Saturday, November 16, 2013

Trying to better understand the mental illness of some devotees and congregational members in ISKCON

November 5, 2013 at 2:36am
Mental illness is not understood very well in ISKCON, often devotee’s broadcast a 40 year old quote from Prabhupada that condemns psychiatrists and mental health professionals however, understanding mental illness has come a long way in the last 40 years and the following comment should not be applied today.
Srila Prabhupada - Psychiatrists are humbug, all humbug. They cannot help. Best thing is to be engaged in continuously chanting and hearing Sankirtana, that will cure anyone of mental disease. (Prabhupada. “Letter to Upendra”. February 19, 1972) –
Today I believe those comments by Srila Prabhupada do not apply and are certainly NOT relevant to today’s time, place and circumstance because in most cases the medicine given by modern psychiatrist does help one perform their devotional service and to call them all humbug in today’s world is not correct and does not apply. Over the last 40 years the world has changed and some of the things Srila Prabhupada said back then about psychiatry cannot be applied to today’s psychiatry, for example, psychiatry back in Srila Prabhupada’s day was influence strongly by Freudian ideas who Srila Prabhupada criticized.
Śrīla Prabhupāda says, “By speculating on some shock that may or may not have occurred in childhood, one will never discover the root disease…. He [Freud] did not know the basic principle of spiritual understanding, which is that we are not this body…. We are different from this body, and we are transmigrating from one body to anothe
Today many psychiatrists also reject the outdated Freudian ideas, His method of cure was to have the patient try to recall the painful events of their childhood or some trauma in their lives and analyse them, and this is the psychiatry Srila Prabhupada referred to and called nonsense. Today’s psychiatric therapy is more in favour of chemical medicines like anti depressants and anti psychotics that acts on the brain substance that is damaged due to trauma.  
There are many researchers who believe that an imbalance in serotonin levels may influence mood in a way that leads to depression. Back in the 1970s this treatment was in its infancy. Srila Prabhupada never commented on that form of psychiatry that is so prominent in today’s 21st Century, so to blanket all psychiatrist with the saying ’they cannot help’ or they are ‘all humbug’ found in Srila Prabhupada’s letter, is just simply NOT true today.
Srila Prabhupada’s main point in all his preaching is we finish up our selfish business in this material world and return back home back to Godhead. To help us in our devotional service sometimes we have to accept the help of the medical industry, some devotees have had heart bypass surgery by what some fanatical devotees call ‘the meat eating karmi demons’.
I remember some years ago a devotee was also offered psychiatric help but was put off by immature Temple authorities saying that no meat eating nonsense karmi demon can ever help a devotee, only Krishna can help you, He is the ONLY real doctor!. Sadly this dogma is prevalent in many ISKCON Temples who are always calling Hospitals, doctors and psychiatrists demons causing devotees and congregational members to avoid the help of modern medicine and suffer because of such extremism.
Such immature fanatical nonsense fundamentalism will only keep ISKCON devotees and sincere congregational members, who need medical help, just suffer in the ignorance of mental illness under the advice of immature ISKCON authorities. The fact is, don’t listen to these people’s opinions on mental illness, always have faith that Krishna helps those who seek out the medical help they need to help themselves overcome mental illness. All doctors and psychiatrists are not demons there are many good ones who can help you
The fact is our medical profession HAS come a long way since Srila Prabhupada was here and in some cases, you CANNOT apply his teachings to all time, place and circumstance. All psychiatrists are NOT humbug in today’s world, they also, like doctors, can help devotees, some doctors and psychiatrists are even devotees! Pusta Krishna dasa has been a doctor for over 30 years
 Mental illness is misunderstood in ISKCON because of fanatical views in these early pioneering years.
The letter by Srila Prabhupada was sent 4I years ago in relation to the Temple Presidents wife in Melbourne Australia when she had a mental breakdown. When devotees went to get her out of the mental asylum, they sat her in front of the Altar and got her to chant Hare Krishna as Srila Prabhupada requested. Unfortunately, due to unknown reasons, she was gone within a few hours never to be seen again, frankly for that time, place and circumstance it was the best thing to do and Srila Prabhupada’s letter back then was applicable however, that same situation may have been handled differently today because there are many medications available now that was not available back then that could of helped settle her mind so she could do some service if that is what she really wanted. Therefore, you CANNOT apply that letter to all time, place and circumstance.
Another time the devotee Sangana dasa was also put in a mental institution and to quiet his mind and was given an anti psychotic, this gave him stability, he was stable enough, thanks to the medication given by his psychiatrist, to sit and chant Hare Krishna and became famous for washing pots.
Of course, one who is sick, be it the biological body or brain, should also chant Hare Krishna alongside the medicine they are receiving. This was the most important point Srila Prabhupada was making. As already said, in the case of Sangana dasa, the anti psychotic medication worked and helped him practically engage in devotional service on his pathway to eventually be fully dependant on Krishna. In fact in his case, he could not even function without his medication; it was his determination that kept him remaining in contact with the devotees. The devotees did not really know how to understand his condition; he just kept coming to the Temple so they just tolerated his mental illness for years without having any real input or idea of how to deal with it. It was not a question of telling him to take his medication, the fact was, if he did not take it, then we would not see him. This actually happened from time to time. Therefore we should thank his psychiatrists for keeping him healthy and his own determination to simultaneously depend on Krishna for helping him stay in contact with devotees.   
The point is, we have now come a long way in psychiatry over the last 40 years and psychiatry is NOT humbug today. In fact they were all not even humbug even back then as the case of Sangana dasa proves! The anti psychotic he was taking was very new in the late 1970s and helped him remain functional
It is just like the chanting of Hare Krishna alone will not cure a broken leg similarly the chanting alone will not cure a diseased brain, just like the broken leg needs a cast; the brain substance may need an anti-depressant or anti-psychotic as in the case of Sangana dasa and many others during their lifetime in ISKCON who foolishly neglected their mental illness for so many years because they put their faith and trust in unqualified Temple authorities. Such Temple leaders would often say “ snap out of it prabhu, your in Maya, get off the mental platform! Just chant Hare Krishna and get over it there is no other way!”  Such narrow minded and ignorant instructions will never help anyone with mental illness!
 Mental illness caused by brain damage is often difficult to understand. In most cases, it is something you cannot get over unless you take medication, just like you cannot heal a badly broken arm unless you put it in a cast, attempting to heal the brain substance also requires medical help.
One must practise Krishna Consciousness in a practical way therefore the example of the chanting Hare Krishna alone will not heal a broken leg or arm is a simple enough comparison to understand. This also means that to chant Hare Krishna alone and ignore medical help for mental illness is also absurd and foolish in today’s world!
The fact is however, one should chant Hare Krishna enthusiastically under all conditions however, when possible, one should also seek help to keep the material body healthy. Of course doctors are not going to help us on our death bed, only the chanting of Hare Krishna can do that.
Here are some interesting quotes about understanding Srila Prabhupada’s instructions according to time, place and circumstance - -
Jayadvaita Swami – “What Prabhupada said sometimes differed. Sometimes he spoke for the benefit of an individual, sometimes for the world. Sometimes what he said was for the moment, sometimes forever. So as well as we can we need to recognize, in what Prabhupada said, not only the content but the intent”.
Jayadvaita Swami – “Srila Prabhupada responds to the questions of specific individuals. Though again the philosophy is always the same, we cannot assume that how he speaks it to one person is how he would speak it to all. With one inquirer he might be stern, with another sympathetic, with one subtle, with another deliberately simple. We’d be rash to cite one instance as evidence of how he would respond in all instances”.
Jayadvaita Swami – “What Prabhupada said sometimes differed. Sometimes he spoke for the benefit of an individual, sometimes for the world. Sometimes what he said was for the moment, sometimes forever. So as well as we can we need to recognize, in what Prabhupada said, not only the content but the intent”.
Jayadvaita Swami – “Srila Prabhupada is again addressing a particular person, in a particular time and circumstance. And this time his words are sent in a sealed envelope, not spoken in a public assembly. His words, therefore, may be intended for many people or only for one. They may give instructions meant to apply always and to everyone or only to a special circumstance and one recipient”. All these quotes are found here -
The following are very interesting comments by Dr. Pusta Krishna dasa who was Srila Prabhupada’s personal servant in the mid 1970s
“I must be one of those demons that a recent devotee speaks of when he talks about hospitals and modern medicine (saying they are all demons!). In my opinion, you have to be clear about physical health and the use of healers. If you subscribe to homeopathy or Ayur vedic treatments, that is a choice you personally make. Surely, you must know that Srila Prabhupad and so many others used medicines and treatments of those fields. His Divine Grace also would use western medicine, even surgery, when necessary, to sustain his life and his service. Prabhu, you do not know everything.
 As a practicing physician and surgeon for over 30 years, you cannot imagine how much suffering I have encountered, and have been able to help. In my field, trauma to the limbs and the spine, injuries to soft tissues (skin, tendons, nerves), and infections (life and limb threatening, of which I have two patients in the hospital now), are all worthy pursuits.
It is so easy for those who are healthy and currently free from severe pain, to say “humbug” to the science and people who work to alleviate pain for others, and place the well-being of their patients above their own. Most such people who cry “humbug” are themselves enjoyers of the illusory energy.
 Psychiatry is a field of medicine. It involves psychology when dealing with neurotic behaviour, but it can involve medications when serious depression and psychosis occur. While not everyone is fully versed in that field, including myself, my eyes are not closed to the reality of mental illness. Is it simply bad karma? Sure, but do you have enough compassion to help others, both physically and spiritually.
If you have the capacity and expertise, then you must help. If you don’t have the capacity or expertise, then please do not denigrate the sincere efforts of others to alleviate suffering. Prahlad was paradukhadhuki, he felt suffering for the suffering of others. While the chanting of the Holy Names is the ultimate path back to Home, if you try to make light of the physical and mental suffering of others, then you might one day find yourself the recipient of such unconcerned people when you your self are suffering. It will come back to you, as it must. Even the Bible says that those who show compassion for others, will receive compassion.
 It is safer, if you have the heart, to err on the side of being compassionate and caring toward those who are less fortunate. After all, fortune is in the hands of the Supreme Lord.  Let us therefore become more aware of the needs of devotees, being the servant of the servant, and try to bring affectionate care in our dealings with devotees.”.
One important footnote to those comments by Srila Prabhupada - to engage in our devotional service we need a healthy body and that means we may need the help of medical professionals, be them doctors or modern psychiatrists (obviously not the Freudian camp of psychiatrists that Srila Prabhupada said are all nonsense) there are other psychiatrists however, who promote anti-depressants and anti-psychotics medication which have already been proven to help devotees and aspiring devotees. If they can help you then they are certainly not humbug, Srila Prabhupada’s ultimate mission is to free us all from the entanglement of repeated birth and death and return back home back to Godhead, if we need some medical help in pursuing this goal, then get the help you need, do not ignore mental illness.
Hare Krishna, your fallen servant Gauragopala dasa 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Could past, present and future exist simultaneously. How could this be?

Srila Prabhupada  - "Arjuna can see EVERYTHING that exists in any part of the universe. Kṛṣṇa gives him the power to see anything he wants to see, "past, present and future". Thus by the mercy of Kṛṣṇa, Arjuna is able to see EVERYTHING" BG 11.7 purport.

Could past, present and future exist simultaneously.

How could this be?

Bhagavad-gītā As It Is 11.7


O Arjuna, whatever you wish to see, behold at once in this body of Mine! This universal form can show you whatever you now desire to see and whatever you may want to see in the future. Everything — moving and nonmoving — is here completely, in one place.


No one can see the entire universe while sitting in one place. Even the most advanced scientist cannot see what is going on in other parts of the universe.

But a devotee like Arjuna can see everything that exists in any part of the universe.

Kṛṣṇa gives him the power to see anything he wants to see, past, present and future.

Thus by the mercy of Kṛṣṇa, Arjuna is able to see EVERYTHING". End of purport.

The great sages and devotees in previous ages thousands of years ago were tri-kāla-jñā. Tri-kāla-jñā means they could understand, they could know what was in the past, what there shall be in the future, and what is at present.

Srila Prabhupada - ''So the point is that five thousand years ago the things which were written for this age, how they are coming to be true in our experience. That is the point: how they could see past, present, and future so nicely.

The sages were known as tri-kāla-jñā. Tri means three. There is almost similarity, tri and three. Tri is Sanskrit, and three is English or Latin, but there is similarity. Tri-kāla-jñā.

Tri means three, and kāla means time.

Time is experienced by three ways: past, present and future. Time limitation, past, present and future. Whenever you speak of time, it is past, present or future.

So the sages in those days were tri-kāla-jñā. Tri-kāla-jñā means they could understand, they could know what was in the past, what there shall be in the future, and what is at present.

Just like in the Bhagavad-gītā Kṛṣṇa says,

"My Dear Arjuna, you, Me, I, and all these kings and soldiers who have assembled in this battlefield, they were all individuals, and we are still individual. And in this past, in the future, we shall all remain individuals."

That past, present, and future, he explained.

Another place Kṛṣṇa says, vedāhaṁ samatītāni (BG 7.26). Atītāni, atītāni means past. Vartamānāni ca, "and present." So that is yogic power.

One CAN know past, present, and future''. SB 12.2.1 -- San Francisco, March 18, 1968 (End of class lecture).

There is still a lot more to learn about the movement of the marginal living entity through space and time in the material creation, we have only scratched the surface in understanding Vedic texts in the 50 years since Srila Prabhupada made his valuable contribution to the Western World.

The movement of time is eternal while this material universe exists.

And all material vessels or bodily containers are part and parcel of the material time and space, we are simply the passengers riding on/in this material energy/bodies.

The individual living entities or jivas exists in those vessels given to them by Maha Vishnu according to selfish desires and the reactions to past pious and impious actions in a previous material body.

But does past, present and future in the material creation all exist simultaneously?

Why would this be so?

Because of the material desires of the individual marginal living entity would eventually repeat themselves over eternity.

There is no harm in philosophical speculation as long as we do not deviate from sastra, how else are we to learn?

Many have asked, "could the past activities of Arjuna still be happening today somewhere in the universe with another jiva playing that part?"

Due to the past, present and future happening simultaneously, well could his bodily vessel also be a 'post' like Brahmas?

Meaning only those individual marginal living entities that are qualified can also experience their relationship with Krishna while in that vessel as Arjuna.

If this is true, the material universes are also repeating themselves except with a different batch of individual jiva souls possessing the material bodily vessels in each repetition or reoccurrence of the material universe.

Spiritual energy is made up of individual souls, spiritual energy is NOT all one.

However, material energy that makes up all material bodily vessels or containers is all one. For example when the material body we are in wears out and decays, it breaks down and merges back into the material elements or the earth around us.

Only the soul never decays and eternally remains an individual person.

Could the material universes concept of time of past, present and future exists all at the same time?

This means that all material bodily vessels, like yours and mine, are a permanent fixture of the particular material universe it is in and is eternally repeating itself as it goes through its temporary phases of existence in this impermanent universe.

Srila Prabhupada always encouraged us to have personal realizations and yes this one is more thought provoking that even Einstein believed was possible.

Keep in mind, the 'dreams' of Maha Vishnu are mind boggling and if Arjuna could view past, present and future simultaneously, maybe it all does exist together as he saw it.

I have not found anything on this subject to verify or deny these realizations but this would also mean time travel is possible because the past and future already exist however, it would impossible to change the past or future as it is fixed.

One is just traveling through what is already there, what already exists like traveling on a road that already exists.

Another example is just like when one rewinds a video tape, the contends captured will always be the same at every stage on the tape.

Similarly, there are some who believe that the body we are now in is like a 'post', meaning time and space itself is recorded on the eternal level in the material universe and we can take our next birth in a bodily vessel that has already existed in past time, present time or future time.

That means when we choose a bodily vessel, the pathway of that body is already existing in another time zone because each material body is a permanent fixture of this material universe known as the Maha-tattva.

What I am trying to say here is all the 'dreams' of Maha Vishnu are all happening 'now' which means past, present and future exist simultaneously and we can move into any bodily vessel that exists in the past, present or the future.

The material energy is all one but NOT the life force that is individual units as Prabhupada has taught us.

This is important to understand as there are many impersonalists who believe there is one all pervasive life force that moves through all material bodily species.

Their ideas are wrong and these ideas has nothing to do with such impersonalism.

In the material creation everything already exists like a long roadway already exists.

Similarly the pathway or roadway of the material bodily vessels, gross or subtle, that we possess, like the roadway, is already carved out and we are simply passengers on that roadway in that bodily vessel container for its journey.

In other words, one who worships the rich and famous can take birth in the material body they worship after being trained up to be qualified to take that birth which in itself would take many, many, many births just for the opportunity to be famous for one insignificant life time.

What a ignorant selfish waste of time.

If those souls in those material vessels knew what they had to go through to attain that famous bodily materialistic existence, they would have second thoughts about seeking material fame and wealth on this planet or the heavenly planets.

Just like one can take the 'post' of Lord Brahma if they are qualified.

So could all materials vessels be 'posts like Brahmas?'

Yes I believe so.

Usually the most pious living entity in this material universe can take up the post of Lord Brahma when the next universe manifeasts.

In the same way; we all take a material bodily vessel according to our pious and impious activities or karma.

All individual living entities perceive time as a chain of events moving through past, present and future.

However, from above, like a journey on a road where one sees the beginning of one's journey to the end, could mean "materially" that all past, present and future exist together like every point on the journey of a roadway does.


The concept in the above essay is suggesting all material pathways repeatedly exist for others souls to also traverse.

What is said above in essay is all material bodily vessels or containers we are in are the property of Maha Vishnu.

In Maha Vishnu's dreams, every senerio conceivable is ALREADY existing past, present and future.

Maha Vishnu's dreams are similar to a "costume shop" full of many different costumes (realities) one can choose to enter.

Every soul who enters the material creation must go this so called costume shop (the dreams of the sleeping Maha Vishnu) and be offered a particular material body according to their desires for enter into the material creation.

Maha Vishnu owns all such material vessels that are part and parcel with everything else in the material creation He id dreaming.

Therefore, those who have chosen to enter the material creation, must go to Maha Vishnu's dreams and be given a material body from His dreaming the material creation.

It is these material bodies (from Maha Vishnu's dreams) all souls in other universes also must choose from just like one chooses costumes from a Fancy dress store.

Regarding eternal associates of Krishna like Arjuna.

The fact is Arjuna is with Krishna in innumerable different material universes at one time and there  is only one spirit soul who is Arjuna.

The spirit soul therefore of a surrendered soul to Krishna can expand himself into many different material bodies and be justvthe one soul.

Yes this is very true as sastra tells us.

The fact is the spirit soul in Arjuna's material body is the same Arjuna in all the different universes.

This is achieved because the one jivatma (Arjuna) expands himself into many different material bodily vessels or containers (bodies) that are all also him, "just one soul".

But this is NOT the case with every material bodily vessel in the material creation!

It is only some rare eternal associates of Krishna.

This is NOT the case with the different Lord Brahmas where each one in their universe universes is a "different jivatma" and not one jivatma.

So in every Lord Brahma there is a "different soul" every time a new material universe is created.

All Brahmas are NOT the same "one soul" There are millions of different souls who become a Brahma.