Saturday, July 27, 2024

Apollo 11 landings from 1969 to 1972 now proved by four different countries as photo below reveals.

It's sad that arrogance and ignorance still prevails in the ISKCON Movement who foolishly deny the Moon landings. 

All because of immature sentimental attachment to Prabhupada's opinions on the Moon landings (due to youthful inexperience during the early days with Prabhupada). Although his spiritual message is always perfect regardless of some contradictions in material Astronomy and Cosmology.

We have to realize back in the 1970s almost all of Prabhupada's disciples were in their early to mid 20s and the technology was very new to everyone especially Prabhupada who fully did not understand Cosmology that he admitted.

Sadly, as we are seeing, Westerners have no interest in many religions, and today the ISKCON Movement is now taken over by Indians, not that there is anything wrong with that.

The point is, Western Countries have lost interest in the Hare Krishna Movement and only Indian devotees are keeping ISKCON afloat in 2024.

Srila Prabhupada told us in 1972 that the Astronauts in their gross material bodies and gross material machines could not enter Chandraloka, the heavenly dimension on the Moon.

Other than that not much else is said however, Prabhupada did say that even if they did go to the Moon, they could not enter the heavenly realm that is there (Chandraloka) because they do not have the right material bodily vessel or craft that allows them entry.

He told us only by pious activity (good Karma) can one gain entrance into the heavenly realm and not by any mundane mechanical endeavour.

So, all those countries, India, China, Russia, Unites States, Japan, European Union now all going to the Moon, are all denied entry into Chandraloka because they do not have the right qualifications of material body, vehical or piety to enter, so they just see a barron Moon.

ISKCON devotees today in 2024 have got to grow up and learn proper knowledge on this subject because in two years many countries are going back there to the Moon they see. 

Already 6 different nations are sending rockets to the Moon constantly.

Srila Prabhupada's spiritual teachings are excellent but even he told us to investigate the Moon landings because even though he knew they could not enter Chandraloka (the heavenly realm on the Moon) he said they must be going somewhere. 

Yes, the material mundane scientists rockets must be landing on the Moon we can see in the Sky. 

We cannot detect Chandraloka (the heavenly realm on the Moon) because we must have the right accumulation of pious activity, and the subtle material bodily vessel that gives us the the right to enter the heavenly realm of Chandraloka.

No-one nowadays need to prove they went to the Moon, it has already been clearly proven.

ISKCON devotees today in 2024 have got to grow up and learn proper knowledge on this subject because in two years many countries are going back there to the Moon they see. 

Already 6 different nations are sending rockets to the Moon constantly.

Srila Prabhupada's spiritual teachings are excellent but even he told us to investigate the Moon landings because even though he knew they could not enter Chandraloka (the heavenly realm on the Moon) he said they must be going somewhere. 

Yes, the material mundane scientists rockets must be landing on the Moon we can see in the Sky. 

We cannot detect Chandraloka (the heavenly realm on the Moon) because we must have the right accumulation of pious activity, and the "subtle" material bodily vessel that gives us the the only right to enter the heavenly realm of Chandraloka.

Sadly today in 2024, devotees arrogance, sentimentality and foolish ignorance just keeps ISKCON labelled as a crazy conspiracy theorists cult on the fringes of society.

Srila Prabhupada told us in 1972 that the Astronauts in their gross material bodies and gross material machines could not enter Chandraloka, the heavenly dimension on the Moon.

Other than that not much else is said however, Prabhupada did say that even if they did go to the Moon, they could not enter the heavenly realm that is there (Chandraloka) because they do not have the right material bodily vessel or craft that allows them entry.

He told us only by pious activity (good Karma) can one gain entrance into the heavenly realm and not by any mundane mechanical endeavour.

So, all those countries, India, China, Russia, Unites States, Japan, European Union now all going to the Moon, are all denied entry into Chandraloka because they do not have the right qualifications of material body, vehical or piety to enter, so they just see a barron Moon.

Entering the heavenly planets is not spiritual, it is a higher material experience.

Chandraloka heavenly atmosphere on the Moon, and the heavenly realm on the Sun (Surya) are not spiritual abodes, they are higher material realms or dimensions in the material world.

Sadly, there are still too many naive ignorant so called devotees, sannyasis and gurus out there who are arrogent sentimentalist, and have no brain to understand the true facts that the Moon landings actually happened mentioned above. Just block those idiots and their crazy comments on Facebook and Google, they do not represent the REAL movement of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu or ISKCON.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, there are still too many naive ignorant so called devotees, sannyasis and gurus out there who are arrogent sentimentalist, and have no brain to understand the true facts that the Moon landings actually happened mentioned above. Just block those idiots and their crazy comments on Facebook and Google, they do not represent the REAL movement of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu or ISKCON.


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