Those fools masquerading as followers of Sanatam Dharma, in India and around the world today, believe we are an "all-pervading consciousness," or "all-one" consciousness that has no bodily form but takes bodily form when contained in a material container (material bodily vessel).
This nonsense idea is called poisonous mayavadi philosophy, it is a spiritual suicidal impersonalism disease because these mayava are denying God as a PERSON and that the jiva-souls are also eternal individual PERSONS, as an eternal "spiritual" BODILY FORM (NOT material)
No, it is impersonalist nonsense to believe the jiva-souls are formless, the jiva-souls are ALWAYS a PERSON as a spiritual bodily individual FORM eternally.
The mayavadis and impersonalist are WRONG, the jiva-souls have ALWAYS been PERSONS as a spiritual bodily form (not material) who are beginningless and endless.
The jiva-souls do NOT develop a bodily form as mayavadis claim because they are already an eternally spiritual bodily form and Person since infinity (already having a beginningless and endless spiritual bodily form)
Srila Prabhupada - "God is also human form. "Man is made after the shape of God." So Kṛṣṇa is also like human form, two hands, two legs." The human form is also the full manifestation of the jiva-soul." (Melb, Australia May 20, 1975)
Srila Prabhupada - "The spirit soul is NOT formless; it has got form, the spirit soul always has form and is expressed as hands, legs, heads, everything. But with our material eyes at the present, our gross eyes, we cannot see these facts; therefore we foolishly believe the jiva-souls have no form." (Lecture BG, Ch 2 Text 14, Mexico, Feb 14, 1975)
Devotee - "What is the form of the spiritual body. If the spirit soul is non-material, what is the form?"
Srila Prabhupāda - "There is form, just like this material body is compared with the dress. Now, just like in your present material form you have got hand; therefore your coat has got hand. You have got legs; therefore your pant has got legs. Therefore it is to be assumed that the spirit soul always has got form, and is expressed as hands, legs, heads, everything. The spirit soul is not formless; it has got form. But with our material eyes at the present, gross eyes, we cannot find it; therefore we say and foolishly believe it has no form." (Lecture BG, Ch 2 Text 14, Mexico, Feb 14, 1975)
Devotee – "Is the original body of the spirit soul a human form?"
Srila Prabhupada – "Yes, human form. God is also human form. "Man is made after the shape of God." I think there is in the Bible. Is it not? So God is also like human form. Here you see Krsna, two hands, two legslegsllp
Hari-sauri dasa – "How do we understand, then, that there are peacocks and flowers and trees in the spiritual world? Are these not eternal forms?"
Srila Prabhupada – "[describing material form first] Yes, they are more covered, just like if you cover your body with blanket, the hands and legs are invisible. But you are not the blanket. So the trees and plants, they are more covered. They are not in full manifestation. The human form is the full manifestation of the soul."
Hari-sauri dasa - "Are they covered in the spiritual world?"
Srila Prabhupada - "Not in the spiritual world, there that is voluntary. Some devotee wants to serve Krsna as flower; they become flower there. If I want to be a flower I shall lie down at the lotus feet of Krsna and become flower, voluntarily, and can change from flower to human body if one desires. That is spiritual life. There is no restriction. If some devotee wants to serve Krsna as cow, he serves Krsna as cow, as calf, as flower, as plant, as water, as ground, field, or as father, as mother, as friend, as beloved, anything. It is inconceivable, yet a fact." (SB, Canto 6 Ch 1 Text 1-4, Melb, May 20, 1975)
Devotee - "If jiva-soul is non-material, so what is the form?
Srila Prabhupāda - "There is form, just like this body is compared with the dress. Now, just like in your present material form you have got hand; therefore your coat has got hand. If you have got... You have got leg; therefore your pant has got leg. Therefore it is to be assumed that the spirit soul has got form, and it has developed into hands, legs, heads, everything. It is not formless; it has got form. But with our material eyes at the present, gross eyes, we cannot find it; therefore we say it has no form." (Lecture BG, Ch 2 Text 14, Mexico , Feb 14, 1975)
Devotee - "Śrīla Prabhupāda, you state that spirit soul has form."
Srila Prabhupāda - "Yes."
Devotee - "Otherwise, how is the material body grown to accommodate the spirit soul? Just like a shirt has no form, but when it's put on the body, it takes the shapes of the body. Does that mean that the spirit soul has the shape of the body that is accommodating it?"
Srila Prabhupāda - "Yes, but it has a form in its full potential in the spiritual sky, in the material world only is the soul "one ten-thousandth part" of the tip of the hair.
You have got body, shape, very minute shape. That we cannot see, we cannot measure. Therefore in the Bhagavad-gītā it is said, anumeyam, what is that? You cannot measure. What is that word used? Aprameyam. Aprameyam. You cannot measure.
But it has a form. How? What is the length and breadth of that form, that is not in your power. In your power, but not materially. That is... If you have got spiritual power, then you can measure it. And that measurement is also given in the śāstra.
What is that? One ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. Hair is a very small point. And divide it into ten thousand parts. That one part is the measure, magnitude of the soul.
Everything is there. But you have no eyes to see, how to see one ten-thousandth portion of the top of the hair. You cannot see even the original top of the hair. Everything is there. We must have eyes." (Lecture SB, Canto 1 Ch 16 Text 24, Hawaii, Jan 20, 1974)
Srila Prabhupāda - "This material body we are in is existing on the spiritual body. Just like your shirt. The shirt is existing on your actual hand. The shirt has got a hand because you have got hand.
So matter is impersonal. But because the superior prakṛti, jīva, he is person, therefore the matter appears like a person. Because I have got hands and legs, therefore this cloth has got hands and legs. Otherwise the cloth has no hands and legs; it is impersonal.
In the Bhagavad-gītā it is said, vāsāṁsi jīrṇāni. This body is just like dress. Just like your coat has got hand, your pant has got leg, but either the pant or coat has no leg, no hand. So, because you have got leg and hand, the coat has got leg and hand. Everyone can understand this. It is very easy. So the original (and eternally), the spirit soul has got form. Therefore the cloth has been cut into form. It is very easy to understand. Otherwise how you get the form? And in this form the spirit soul is trying to enjoy this material world. But it is not puruṣa. It cannot enjoy. That is false. That is illusion." (Lecture SB, Canto 3 Ch 26 Text 3, Bombay, Dec 15, 1974)
Srila Prabhupāda - Matter (material energy) has no form but the jiva-soul has got form. Though matter is covering the actual form of the jiva-soul, the matter then appears to have form. Just like the original cloth has no form, but when the tailor cuts the cloth according to the body of the person, then the shirt and coat takes a form.
The matter itself has no form. When you take clay, it has no form, but if you make it like a doll, like a man or woman, then it has a form. When you change the clay, and you manufacture a fort, then the fort has form. So, form and formlessness is of the matter, but in the spiritual world everything has got form. The spirit soul has got form. God has got form. This is the truth.
In the material world any form-man or beast or anyone—in the outward, external covering is matter, but within the matter there is the soul. The soul has form and God has form. That is real form. And the material form is simply shirting and coating over the spiritual body.
The form of the body takes place on account of the form of the spirit. This is very nice example. The cloth has no form, but when it is cut according to the form of the gentleman, it takes a form. Similarly, matter has no form. When it is coated on the spiritual form of the soul, it takes the form. This is very easy to understand." (Philosophy Discussion with Srila Prabhupāda on Thomas Aquinas)
Srila Prabhupāda - "The living entity has got hands, legs, everything, spiritual. Just like my, I have got my body, and this body's covered by this shirt, and because I have got this hand, the shirt has got hand. Otherwise where from this hand comes Unless the spirit soul has got hands and legs, how we have got these material hands and legs?
Therefore it is, the conclusion is that spirit soul has form. As Kṛṣṇa has got form, sac cid ānanda vigraha (Bs. 5.1), similarly spirit soul, jīvātmā or jiva-soul, being part and parcel of Kṛṣṇa, has got form. So anyway, because we get information from the Bhagavad-gītā, that this body, material body is, is like a dress. Vāsāṁsi jīrṇāny yathā vihāya. As we give up old dress, garment, similarly, when this body becomes useless, we give up this body and accept another new body. Navāni ghṛṇāti." (The Nectar of Devotion, Vrndavana, Oct 26, 1972)
The mayavadis and impersonalist are WRONG, the jiva-souls have ALWAYS been PERSONS as a spiritual bodily form (not material) who are beginningless and endless.
The jiva-souls do NOT develop a bodily form as mayavadis claim because they are already an eternally spiritual bodily form and Person since infinity (already having a beginningless and endless spiritual bodily form)
Srila Prabhupāda - "There is form, just like this body is compared with the dress. Now, just like in your present material form you have got hand; therefore your coat has got hand. If you have got... You have got leg; therefore your pant has got leg. Therefore it is to be assumed that the spirit soul has got form, and it has developed into hands, legs, heads, everything. It is not formless; it has got form. But with our material eyes at the present, gross eyes, we cannot find it; therefore we say it has no form." (Lecture BG, Ch 2 Text 14, Mexico , Feb 14, 1975)
Srila Prabhupāda - "Yes, you have form in your full potential in the spiritual sky, in the material the soul is only "one ten-thousandth part" of the tip of the hair." (Lecture SB, Canto 1 Ch 16 Text 24, Hawaii, Jan 20, 1974)
Srila Prabhupāda - "You have got body, shape, you have form, how? What is the length and breadth of that form, that is not in your power. In your power, but not materially. If you have got spiritual power, then you can measure it. And that measurement is also given in the śāstra. What is that? One ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair. Hair is a very small point. And divide it into ten thousand parts. That one part is the measure, magnitude of the soul. Everything is there. But you have no eyes to see, how to see one ten-thousandth portion of the top of the hair. You cannot see even the original top of the hair. Everything is there. We must have eyes." (Lecture SB, Canto 1 Ch 16 Text 24, Hawaii, Jan 20, 1974)
Srila Prabhupāda - "This material body we are in is existing on the spiritual body. Just like your shirt. The shirt is existing on your actual hand. The shirt has got a hand because you have got hand.
So matter is impersonal, it is only a lifeless covering over the jiva-soul.
But because the superior prakṛti, jīva, he is person, therefore the matter appears like a person. Because I have got hands and legs, therefore this cloth has got hands and legs. Otherwise the cloth has no hands and legs; it is impersonal.
In the Bhagavad-gītā it is said, vāsāṁsi jīrṇāni. This body is just like dress. Just like your coat has got hand, your pant has got leg, but either the pant or coat has no leg, no hand. So, because you have got leg and hand, the coat has got leg and hand. Everyone can understand this. It is very easy.
So the original (and eternally), the spirit soul has got form.
Therefore the cloth has been cut into form. It is very easy to understand. Otherwise how you get the form? And in this form the spirit soul is trying to enjoy this material world. But it is not puruṣa. It cannot enjoy. That is false. That is illusion." (Lecture SB, Canto 3 Ch 26 Text 3, Bombay, Dec 15, 1974)
Srila Prabhupāda - "Matter (material energy) has no form but the jiva-soul has got form. Though matter is covering the actual form of the jiva-soul, the matter then appears to have form. Just like the original cloth has no form, but when the tailor cuts the cloth according to the body of the person, then the shirt and coat takes a form.
The matter itself has no form.
When you take clay, it has no form, but if you make it like a doll, like a man or woman, then it has a form. When you change the clay, and you manufacture a fort, then the fort has form. So, form and formlessness is of the matter, but in the spiritual world everything has got form. The spirit soul has got form. God has got form. This is the truth.
In the material world any form-man or beast or anyone—in the outward, external covering is matter, but within the matter there is the soul. The soul has form and God has form. That is real form. And the material form is simply shirting and coating over the spiritual body.
The form of the body takes place on account of the form of the spirit. This is very nice example. The cloth has no form, but when it is cut according to the form of the gentleman, it takes a form. Similarly, matter has no form. When it is coated on the spiritual form of the soul, it takes the form. This is very easy to understand." (Philosophy Discussion with Srila Prabhupāda on Thomas Aquinas)
Srila Prabhupāda - "The living entity has got hands, legs, everything, spiritual. Just like my, I have got my body, and this body's covered by this shirt, and because I have got this hand, the shirt has got hand. Otherwise where from this hand comes Unless the spirit soul has got hands and legs, how we have got these material hands and legs? Therefore, the conclusion is that spirit soul has form eternally. As Kṛṣṇa has got form, sac cid ānanda vigraha (Bs. 5.1), similarly jiva-souls have form being part and parcel of Kṛṣṇa. We get information from the Bhagavad-gītā that this material body is like a dress. Vāsāṁsi jīrṇāny yathā vihāya. As we give up old dress, garment, similarly, when this material body becomes useless and wears out, we give up this body and accept another new body. Navāni ghṛṇāti." (The Nectar of Devotion lecture, Vrndavana, Oct 26, 1972)
Srila Prabhupada - "The original (and eternally), the spirit soul has got form." (SB lecture, Canto 3 Ch 26 Text 3, Bombay, Dec 15, 1974)
The jiva-soul has a form in its full spiritual potential in the spiritual world.
So, infinitely and eternally, the jiva-souls has got form. Therefore, the cloth has been cut into form,mit is very easy to understand. Otherwise how you get the form? And in this material form or covering the jiva-soul is trying to enjoy this material world. But cannot enjoy because it is false, it is illusion.^^**
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