In the Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavat Purana) Bhu-gola simply means almost spherical, round or globe.
The earth planet we live on is a "round global sphere" existing in the ocean of outer space and is 7,917.5 miles in diameter, it is not flat as the misinformed foolishly believe Srila Prabhupada tells us.
Srila Prabhupada - "On the ground our earth looks flat but when you go up you will see our Earth planet is a ball, a global sphere." (Lecture New York 1966)
Also the Sanskrit word "Dvīpa" does NOT only mean Island, the word has two meanings-
1 - Islands or continents.
2 - Round planetary globes or spheres situated in the ocean of outer space.
Srila Prabhupada - "The planets are called dvīpas. Outer space is like an ocean of air. Just as there are islands in the watery ocean, these planets in the ocean of space are called dvīpas, or islands in outer space." (Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya 20.218, Purport)
Furthermore, the word "Bhu-gola" is not only a description of our Earth globe, but also describes the shape of the massive outer Brahmanda universe, that surrounds and incases our smaller inner universe, with its 14 planetary systems in it, that exists deep inside the surrounding outer Brahmanda universe.
The earth planet we live on is a "round global sphere" existing in the ocean of outer space and is 7,917.5 miles in diameter, it is not flat as the misinformed foolishly believe Srila Prabhupada tells us.
Srila Prabhupada - "On the ground our earth looks flat but when you go up you will see our Earth planet is a ball, a global sphere." (Lecture New York 1966)
Also the Sanskrit word "Dvīpa" does NOT only mean Island, the word has two meanings-
1 - Islands or continents.
2 - Round planetary globes or spheres situated in the ocean of outer space.
Srila Prabhupada - "The planets are called dvīpas. Outer space is like an ocean of air. Just as there are islands in the watery ocean, these planets in the ocean of space are called dvīpas, or islands in outer space." (Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya 20.218, Purport)
Furthermore, the word "Bhu-gola" is not only a description of our Earth globe, but also describes the shape of the massive outer Brahmanda universe, that surrounds and incases our smaller inner universe, with its 14 planetary systems in it, that exists deep inside the surrounding outer Brahmanda universe.
There are billions of these greater Brahmanda universes that all originate from the breathing and pores of the sleeping Maha-Vishnu as seen in painting below.
Deep within each Brahmanda, also known as a celestial egg (Bhu-gola) as seen in painting below, there is an inner smaller secondary universe.
The sizes of both the outer Brahmandas and there inner secondary universe vary in size based on how many heads the Brahma in each universe has.
Our universe inside our Brahmanda is considered small because Brahma has only 4 heads.
In other universes within other Brahmandas, their Brahma may have hundreds of heads, even thousands or even a million, yes, it is almost inconceivable to understand.
Our small universe deep inside our surrounding Brahmanda, is described as being 500 billion yojanas (4 billion miles) in diameter.
And is often called Bhu-gola because it is also a round spherical universe inside the greater spherical Brahmanda.
Bhu-gola simply means almost spherical or a globe. So there are three earth (Bhu-gola) descriptions.
1 - The Brahmanda universe originating from Maha-Visnu.
2 - The secondary universe (sometimes called both Bhu-Mandala and Bhu-gola ) inside the Brahmanda.
3 - The small Earth globe inside one of the 14 planetary systems within the secondary universe.
3 - The small Earth globe inside one of the 14 planetary systems within the secondary universe.
The greater Earth (our universe) is also called Bhu-gola, but not to be confused with the small Earth globe we live on.
Therefore, we find inside our Brahmanda universe a secondary universe also called Bhu-gola with its 14 Planetary Systems, and also known as the "Bhu-Mandala" universe of Lord Brahma.
Therefore, we find inside our Brahmanda universe a secondary universe also called Bhu-gola with its 14 Planetary Systems, and also known as the "Bhu-Mandala" universe of Lord Brahma.
Bhu-gola also refers to our small earth global sphere we live on within our middle planetary system called Bhuloka as well.
Bhu-gola describes the Earth globe as a round spherical planet, which is just a spec in one of the 14 planetary systems within our small universe also often called the Bhu-Mandala universe situated deep within the surrounding Brahmanda outer shell.
Bhu-gola describes the Earth globe as a round spherical planet, which is just a spec in one of the 14 planetary systems within our small universe also often called the Bhu-Mandala universe situated deep within the surrounding Brahmanda outer shell.
Bhu-Mandala is described in the 5th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam as our inner material universe that is said to be 4 billion miles in diameter, and is found deep inside our surrounding Brahmanda.
In this way our small Bhu-Mandala universe with its 14 planetary systems, is also described as "Bhu-gola."
In this way our small Bhu-Mandala universe with its 14 planetary systems, is also described as "Bhu-gola."
Bhu-Mandala is surrounded by the greater "Bhu-gola," the Brahmanda universe that encases ans surrounds our 4 billion mile diameter universe (Bhu-mandala) or Bhu-gola (spherical) universe.
Therefore we can see that Bhu-gola means-
Our Brahmanda universe originates from the pores and breathing of Maha-Visnu. The inner secondary material universe inside that Brahmanda.
As said above, our "Earth planet" is within one of the 14 planetary systems that all exist within the inner secondary universe.
All the above are spherical in shape.
As explained, the size of our inner material universe deep inside our surrounding Brahmanda universe, is 500 billion yojanas in diameter (4 billion miles).
One yogana equals 8 miles.
500 million yojanas equals 4 billion miles.
So our Earth global sphere (7,917.5 miles in diameter) we live on is said to be 4 billions miles in diameter as some foolishly claim.
As explained, the size of our inner material universe deep inside our surrounding Brahmanda universe, is 500 billion yojanas in diameter (4 billion miles).
One yogana equals 8 miles.
500 million yojanas equals 4 billion miles.
So our Earth global sphere (7,917.5 miles in diameter) we live on is said to be 4 billions miles in diameter as some foolishly claim.
Therefore our Earth planet cannot be Bhu-mandala according to the figures in the 5th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam!
There it says Bhu-Mandala is 4 billions miles in diameter (500 million yojanas) and is far too large of a description to be our Earth Planet.
Now the diameter of our outer greater Brahmanda universe (celestial sphere or shell) is a massive 44 quadrillion 444 trillion 444 billion miles in diameter.
Now the diameter of our outer greater Brahmanda universe (celestial sphere or shell) is a massive 44 quadrillion 444 trillion 444 billion miles in diameter.
And that diameter can be just from the outer edge of our inner 4 billion mile diameter material universe.
This means the full size of our Brahmanda greater universe could be double that size according to some Vedic scholars.