to kill Daksha. (SB Canto 4, Ch 5)

As a dutiful father and spiritual master of all beings, Lord Siva uses anger to rectify people. 

In the context of the Daksha episode, he told Lord Brahma that he doesn’t take the offenses of the demigods seriously, but punishes them only to reform them as a teacher. (SB Canto 4 Ch 7 text 2) 

In this way Lord Siva uses his anger in the service of the Lord to rectify the living beings and never for his own ends.

Siva’s Benevolence (well meaning and kindness)

When the demigods and the demons churned the ocean of milk (Canto Eight), deadly poison came out in the beginning. Being helpless, they all took shelter of Lord Siva, offering him fervent prayers. 

Always benevolent toward all living entities, Lord Siva said to his consort Sati-

It is my duty to give protection and safety to all living entities struggling for existence. Certainly it is the duty of the master to protect his suffering dependents.

People in general, being bewildered by the illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are always engaged in animosity toward one another. 

But devotees, even at the risk of their own temporary lives, try to save them. My dear gentle wife Bhavani, when one performs benevolent activities for others, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, is very pleased. 

And when the Lord is pleased, I am also pleased, along with all other living creatures. Therefore, let me drink this poison, for all the living entities may thus become happy because of me. (SB Canto 8 Ch 7 text 38–40)

Shukadeva Goswami relates, "Bhavani, who knew perfectly well Lord Siva’s mood and capabilities, gave him her permission." (SB Canto 8 Ch 7 text 41) 

Auspicious Siva drank the poison for the benefit of everyone. The poison created a blue line on his neck that it is now accepted as an ornament of Lord Siva.

Shukadeva Goswami comments -

tapyante loka-tapena
sadhavah prayasho jana
paramaradhanam tad dhi

"Great personalities almost always accept voluntary suffering because of the suffering of people in general. 

This is considered the highest method of worshiping the Supreme Lord, who is present in everyone's heart." (SB Canto 8 Ch 7 text 44)

Thus Lord Shiva’s attributes of mercy, anger, and benevolence and his various activities display his great character and devotion to the Supreme Lord Visnu. 

In his great devotional ecstasy, he even holds on his head the water that emanates from the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord (the Ganges). 

Lord Siva is the epitome of devotion to Visnu, and thus is the topmost Vaisnava.

Lord Caitanya and Lord Krsna (as His original Form), both come just "once" in a day of Lord Brahma (once every 8 billion 640 million human years) to this Earth planet.

Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Krsna's appearance in this world is very, very rare.

Many take it for granted without realizing how rare Lord Caitanya and Lord Krsna's appearance actually is.

As they both come just "once" in a day and night of Brahmā (once every 8 billion 640 million human years) during Brahma's day light hours.

That is once out of every 1000 maha-yugas which all occur only in the 12 hour day-time period of Brahma's 24 hour day (sunrise to sunset)

The 24 hour day of Brahma is divided into day and night, only during the day do the one thousand maha-yugas exist.

At night while Brahma sleeps there are no maha-yugas but rather a partial annihilation of the material universe takes place.

Therefore 4,320,000,000 human years (4 billion 320 million years) equals the 12 hour daytime period of Brahma when all the 1000 maha-yugas appear.

Then another 4,320,000,000 (4 billion 320 million years) human years of Brahma's night occurs when a partial annihilation of this material universe takes place.

So a full 24 hour day of Brahma equals 8,640,000,000 human years (8 billion 640 million human years)

There are 4 yugas to a maha yuga-

1 - Satya-yuga
2 - Treta-yuga
3 - Dvapara-yuga
4 - Kali-yuga

Lord Krsna as His original Form appears at the end of just "one" Dvapara-yuga out of every 1000.

And Lord Caitanya appears near the beginning of "one" Kali-yuga with His Sankirtan Movement also out of every 1000 Kali-yugas just after Krsna's appearance.  

So both Lord Krsna and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu appear just "once" during Brahma's 24 hour day-night period.

So a day-time period from sun-rise to sun-set is made up of 1000 maha-yugas and is called a kalpa. 

And a night-time period from sun-set to sun-rise, where no maha-yugas exist, and a partial annihilation of the material universe occurs while Brahma sleeps, is also called a kalpa.

So there are two kalpas in a 24 hour day/night of Brahma which together equals 8 billion 640 million human years.

So Lord Caitanya and Lord Krsna's appearances are very, very rare.

Srila Prabhupada – "Lord Kṛṣṇa and Lord Caitanya appear once in each day of Brahmā." (Caitanya  Caritamrita Adi 3.10 Text 10 Purport)

Srila Prabhupada –"At the end of the Dvāpara-yuga of the twenty-eighth divya-yuga (Maha-yuga), Lord Kṛṣṇa appears on earth with the full paraphernalia of His eternal Vraja-dhāma." (Caitanya Caritamrita Adi 3.10 Text 10)

Srila Prabhupada – "Now is the term of Vaivasvata Manu, during which Lord Caitanya appears. First Lord Kṛṣṇa appears at the close of the Dvāpara-yuga of the twenty-eighth divya-yuga (maha-yuga), and then Lord Caitanya appears in the Kali-yuga of the same divya-yuga. 

Lord Kṛṣṇa and Lord Caitanya appear "once" in each day of Brahmā, or once in fourteen manv-antaras, each of seventy-one divya-yugas (maha-yugas) in duration.

From the beginning of Brahmā’s day of 4,320,000,000 years, six Manus appear and disappear before Lord Kṛṣṇa appears. 

Thus 1,975,320,000 years of the day of Brahmā elapse before the appearance of Lord Kṛṣṇa. This is an astronomical calculation according to solar years." (Caitanya Caritamrita Adi 3.10 Text 10)

Srila Prabhupāda - "Oh. Anyway, I give you the right figure, four million, according to American or English calculation, (laughter) 4,300,000 years and multiply it by one thousand. Then what it comes according to English calculation?"

Paramahaṁsa - "4,300,000?"

Srila Prabhupāda - "That is twelve hours. And add again twelve hours, night. Then eight billion...? So Kṛṣṇa comes after this period. In one day, after one day of Brahma, He appears."

Devotee - "Śrīla Prabhupāda, does Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu also appear every day of Brahma?"

Srila Prabhupāda - "Yes, following Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa comes in the Dvāpara-yuga. There are four periods of each yuga: Satva, Tretā, Dvāpara, Kali. So Kṛṣṇa comes at the end of Dvāpara-yuga, and Caitanya Mahāprabhu comes in the Kali-yuga." (Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 6 Chapter 1 Text 3 - Melbourne, May 22, 1975)

A maha-yuga is also called a catur-yuga and divya-yuga which are- 


So as explained, there are no maha-yugas in Brahma's 12 hour "night-time" period (that also takes 4 billion 320 million human years) while Brahma sleeps and a partial annihilation takes place.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Gauragopala Dasa ACBSP playing Mridangam drum next to His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada July 1974.

Gauragopala Dasa ACBSP playing Mridangum drum next to His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada July 1974 at Rathayatra festival in Melbourne Australia.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Some believe once they reach Vaikuntha or Goloka Vrindavana, they will never again fall down but is that true for the jiva tattva soul?

Some believe once they reach Vaikuntha or Goloka Vrindavana, they will never again fall down.

Yes this is generally true for most because they accept Krishna's promises that they will never again fall down to the material world.

But are devotees correctly understanding what Krishna and sastra really means here?

Yes, Krishna will ALWAYS keep His promise.

But what about "free will and the God given ability for the jiva to also choose?"

Does that exist in the Spiritual World too? Can a soul make their own independent choice too?

Or does this mean a soul has no choice once they reach Vaikuntha or Goloka Vrindavana?

To say one can never fall down is ONLY true as long as the jivatma "chooses" NOT to fall down!

This is Prabhupada's point.

Prabhupada tells us you CANNOT force love on others, you cannot say, once in Vaikuntha, you will never again come to the material world to attempt to enjoy separately from Vishnu or Krishna.

Frankly Krishna cannot "choose" for the jiva, the jiva MUST make that choice for themselves as the individual independent jivatma they are eternally.

If we have no ability to choose or exhibit free will, then there can be no individual expression of love.

This is because for one to express REAL love and service, it MUST depends on having "free will, the ability to choose and an independent "sense of self"

Because of this reasoning, I fully reject the teachings of many other sangas on this subject due to their misuderstanding of sastra, who wrongly believe when one enters the Kingdom of God (Vaikuntha and Goloka Vrindavana), they renounce their individuality.

Actually their nonsense belief is impersonalism because they deny we are eternal persons in both the Spiritual World and material creation.

They have no deep understanding of Spiritual life because they cannot understand "the choice" to stay or leave Vaikuntha or Goloka Vrindavan is also with the jivas and NOT just Krishna alone, it is reciprocal.

Real love or service is based on reciprocation, it is a two way relationship never a one way slave mentality relationship.

Who would want a nonsense God like that? More like a demons paradise.

If one is forced to stay in someone's association then that is not love, it is force, it is rape.

This is why Prabhupada has said less than 10% of jivas do choose to leave Vishnu or Krishna's association because the Lord does NOT rule with force, He always allows choices which means there can be genuine love.

Srila Prabhupada explains here -

In Srimad Bhagavatam the fall of the jiva from Vaikuntha is explained clearly.

This is found in the "4th Canto Chapter 28 Text 53 of Srimad Bhagavatam" where the Supreme Lord is disguised as a brahmana -

''The brāhmaṇa continued: My dear friend, even though you cannot immediately recognize Me, can't you remember that in the past you had a very intimate friend? Unfortunately, you gave up My company and accepted a position as enjoyer of this material world''.

Srila Prabhupada- "When the living entities desire to enjoy themselves [become Krishna Himself or imitate Krishna], they develop a consciousness of duality and come to hate the service of the Lord. In this way the living entities fall into the material world."

Stila Prabhupada - "By misusing his independence, the living entity falls down from the service of the Lord and takes a position in this material world as an enjoyer — that is to say, the living entity takes his position within a material body." SB 4.28.53 purport:

Srila Prabhupada clearly says we do not come from any inactive impersonal so called origin, we fall to there originally from Vaikuntha generally after entering the material World.

And after millions of births they seek freedom, and because the impersonalist yogi or Jnani does not know Krishna, they find impersonal liberation and temporarily enter or fall further to the impersonal Brahmajyoti or impersonal Brahman merging their individual being into the effulgence light of Krishna's Body.

Because the soul is there in the impersonal Brahmajyoti for so, so, so long, some think it is the souls origin but it is not.

Letter to: Revatinandana — Los Angeles 13 June, 1970

Srila Prabhupada - 'The next question, about the living entities falling down in this material world are not from the impersonal brahman.

Existence in the impersonal brahman is also within the category of non-Krsna consciousness. Those who are in the brahman effulgence they are also in the fallen condition, so there is no question of falling down from a fallen condition.

When fall takes place, it means falling down from the non-fallen condition. The non-fallen condition is Krsna consciousness.

So long one can maintain pure Krsna consciousness he is not fallen down. As soon as he becomes out of Krsna consciousness immediately he is fallen down’’.

Srila Prabhupada - “We have also come down from Vaikuntha some millions and millions of years ago.” - (Lecture on Bhagavad-gita on August 6, 1973)

Srila Prabhupada - ‘’These spirit souls and all spirit souls are coming from Vaikuntha”. Letter to Jagadisa das, 1970

Srila Prabhupada - “As living spiritual souls we are all originally Krsna conscious entities, but due to our association with matter from time immemorial, our consciousness has now become polluted by the material atmosphere.” The Hare Krsna Happening record album New York 1966.

Srila Prabhupada - ” So, even in the Vaikuntha, if I desire that ‘Why shall I serve Krishna? Why not become Krishna?’ I immediately fall down.” July 8, 1976 in Washington, D.C.

Srila Prabhupada - ''The actual constitutional position of every living entity is nitya-siddha, because God is eternal and His part and parcels, the living entities, they are also eternal. So that is nitya-siddha. Nitya-siddha, sädhana-siddha, krpa-siddha-there are different grades. They are all described in The Nectar of Devotion. So one can become sadhana-siddha". New York lecture on Caitanya-caritamrta, July 13, 1976.

Srila Prabhupada - ''By following the rules and regulations and instructions of the spiritual master, he can also become siddha. He can become AGAIN nitya-siddha. So the Krsna consciousness movement is to make the "nitya-baddhas AGAIN nitya-siddha", to bring them. It is a difficult task'' - New York Caitanya-caritamrta, July 13, 1976.

Some say nothing is guaranteed in the Spiritual World at the end of the day.

Well, it is if YOU make the right choices.

The fact is, over 90% of souls have NEVER seen the material world or even know it exists.

Why is that?

Because THEY "chose to always" serve Krishna.

The fact is, only less than 10% mentioned by Prabhupada in the lecture above, "choose" to fall down and enter the material world.

Over 90% choose to NEVER leave Krishna.

So what does surrender and loving service to Krishna really mean?

Loving service in Vaikuntha and Goloka Vrindavan is NEVER a one sided impersonal "master and slave" relationship.

No, loving service experienced by being Krishna's eternal servant, is ALWAYS a two way street, and ALWAYS an exchange of loving reciprocal emotions and actions, only then does love become real and personal.

Surrender to Krishna therefore, NEVER extinguishes one's personal "sense of self" that is eternally an independent thinking person with free will and individual identity, yet simultaneously ALWAYS fully dependent, "under these conditions of reciprocation", on Krishna too