Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Does past, present, and future all exist simultaneously?

Does past, present, and future all exist simultaneously?

Albert Einstein concluded in his later years that the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously

Could it be possible with Vedic understanding to understand that past present and future in the material creation is happening simultaneously from a higher dimensional viewpoint and our bodily vessel is a 'post' for the jiva to pass through the material universe or mahat tattva like one travels on the twists and turns of an already built road or pathway??

In this way our material vessel 'IS' that pathway also traversed by unlimited jivas. This is just another way of seeing the fact that ‘I am not this material body’gauragopala

Of course understanding this is not easy to comprehend. Others see this understanding from a mundane viewpoint and cannot understand

Unfortunately it is very much a reality still today that the works of the really great spirits in science, such as Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, and Stephen Hawking, and their most fundamental conclusions about the universe, remain unappreciated, even unnoticed by the majority of scientists.

These three giants all made very similar conclusions regarding the timelessness of the Universe, yet even today the science of timelessness is overlooked.

“Time has no independent existence apart from the order of events by which we measure it.” —Albert Einstein

Excerpt from Chapter One
in The Book: Everything Forever:
Learning to See Timelessness

“You have the sight now Neo, you are looking at the world without time.” —The Oracle in The Matrix

“I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is.”—Alan Watts

Albert Einstein and the Fabric of Time

Surprising as it may be to most non-scientists and even to some scientists, Albert Einstein concluded in his later years that the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously. In 1952, in his book Relativity, in discussing Minkowski's Space World interpretation of his theory of relativity, Einstein writes:

Since there exists in this four dimensional structure [space-time] no longer any sections which represent "now" objectively, the concepts of happening and becoming are indeed not completely suspended, but yet complicated. It appears therefore more natural to think of physical reality as a four dimensional existence, instead of, as hitherto, the evolution of a three dimensional existence.

Einstein's belief in an undivided solid reality was clear to him, so much so that he completely rejected the separation we experience as the moment of now. He believed there is no true division between past and future, there is rather a single existence.

His most descriptive testimony to this faith came when his lifelong friend Besso died. Einstein wrote a letter to Besso's family, saying that although Besso had preceded him in death it was of no consequence, "...for us physicists believe the separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one."

Most everyone knows that Einstein proved that time is relative, not absolute as Newton claimed. With the proper technology, such as a very fast spaceship, one person is able to experience several days while another person simultaneously experiences only a few hours or minutes.

The same two people can meet up again, one having experienced days or even years while the other has only experienced minutes. The person in the spaceship only needs to travel near to the speed of light. The faster they travel, the slower their time will pass relative to someone planted firmly on the Earth.

If they were able to travel at the speed of light, their time would cease completely and they would only exist trapped in timelessness. Einstein could hardly believe there were physicists who didn’t believe in timelessness, and yet the wisdom of Einstein's convictions had very little impact on cosmology or science in general. The majority of physicists have been slow to give up the ordinary assumptions we make about time.

The two most highly recognized physicists since Einstein made similar conclusions and even made dramatic advances toward a timeless perspective of the universe, yet they also were unable to change the temporal mentality ingrained in the mainstream of physics and society.

Einstein was followed in history by the colorful and brilliant Richard Feynman. Feynman developed the most effective and explanatory interpretation of quantum mechanics that had yet been developed, known today as Sum over Histories.

Just as Einstein's own Relativity Theory led Einstein to reject time, Feynman’s Sum over Histories theory led him to describe time simply as a direction in space. Feynman’s theory states that the probability of an event is determined by summing together all the possible histories of that event. For example, for a particle moving from point A to B we imagine the particle traveling every possible path, curved paths, oscillating paths, squiggly paths, even backward in time and forward in time paths.

Each path has an amplitude, and when summed the vast majority of all these amplitudes add up to zero, and all that remains is the comparably few histories that abide by the laws and forces of nature. Sum over histories indicates the direction of our ordinary clock time is simply a path in space, which is more probable than the more exotic directions time might have taken otherwise.

Other worlds are just other directions in space, some less probable, some equally as probable as the one direction we experience. And some times our world represents the unlikely path. Feynman's summing of all possible histories could be described as the first timeless description of a multitude of space-time worlds all existing simultaneously.

In a recent paper entitled Cosmology From the Top Down, Professor Stephen Hawking of Cambridge writes; “Some people make a great mystery of the multi universe, or the Many-Worlds interpretation of quantum theory, but to me, these are just different expressions of the Feynman path integral.”

What is still not quite resolved in modern physics is how to properly combine Quantum theory with Einstein's Relativity Theory. It appears evident that time is purely a direction in space but how then do we explain the uncertainty of quantum mechanics?

Why does it appear that God plays dice with the world. The two theories, each having been proven by their usefulness, do of course tell the same story about this one universe, but we just haven't learned yet to hear the story right. The best modern theory going is probably the No Boundary Proposal, put fourth by Stephen Hawking and Jim Hartle.

This theory introduces a second reference of time which has been inappropriately named Imaginary time. Hawking, writes of the no boundary proposal, "The universe would be completely self contained and not affected by anything outside itself. It would neither be created nor destroyed. It would just BE."

In my book Everything Forever, and here at my website, I explain how fourth dimensional spatial directions travel through a series of independent three dimensional block-like spaces, which in science we call states, but they can also be thought of simply as patterns.

Hawking has already proposed that imaginary time can be found at right angles to ordinary time. I further explain that it is possible in an objective way to understand the universe to be like a book or a movie film. Each moment is a separate universe just like each frame of a movie or page of a book is separate.

Yet those separate states simultaneously form the larger whole of the movie or the book. Seeing each moment as a continually existing place sheds light on why particles would then travel as a quantum wave, rather than linearly from point a to point b.

This is explained better elsewhere, but if each moment of ordinary time is a solid, static, "block of now", or field of space, then time each new moment is a distinctly different universe. What we call time is a spatial direction that travels through many static three dimensional universes.

In such a model, what we call time is created purely out of space. Special directions in space travel through each static three dimensional space, therein producing a new realm of space beyond three dimensions, which we call time. The interesting quality this produces, is how the inhabitants of this fourth dimension of space travel a linear path from past to future, but the surrounding environment of each path is shifting from one pattern to the next.

This sends particles from one position in four dimensional space to the next without moving linearly. As a result, each individual observer in the fourth dimension experiences a continuous linear time, even though everything in their immediate environment is moving sequentially from place to place. Hence each temporal environment of four dimensional space is constructed relative to each independent observer.

One can imagine oneself smoothly traveling a direct and interconnected path through time, but in looking around at one's environment, one sees that all other directions of time are broken, causing particles to appear to sequentially leap from one place to another.

Paradoxically, everyone observes their own path and experience of time to be linear, while all else around them is sequential. In fact, when we explore time as a direction through many 3D spaces, we find qualities of curvature, time dilation, and spatial contraction, precisely as relativity describes those qualities within our own spacetime.

There is one quote I have found from Einstein which is more or less a contemplative mental thought about the notion of infinite spaces, which doesn't directly relate to my own approach of describing a shape to all possible spaces, but it does at least open up the subject of an infinite number of spaces to speculation. And it also shows the open minded nature of Einstein's thoughts about empty space, which some have thought were closed.

When a smaller box s is situated, relativity at rest, inside the hollow space of a larger box S, then the hollow space of s is a part of the hollow space of S, and the same "space," which contains both of them, belongs to each of the boxes. When s is in motion with respect to S, however, the concept is less simple.

One is then inclined to think that s encloses always the same space, but a variable part of the space S. It then becomes necessary to apportion to each box its particular space, not thought of as bounded, and assume that these two spaces are in motion with respect to each other...

Before one has become aware of this complication, space appears as an unbounded medium or container in which material objects swim around. But it must be remembered that there is an infinite number of spaces, which are in motion with respect to each other...

The concept of space as something existing objectively and independent of things belongs to pre-scientific thought, but not so the idea of the existence of an infinite number of spaces in motion relatively to each other. This latter idea is indeed unavoidable, but is far from having played a considerable role even in scientific thought.

I can testify that Einstein's speculations revealed here concerning infinite spaces in motion do at least carry us in the right direction in how they suggest space might have an unseen and possibly infinite content.

Similar ideas were introduced by David Bohm, who claimed there are two kinds of order in nature, what he called explicate order and implicate order. Implicate order for Bohm was a way of acknowledging how quantum mechanics reveals a hidden order where our world is influenced by the whole of all possible states. However, that order is much more visible than Bohm ever realized, as explained in part two.

Unfortunately it wasn't until Einstein died that scientists began to consider the a Many Worlds Theory in science. It's safe to say that in Einstein's time we were still getting used to the idea of the Big Bang, adjusting to the ever more visible vast sea of other galaxies, and the possibility of alien life on other planets.

The universe and reality were still primarily considered purely solid and material based. Quantum theory, which eventually led to the theory of many worlds, had not yet fully withstood the test of time. Einstein even rejected its implications, saying "God does not play dice" with the world, even as he himself established that there is more to the universe than a single evolving moment of now.

In my explorations of timelessness I reveal that ordinary space is not merely full of other empty spaces, but empty space is actually the whole of all physical realities; all the universes of the many worlds theory. Profound as it may be, if the theories I propose are correct, space is full, rather than empty.

Material things are less than the fullness of space. In fact, it may be that space must include all possibilities in order to seem empty to us.

So in summary, the universe we see is just a fragment nested in a timeless (everything) whole, rather than a single material world magically arisen above some primordial nothing. All universes exist without beginning or end in the ultimate arena of time, and each moment we experience exists forever.

What is the nature of time?

Time as you experience it is an illusion caused by your own physical senses. They force you to perceive action in certain terms, but this is not the nature of action.

The apparent boundaries between past, present and future are only illusions caused by the amount of action you can physically perceive, and so it seems to you that one moment exists and is gone forever, and the next moment comes and like the one before also disappears. everything in the universe exists at one time simultaneously.

The first words ever spoken still ring through the universe, and in your terms, the last words ever spoken have already been said. the past, present and future only appear to those who exist within three-dimensional reality.

The past exists as a series of electromagnetic connections held in the physical brain and in the nonphysical mind. These electromagnetic connections can be changed.

The future consists of a series of electromagnetic connections in the mind and brain also. In other words, the past and present are real to the same extent.

You take it for granted that present action can change the future, but present actions can also change the past. The past is no more objective or independent from the perceiver than is the present. The electromagnetic connections were largely made by the individual perceiver. The connection can be changed, and such changes are far from uncommon. These changes happen spontaneously on a subconscious basis.

The past is seldom what you remember it to be, for you have already rearranged it from the instant of any given event. The past is being constantly re-created by each individual as attitudes and associations change. This is an actual recreation, not a symbolic one. The child is indeed still within the man, but he is not the child that "was", for even the child within the man constantly changes.

Difficulties arise when such alterations do not occur automatically. Severe neurosis is often caused precisely because an individual has not changed his past.

A change of attitude, a new association, or any of innumerable other actions will automatically set up new electromagnetic connections and break others.

Every action changes every other action. Therefore, every action in your present affects actions you call past. It is possible to react in the past to an event that has not occurred, and to be influenced by your own future. it is also possible for an individual to react in the past to an event in the future, which in your terms, may never occur.

Because past, present and future exist simultaneously, there is no reason why you cannot react to an event whether or not it happens to fall within the small field of reality in which you usually observe and participate.

On a subconscious level, you react to many events that have not yet occurred as far as your ego's awareness is concerned. such reactions are carefully screened out and not admitted to consciousness. The ego finds such instances distracting and annoying, and when forced to admit their validity, will resort to the most far fetched rationalizations to explain them.

No event is predestined. Any given event can be changed not only before and during but after its occurrence.

The individual is hardly at the mercy of past events, for he changes them constantly. He is hardly at the mercy of future events, for he changes these not only before but also after their happening. An individuals future actions are not dependent upon a concrete finished past, for such a past never existed. The past is as real as the future, no more or less.

There is a part of you that is not locked within physical reality, and that part of you knows that there is only an eternal now. the part of you that knows is the whole self, your inner and outer ego (all that you are).

From within this framework you will see that see that physical time is as dreamlike as you once thought inner time was. You will discover your whole self, peeping inward and outward at the same "time", and find that all time is one time, and all divisions, illusions.-

Srila Prabhupada – “No one can see the entire universe sitting in one place. Even the most advanced scientist cannot see what is going on in other parts of the universe. Krsna gives him (Arjuna) the power to see anything he wants to see, past, present and future. Thus by the mercy of Krsna, Arjuna is able to see everything". Chapter 11, The Universal Form Bhagavad Gita as it is text 7

Every material bodily vessel in the material worlds are a container that is possessed by an individual baddha-jiva soul which is the secondary sub-conscious state of the jiva tattva only found in the mahat tattva or material creation; these material vessels used by the baddha jiva to get around in while in the mahat tattva, are always ornaments or parts and parcels of the material multiverses or mahat tattva.

Could all material vessels we dwell in therefore be always a permanent fixture within the mahat-tattva and continuously exist each step along the way within the dimensions of the space-time continuum with different baddha-jivas passing through that bodily pathway? Hard to explain and understand

The maha-tattva may appear to be re-created and annihilated (due to the journey through past, present and future) however, this is not happening by the passing of time but is rather happening through the journey of time.

Therefore from the bigger picture of seeing the past, present and future all together, ONE SEES THE MAHAT-TATTVA OR MATERIAL ENERGY AS IT REALLY IS.

So Einstein was right in these regards. Therefore, it is not surprising to understand that many baddha-jivas have experienced the exact same bodily vessel we are presently confined too.

After all, these vessels belong to Maha-Vishnu and we are experiencing His dream while ‘thinking’, we are the material gross (biological) and subtle body (ethereal) we presently possess.

By truly realizing this by the mercy of the Spiritual Master, one is instantly freed from all karmic reaction. Such realizations enable one to simply exit the subtle and gross dream bodies and most importantly the subtle ethereal body and again regain the memory of ones genuine nitya-siddha body in Vaikuntha.

Keep in mind when absolute knowledge of selfless Bhakti is realized and acted upon, all the ethereal and material bodily vessels within the mahat-tattva or material creation are not only seen as counterfeit bodies or vehicles the nitya-baddha consciousness is provided with by Maha-Vishnu, but also are ‘posts’ or ‘borrowed mundane costume-outfits’ that have been worn again and again within Maha-Vishnu’s mahat-tattva stage drama of material existence.

Therefore, an unlimited number of baddha-jivas over a period of many, many mahat-tattva creations of Maha-Vishnu have lived in material bodies that are constantly created over and over again.

The nitya-baddha sub-consciousness wears these material vessels provided by Maha-Vishnu so they can act out the already conceived drama-play according to the script (dream) and the Director Maha-Vishnu, that eternally exists always somewhere within His maha-tattva material creation.

In other words such material costumes worn by the visiting nitya-baddha sub-consciousness are always there in blue print during the present mahat-tattva material creation as well as every time the mahat-tattva is re-created by Maha-Vishnu after its annihilation. Factually it always exists in each step through the journey of time and space.

It must be clearly understood that the ‘perpetual presence’ of Goloka and Vaikuntha exists in the entire Spiritual Sky that includes the mahat-tattva.

However, within the mahat-tattva ‘material’ facet of the Spiritual Sky or Brahmajyoti, the ‘eternal presence’ is divided into the journey of past, present and future that manifests a shell or different material bodies encasing the baddha-jiva that are all perishable and decay with the movement or rather the journey of time.

This decaying effect is natural to the mahat-tattva’s ethereal (subtle) and biological (gross) material bodies and their surroundings.

Like frames in a movie canister where each frame always exists together and at the same time as a part of the over all film canister or cylinder similarly, the material ethereal and biological costumes of the mahat-tattva always exist from its birth, to youth, middle age and death from the bigger viewpoint.

Each step of the vessel or material body is like the frame in the film canister and that canister is compared to the mahat-tattva.

Just like a film is made up of frame by frame pictures, the bodily costume and their surrounding are both decorations and ornaments of the mahat-tattva and are also divided into frame by frame realities that are 'moving' within the perpetual blue-print of past, present and future of the mahat-tattva that the nitya-baddha consciousness simply passes through.

The facilities or bodily costumes and their entire pathway from birth to death, is provided by Maha-Vishnu. We are simply passengers in His material bodily creations playing out His dreams that are simultaneously our dreams. The baddha-jivas material desires cannot be fulfilled without the provisions of Maha-Vishnu.

Could it be that the present material bodily vessel we are passengers in are also available in another time and place when the mahat-tattva is again recreated or within the same mahat-tattva in a different dimension of time for other nitya-baddha sub-consciousness’s to ‘lease’ off Maha-Vishnu? Good question

Even when Arjuna was with Krsna he was afraid because he could see all past, present and future - seeing the future activity of his family and himself seems to indicate the future is already 'there' for all of us to pass through just like one traverse a road already built.

Perhaps John Lennon with his I am you, you are me LSD experience and Richard Feynman with his idea that there is only one electron in the universe over lapping space-time were thinking the same impersonal theory. The material energy that the 'individual' soul is covered by is 'one' When that covering dissolves it merges back into the mahat tattva. The material energy is 'one' where as the Spiritual energy is made up of individual living entities

I would like to understand how the one electron theory being the entire universe works, if anyone in quantum science can help me, how does one electron become two in different time zones of past, present and future and expands over trillions of years to become the expanding universe?

Richard Feynman and his colleagues were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1965 for explaining all particles can travel backward in time (This interpretation is still the explanation currently accepted today.)

Feynman then speculated that perhaps the entire universe consisted of just one electron, zigzagging back and forth in time. Imagine that out of the chaos of the original big bang only a single electron was created. Trillions of years later, this single electron would eventually encounter the cataclysm of annihilation, where it would make a U-turn and go backward in time, releasing a gamma ray in the process.

Then it would go back to the original big bang, and then perform another U-turn. The electron would then make repeated zigzag journeys back and forth, from the big bang to annihilation.

Our universe in the twenty-first century is just a time slice of this electron's journey, in which we see trillions of electrons and anti-electrons, that is, the visible universe.

As strange as this theory may appear, it explains a curious fact from the quantum theory: why all electrons are the same. Maybe the reason is that the entire universe consists of the same electron, just bouncing back and forth in time.

Feynman's notion about one single electron, and antimatter particles travelling backwards in time grew into his theory of quantum electrodynamics, which has been experimentally verified to one part in 10 billion, making it one of the most accurate theories of all time.

Could our universe really have only one electron, whizzing back and forth within timelessness to create the trillions of electrons we see at any particular "now" for our universe? Could consciousness be the same, only one consciousness travelling back and forth across time, experiencing the endless complexity of our universe from a unique perspective each time, but ultimately seeing itself complete the same journey over and over again?

Perhaps John Lennon with his I am you, you are me LSD experience and Richard Feynman were thinking about ideas that were more similar than either of them could ever have realized.

Einstein speculated, that the electron is indeed the leading player in the universe and is intimately involved with light, matter, the laws of Nature, and our lives.

The path to the answer, is simple: Reject the discrete material electron and replace it with a wave-structured electron as proposed by Schroedinger and Clifford - using a scalar-wave equation. The math and the proofs are straight-forward because scalar waves are the only possible choice.

Only two principles underlie all results. Despite this simplicity the WSM explains the origin of the natural laws, new applications in micro-physics and chips, understanding light energy exchange and lasers, plus the answers to most current paradoxes of physics. It is breathtaking to find so many results together – simply by answering Einstein’s question "What is the Electron". (Milo Wolff, Geoff Haselhurst)

The Vedas tell us there are two different universes, one called the Vaikunthas (anti-matter) where everything is alive and is never created and exists perpetually in what is known as the eternal presence of time or service to Krsna that has no past or future, just the eternal ‘NOW’ that is without decay, beginning or end and is the original home of all living entities.

The other is the material universe (matter) that we are presently trapped in by these material bodies or vessels that is created and experiences annulation and exists in the realm of past, present and future.

The material universes have two basic realities, the subtle ethereal material universe and the gross biological. The gross matter we see only takes up 4% of the material creation, which is all the planets, Moons, Suns, within all the Solar Systems and galaxies we perceive with our biological eyes and its extensions like the Hubble Telescope and the Large Hadron Collider.

The other 96% of the material universe is made up of subtle matter that cannot be perceived with gross material means like the Large Hadron Collider, Telescopes or Electron microscopes, it is only realized by pious and impious activities and is where the heavenly and hellish material subtle worlds exist that are often the material heavenly realm is mistaken as Vaikuntha the eternal kingdom of God by Buddhists, Christians, Jews and Muslims but are only a subtler realm of the material universe.

From the material point of view, all ‘matter’ is one and the individual jiva or soul can enter different bodily vessels in the material universe.

Question - I have heard that Richard Feynman has said that there is only one electron in the world! He has done it using complicated space time diagrams which show anti-electrons moving backward in time!

Can you please explain what he meant by "one electron”?

Answer -

First of all, don't confused the two separate statements:

(1) There is only one electron in the Universe

(2) an electron moving forward in time is identical as a positron moving backwards in time

Let's start with the second statement, when we use a Feyman diagram… to describe an electron moving forwards in time, we see that it is equivalent to describing a position moving backwards in time. The two are completely indistinguishable.

The first statement that there is only one electron in the Universe has to do with the fact that there appears to be NO way to distinguish one electron from another, and when we try to look at one particular electron (i.e. collapse its wavefunction), it immediately after the collapse returns to an indeterminate state.

Every electron in the universe is exactly identical to every other electron. It's not just that we can't tell them apart, nature itself can not tell the difference (this has observable consequences in physics). Not only that, the description of a positron moving forward in time is identical to the description of an electron moving backward in time.

This led Richard P. Feynman to suggest that there is only one electron in the universe moving back and forth in time, so the reason that all electrons are indistinguishable is that they are in fact all the same electron. (I should note that Feynman did not mean this terribly seriously, but it illustrates as forcefully as anyone can that electrons are completely identical.)

So the conjecture is that in the Universe there is really only one electron. It appears only for an instant when the collapse of the wavefunction is required, then it's off to do another collapse somewhere else.

So this one electron is going around everywhere poping up where it needs to give the appearance that there are many many electrons.

The material energy that the 'individual' soul is covered by is 'one.' When that material covering dissolves it merges back into the mahat tattva or material elememts. The material energy or covering of the 'individual' jiva or soul is 'one' where as the Spiritual energy is made up of individual living entities or jivas. Everything in the material creation already exists and we simply travel on a roadway made of material energy that is already there and get that material body or pathway according to our karma and desire.

From Maha Vishnu's point of View EVERYTHING in His material universes already exists, all the good, all the bad, EVERYTHING. To be free from that we must reestablish our original relationship with Krishna - our original svarupa. Maha Vishnu knows past, present and future, that is clear but also inconceivable to us because we see things and and think 'how can anyone know what I am going to do next,' how can anyone know the future? Well, Maha Vishnu already knows EVERYTHING, this is what is meant by - 'every material vessel that we, the individual jiva, occupy already has its own pathway and already mapped out. Krishna showed Arjuna ALL past, present and future in the material universe.

God knows EVERYTHING, He knows the path of every material body, after all Maha Vishnu created this material universe - Vaikuntha is the real PERSONAL world of individuality and real freedom, freedom to eternally serve Krishna where as the material universe is impersonal meaning a whole planet may have only one soul or jiva moving through all material bodies on that planet back and forwards over past, present and future within time and space.

To be free from that, from all those material bodies we move through in the overlapping of time, we must re-establish our original relationship with Krishna in Vaikuntha where you ARE you 'spiritual' body and NOT everyone else's body as well, as may be the case in the material universe's material bodily vessels.

The ultimate realization is we are all 'individual jivas with a spiritual form that is NOT material or biological', that realization is only possible when we understand that Vaikuntha, which is beyond the material universe, is our original home, free from the material universe's temperary bodily containers and therefore, realizing you true individuality as Krishna's servant as ones original svarupa or spiritual form, this is the highest realization in the universe

Chapter 11. The Universal Form



Whatever you wish to see can be seen all at once in this body. This universal form can show you all that you now desire, as well as whatever you may desire in the future. Everything is here completely.


No one can see the entire universe sitting in one place. Even the most advanced scientist cannot see what is going on in other parts of the universe. Krsna gives him the power to see anything he wants to see, past, present and future. Thus by the mercy of Krsna, Arjuna is able to see everything.

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