Soon, July 20th 2019, will be the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon landings.
50 years has passed, how should we maturely understand this significant event of human history?
Many forget that over 450,000 people worked on Moon landing project between 1961 and 1972?
Was it all really a hoax 50 years ago?
Srila Prabhupada taught his disciples it WAS a hoax and that man never went to the Moon.
However, it is obvious he really meant the "subtle dimension" on the Moon invisible to our "gross material bodies" that is the heavenly realm called Chandraloka.
And even today knowing he meant the heavenly realm called Chandraloka, to question Prabhupada the Acharaya's authority and judgement from 45 years ago, many devotees today call you an offensive demon for questioning and doubting the Acharaya.
Prabhupada once said he is not God but Krishna's humble servant and that many things in Cosmology he did not know.
He said he did not know or understand how to draw of Bhu-Mandala our universe, he had an idea but was not sure
Therefore he sent Tamal Krishna Maharaj to Southern India in search of a learned Brahmin, who could TEACH us all about Cosmology from the Vedic point of view and what this small material universe we are in really looks like.
We do not want to sound like a fanatical fundamentalist religious cult who has no evidence to prove our claims, he once said
So lets be sensible here and not sentimental, fanatical or even Just follow blindly.
Even Prabhupada told us long ago, "question everything" including all Vedic teachings in order to understand.
ISKCON devotees and leaders in what is nearly 2020, cannot keep ignoring the overwhelming evidence from so many employees involved with the present day Space programs and Moon experdition projects of China, Japan, India, European Union, Israel, Russia, America and soon Australia.
The 2020s are going to be very revealing time within the field of space travel.
Even though we do NOT agree with what they are doing, we CANNOT deny what they have achieved.
For devotees, as Prabhupada taught us, it is all a big waste of time and billions of dollars.
This is because a devotee's ONLY real goal is to "get out of this mundane temporary decaying material creation", and not try to be comfortable here by traveling through the material universe (outerspace), attempting to build the Kingdom of God in the material universe without God.
There needs to be a serious review of ISKCON's stand on the Apollo missions to know the truth.
And at the sametime, show the greatest respect to Srila Prabhupada who has the eyes to see the Moon as Chandraloka, a heavenly planet and not the "gross moon" us humans on this Earth globe only see.
As time goes on, it will become more aparent that all evidence over the last 50 years, clearly proves man DID go to the Moon, but ONLY the "gross Moon" we see at night and NOT the "subtle Moon" where the heavenly atmosphere of Chandraloka exists.
ISKCON should prepare a statement before it become obvious they have gone to the Moon and will send manned missions to the Moon sometime in the 2020s, when many Countries, like China, India, Japan, Israel, USA, Russia and European Union will go there.
In fact the many Countries above are going there now with unmanned probes and have been doing so for years.
The Moon they have been going too, is "the gross Moon" we see on Earth".
We have to understand that Srila Prabhupada was originally ALWAYS referring to the "subtle heavenly realm on the Moon called Chandraloka".
In this regards, Prabhupada is right, man in their mundane material space crafts can NEVER enter Chandraloka in a "gross material body" or their "material space vehicals" they went to the Moon in.
On these points Srila Prabhupada was right.
This is because there is a underlining "subtle material reality" or dimension exising in sub-space throughout all the material universe, not just on the moon either.
This subtle parallel reality is here on earth too, it is all around us and for one to enter this unseen dimension of space-time in the gross material body is NOT possible.
Therefore, to enter the heavenly atmoshere of Chandraloka on the Moon, is only possible in the subtle material body, NOT a gross biological body.
And that entry is based on pious and impious activities (karma) and NOT material mundane technology.
But as far as the "gross Moon" is conerned, they DID go and there and soon many Countries will be back there with manned missions, already they have sent many probes and rovers to the Moon in recent years.
Therefore "is it wise" to keep denying these facts in today's world of 2019?
Or will some devotees keep up the denial of Moon landings, regardless of Srila Prabhupada's comments that they did not go.
Many devotees who firmly believe Prabhupada's comments, still repeat his 45 year old seemingly out dated comments with devotees back then all in their mid 20s.
Many of those recorded conversations with Prabhupada frankly seem humorous today.
For example, comments like all Moon rocks came from Arizona and the Moon landings were all staged on a Movie set directed by Stanley Kubrick who made the 1968 Movie "A Space Odesey"
But with all due respects to Srila Prabhupada, often he said the Astronauts CANNOT enter the heavenly realm of Chandraloka, which is right however, he extended that fact to not going to the "gross Moon" as well.
The fact is, we can see the Moon in the sky, it is that Moon we call "the gross Moon"
And to believe it was all staged acted in Arizona, is simply based on lack of proper information about this new technology of space exploration by America.
It is obvious to intelligent people 50 years on, Prabhupada's strong views back then 45 years ago, needed deeper research and correction.
This is because many back then lacked the knowledge in the 1960s and early 1970s about this new science.
Also Srila Prabhupada was born in the 19th Century, before even airplanes existed, let alone space travel that some foolish devotees even today believe is a hoax along with Satellites.
Therefore "every comment" he made claiming the Moon landings were "all bluff" and never happened, seems by the evidence today incorrect.
Why is that?
Back then not many understood or even believed in space technology in the 1960s and early 70s. This is because it was all a new pioneering industry, not properly understood or researched maturely by the young devotees back then, including Srila Prabhupada.
To be fair, Prabhupada's views on going to the Moon was both "right and wrong" in the following way -
1 - They never entered the heavenly dimension of Chandraloka that is impossible to visit in a gross material body and gross materialistic space crafts.
2 - They DID land on the "gross Moon" between 1969 and 1972 as CORRECTLY documented by the Apollo missions.
So it seems today in nearly 2020, the Moon landings will be historically seen as NOT "all bluff" or some silly hoax by future generations.
Like all new technologies, the 1960s and 70s were no different, it brought , doubt, disbelief, denial, scriptural prophecies and superstition and conspiracy theories.
Just like when electric wiring was introduced in 1882 to power electric lights. Back then also many feared this technology and were told the wires entering your house, will attract evil spirits to enter through the wiring.
Or when in December 1903, the Wright brothers first flew their plane, it was condemned as a prank by the Catholic Church and the work of the devil, because if God wanted man to fly, He would of gave him wings.
These are the facts.
Friday, July 12, 2019
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Surrender to Krishna and His pure devotees NEVER means one loses their individuality and the unique sense of independent self.
The fact is God is more inclined to help those who FIRST do everything they can to help themselves, even if by others standards it may seem they have not done enough trying to help themselves.
Only then when one does their best (and we are all different) will Krishna help you when He sees you tried your best to remember the Lord.
This is because each jiva has their own independent individual personality and sense of self that allows THEM to ''choose'' to help themselves think of Krishna or ignore Him and His "pure" devotees.
Otherwise if Krishna does everything for you, how can there be genuine love? Real love is reciprocal, it is NEVER a one way street where surrender to Krishna takes away one's sense of self, individuality and personal contributions.
The "highest independence and surrender" is "choosing" to be fully dependent on Krishna but ONLY in the mood of reciprocation.
Just wanting to be Krishna's mindless "yes man" as many young immature devotees attempt, is the worst kind of impersonalism!
The freedom to EVEN stay in Vaikuntha MUST be the jiva's choice in reciprocation with Krishna because without free will and the ability to choose, there can be no real love.
Srila Prabhupada has said not even Krishna can force you to love Him, LOVE or service is based on free will and then reciprocation.
Srila Prabhupada told his disciples, if you love me then naturally I will love you. This is what reciprocation means.
Surrender does NOT mean one stops being an individual independent living entity with their own eternal unique sense of self expression that foolish impersonal sannyasis and gurus teach, sadly even in ISKCON and the Gaudiya Math.
I heard one nonsense sanyasi say to a congregational member " Come join our Temple and you do not even have to think, we will do that for you"
Be careful of such IMPERSONALISM in the disguise of Vaishnavism.
Never give up but educate yourself of what REAL spiritual life is so you do not get cheated!
Who cares what World organized religious sangas and their members think, they do NOT own Krishna as many of their immature leaders try to make out.
In fact, no matter what the material world throws at you or what past difficulties and fall downs you have experienced due in inattentiveness, NEVER give up!
The fact is Spiritual life is like learning to walk, when one falls over, you just get up again and again until you become strong enough in your Krishna Consciousness to NEVER again fall down.
For many of us, as Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, this WILL take many life times.
However, for the rare selfless dedicated souls out of the many thousands of ISKCON and Gaudiya Math devotees, this CAN take just one life time by the mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada.
Only then when one does their best (and we are all different) will Krishna help you when He sees you tried your best to remember the Lord.
This is because each jiva has their own independent individual personality and sense of self that allows THEM to ''choose'' to help themselves think of Krishna or ignore Him and His "pure" devotees.
Otherwise if Krishna does everything for you, how can there be genuine love? Real love is reciprocal, it is NEVER a one way street where surrender to Krishna takes away one's sense of self, individuality and personal contributions.
The "highest independence and surrender" is "choosing" to be fully dependent on Krishna but ONLY in the mood of reciprocation.
Just wanting to be Krishna's mindless "yes man" as many young immature devotees attempt, is the worst kind of impersonalism!
The freedom to EVEN stay in Vaikuntha MUST be the jiva's choice in reciprocation with Krishna because without free will and the ability to choose, there can be no real love.
Srila Prabhupada has said not even Krishna can force you to love Him, LOVE or service is based on free will and then reciprocation.
Srila Prabhupada told his disciples, if you love me then naturally I will love you. This is what reciprocation means.
Surrender does NOT mean one stops being an individual independent living entity with their own eternal unique sense of self expression that foolish impersonal sannyasis and gurus teach, sadly even in ISKCON and the Gaudiya Math.
I heard one nonsense sanyasi say to a congregational member " Come join our Temple and you do not even have to think, we will do that for you"
Be careful of such IMPERSONALISM in the disguise of Vaishnavism.
Never give up but educate yourself of what REAL spiritual life is so you do not get cheated!
Who cares what World organized religious sangas and their members think, they do NOT own Krishna as many of their immature leaders try to make out.
In fact, no matter what the material world throws at you or what past difficulties and fall downs you have experienced due in inattentiveness, NEVER give up!
The fact is Spiritual life is like learning to walk, when one falls over, you just get up again and again until you become strong enough in your Krishna Consciousness to NEVER again fall down.
For many of us, as Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, this WILL take many life times.
However, for the rare selfless dedicated souls out of the many thousands of ISKCON and Gaudiya Math devotees, this CAN take just one life time by the mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada.
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 6 Chapter 16 Text 37 says - ''Every universe is covered by seven layers—earth, water, fire, air, sky, the total energy and false ego—each ten times greater than the previous one".
This photo used below by devotees at the TOVP of a Brahmanda and its description is completely incorrect.
1 - The 7 layer descriptions are WRONG (And it is not 8 either layers as they claim on drawing) Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 6 Chapter 16 Text 37 says - ''Every universe is covered by seven layers—earth, water, fire, air, sky, the total energy and false ego—each ten times greater than the previous one".
2 - The size of the inner universe is NOT to scale, if it was you could not even see our inner 4 billion mile diameter universe compared to the size of the 7 layers of material qualities that make up the massive Brahmanda surrounding our small universe within.
3. Our Earth planet is NOT flat as fools believe, nor is it Bhu-Mandala that is discribed as 4 billion miles in diameter, that is really our enter single material universe and NOT our Earth globe.
All photos showing the 7 material layers and their sizes on the photo below are totally wrongly and bogus.
To be very clear, our earth planet is within one of the 14 Planetary Systems that make up the our small universe and is a round global sphere.
On the internet some devotees are not presenting Bhagavatam's description as it is.
They have the first layer WRONG, here is how it should be.
Earth is the first layer and is 10 times bigger than the size of our universe which is 4 billion miles in diameter.
1 - Earth quality. The first layer "Earth" is 40 billion miles in diameter which is 10 times the size of our small Bhu-Mandala Universe.
2 - Water quality. 400 billion miles in diameter which is 10 times the size of Earth quality.
3 - Fire quality. 4 trillion miles in diameter which is 10 times the size of water quality.
4 - Air quality. 40 trillion miles in diameter which is 10 times the size of fire quality.
5 - Sky quality. 400 trillion miles in diameter which is 10 times the size of Air quality.
6 - Total material energy quality. 4 quadrillion in diameter which is 10 times the size of Sky.
7 - False Ego quality. 40 quadrillion miles in diameter.
The full diameter size of our Brahmanda that incases, covers and surrounds our inner small 4 billion diameter Bhu-Mandala universe is 44 quadrillion 444 trillion 444 billion miles in diameter.
References Srimad Bhagavatam's 5th canto are in next post.
Billions of almost spherical universal bodies called Brahmandas, emanate from the Body and breathing of Maha Vishnu.
These massive Universes are called desribed as egg shaped universes called Brahmandas.
Furthermore, each Brahmanda Universe surrounds and encases a smaller Universe that exists deep inside the Brahmanda where Garbhodakashayi Vishnu and Lord Brahma reside.
This inner 4 billion mile diameter universe is called Bhu-Mandala and
houses the 14 Planetary Systems.
Srimad Bhagavatam tells us there are billions of individual "Brahmanda Universes" however, the sizes of the each Brahmanda Universe and its small inner Universes inside it, varies in size.
For example, our inner Universe deep inside our Brahmanda called Bhu-Mandala, is one of the smallest and is "4 billion miles (500,000,000 Yojanas) in diameter"
According to Srimad Bhagavatam's 5th Canto, there are 14 Planetary Systems in our in our 4 billion mile diameter Bhu-Mandala Universe, but the amount may be different in others.
Within the stem of the lotus coming from the naval of Garbhodakashayi Vishnu, there are fourteen divisions of planetary systems created by Lord Brahma, and our earth spherical planet is situated in the middle of the stem.
Srila Prabhupada - ''We have to imagine that these universes (Brahmandas), which according to our limited knowledge are expanded unlimitedly, are so great that the gross and subtle ingredients—the five elements of the cosmic manifestation, namely
1 - Earth,
2 - Water,
3 - Fire,
4 - Air,
5 - Sky,
6 - Total material energy,
7 - False ego.
All are not only within the universe but cover the universe in seven layers, each layer ten times bigger than the previous one.
In this way, each and every universe is very securely packed, and there are numberless universes. All these universes float within the innumerable pores of the transcendental body of Mahā-Viṣṇu.
It is stated that just as the atoms and particles of dust are floating within the air along with the birds and their number cannot be calculated, so innumerable universes are floating within the pores of the transcendental body of the Lord. For this reason, the Vedas say that God is beyond the grasp of our knowledge. '' Krsna Book 87
We CANNOT see from one universe to another, this is because our individual universe is surrounded and encased by 7 thick material layers that is our outer egg shaped universe called a Brahmanda
And yes, it IS impossible to see the millions of other Brahmandas outside our inner universe (inside a massive Brahmanda) because of being surrounded by 7 thick material layers that only rare mystic yogis and advanced devotees like Arjuna can see and pass through.
So of course Krishna and Arjuna did not encounter such limitations we experience by the combination of these elements like earth, water, fire all gross elements as Bhagavad Gita explains.
Srila Prabhupada - ''The Lord is not visible to the eyes of ordinary men, those who are beyond the covering layers because of their transcendental devotional service can still see Him''. Krsna Book 87
We cannot see through our Brahmanda that surrounds and encases our small universe, Srila Prabhupada is clear on this
Srila Prabhupada - ''Lord Krishna and Arjuna crossed over the great region of darkness covering the material universes. Arjuna then saw the effulgence of light known as the brahmajyoti. The brahmajyoti is situated ''outside the covering of the material universes'', and because it cannot be seen with our present eyes, this brahmajyoti is sometimes called avyakta''. Krsna Book, 89
Srila Prabhupada - ''Each universe is covered by various layers of material elements (The 7 layers of the outer Brahmanda covering), and therefore although the universes are clustered together, we CANNOT see from one universe to another. In other words, whatever we see is within this one universe. In each universe there is one Lord Brahmā, and there are other demigods on other planets, but there is only one sun''.- Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 5 Chapter 21 Text 11, Purport
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 6 Chapter 16 Text 37 -
''Every universe is covered by seven layers—earth, water, fire, air, sky, the total energy and false ego—each ten times greater than the previous one. There are innumerable universes besides this one, and although they are unlimitedly large, they move about like atoms in You. Therefore You are called unlimited [ananta]''.
This verse describes the coverings of the universe (saptabhir daśa-guṇottarair aṇḍa-kośaḥ).
The 7 layers covering and surrounding our inner Universe called a Brahmanda, is made up of
1 - Earth,
2 - Water,
3 - Fire,
4 - Air,
5 - Sky,
6 - Total material energy,
7 - False ego.
Beginning with the covering of earth, each covering is ten times greater than the previous one. Thus we can only imagine how great each universe is, and there are many millions of universes.
As confirmed by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gītā (BG 10.42):
athavā bahunaitena
kiṁ jñātena tavārjuna
viṣṭabhyāham idaṁ kṛtsnam
ekāṁśena sthito jagat
"But what need is there, Arjuna, for all this detailed knowledge? With a single fragment of Myself I pervade and support this entire universe."
The entire material world manifests only one fourth of the Supreme Lord's energy. Therefore He is called ananta''.
SB 1.3.2, Purport:
The first puruṣa is the Kāraṇodakaśāyī Viṣṇu. From His skin holes innumerable universes have sprung up. In each and every universe, the puruṣa enters as the Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu.
He is lying within the half of the universe which is full with the water of His body. And from the navel of Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu has sprung the stem of the lotus flower, the birthplace of Brahmā, who is the father of all living beings and the master of all the demigod engineers engaged in the perfect design and working of the universal order.
Within the stem of the lotus there are fourteen divisions of planetary systems, and the earthly planets are situated in the middle.
Upwards there are other, better planetary systems, and the topmost system is called Brahmaloka or Satyaloka. Downwards from the earthly planetary system there are seven lower planetary systems inhabited by the asuras and similar other materialistic living beings.
SB Canto 2
The universe is divided into fourteen planetary systems. Seven planetary systems, called Bhūr, Bhuvar, Svar, Mahar, Janas, Tapas and Satya, are upward planetary systems, one above the other.
1 - The 7 layer descriptions are WRONG (And it is not 8 either layers as they claim on drawing) Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 6 Chapter 16 Text 37 says - ''Every universe is covered by seven layers—earth, water, fire, air, sky, the total energy and false ego—each ten times greater than the previous one".
2 - The size of the inner universe is NOT to scale, if it was you could not even see our inner 4 billion mile diameter universe compared to the size of the 7 layers of material qualities that make up the massive Brahmanda surrounding our small universe within.
3. Our Earth planet is NOT flat as fools believe, nor is it Bhu-Mandala that is discribed as 4 billion miles in diameter, that is really our enter single material universe and NOT our Earth globe.
All photos showing the 7 material layers and their sizes on the photo below are totally wrongly and bogus.
To be very clear, our earth planet is within one of the 14 Planetary Systems that make up the our small universe and is a round global sphere.
On the internet some devotees are not presenting Bhagavatam's description as it is.
They have the first layer WRONG, here is how it should be.
Earth is the first layer and is 10 times bigger than the size of our universe which is 4 billion miles in diameter.
1 - Earth quality. The first layer "Earth" is 40 billion miles in diameter which is 10 times the size of our small Bhu-Mandala Universe.
2 - Water quality. 400 billion miles in diameter which is 10 times the size of Earth quality.
3 - Fire quality. 4 trillion miles in diameter which is 10 times the size of water quality.
4 - Air quality. 40 trillion miles in diameter which is 10 times the size of fire quality.
5 - Sky quality. 400 trillion miles in diameter which is 10 times the size of Air quality.
6 - Total material energy quality. 4 quadrillion in diameter which is 10 times the size of Sky.
7 - False Ego quality. 40 quadrillion miles in diameter.
The full diameter size of our Brahmanda that incases, covers and surrounds our inner small 4 billion diameter Bhu-Mandala universe is 44 quadrillion 444 trillion 444 billion miles in diameter.
References Srimad Bhagavatam's 5th canto are in next post.
Billions of almost spherical universal bodies called Brahmandas, emanate from the Body and breathing of Maha Vishnu.
These massive Universes are called desribed as egg shaped universes called Brahmandas.
Furthermore, each Brahmanda Universe surrounds and encases a smaller Universe that exists deep inside the Brahmanda where Garbhodakashayi Vishnu and Lord Brahma reside.
This inner 4 billion mile diameter universe is called Bhu-Mandala and
houses the 14 Planetary Systems.
Srimad Bhagavatam tells us there are billions of individual "Brahmanda Universes" however, the sizes of the each Brahmanda Universe and its small inner Universes inside it, varies in size.
For example, our inner Universe deep inside our Brahmanda called Bhu-Mandala, is one of the smallest and is "4 billion miles (500,000,000 Yojanas) in diameter"
According to Srimad Bhagavatam's 5th Canto, there are 14 Planetary Systems in our in our 4 billion mile diameter Bhu-Mandala Universe, but the amount may be different in others.
Within the stem of the lotus coming from the naval of Garbhodakashayi Vishnu, there are fourteen divisions of planetary systems created by Lord Brahma, and our earth spherical planet is situated in the middle of the stem.
Srila Prabhupada - ''We have to imagine that these universes (Brahmandas), which according to our limited knowledge are expanded unlimitedly, are so great that the gross and subtle ingredients—the five elements of the cosmic manifestation, namely
1 - Earth,
2 - Water,
3 - Fire,
4 - Air,
5 - Sky,
6 - Total material energy,
7 - False ego.
All are not only within the universe but cover the universe in seven layers, each layer ten times bigger than the previous one.
In this way, each and every universe is very securely packed, and there are numberless universes. All these universes float within the innumerable pores of the transcendental body of Mahā-Viṣṇu.
It is stated that just as the atoms and particles of dust are floating within the air along with the birds and their number cannot be calculated, so innumerable universes are floating within the pores of the transcendental body of the Lord. For this reason, the Vedas say that God is beyond the grasp of our knowledge. '' Krsna Book 87
We CANNOT see from one universe to another, this is because our individual universe is surrounded and encased by 7 thick material layers that is our outer egg shaped universe called a Brahmanda
And yes, it IS impossible to see the millions of other Brahmandas outside our inner universe (inside a massive Brahmanda) because of being surrounded by 7 thick material layers that only rare mystic yogis and advanced devotees like Arjuna can see and pass through.
So of course Krishna and Arjuna did not encounter such limitations we experience by the combination of these elements like earth, water, fire all gross elements as Bhagavad Gita explains.
Srila Prabhupada - ''The Lord is not visible to the eyes of ordinary men, those who are beyond the covering layers because of their transcendental devotional service can still see Him''. Krsna Book 87
We cannot see through our Brahmanda that surrounds and encases our small universe, Srila Prabhupada is clear on this
Srila Prabhupada - ''Lord Krishna and Arjuna crossed over the great region of darkness covering the material universes. Arjuna then saw the effulgence of light known as the brahmajyoti. The brahmajyoti is situated ''outside the covering of the material universes'', and because it cannot be seen with our present eyes, this brahmajyoti is sometimes called avyakta''. Krsna Book, 89
Srila Prabhupada - ''Each universe is covered by various layers of material elements (The 7 layers of the outer Brahmanda covering), and therefore although the universes are clustered together, we CANNOT see from one universe to another. In other words, whatever we see is within this one universe. In each universe there is one Lord Brahmā, and there are other demigods on other planets, but there is only one sun''.- Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 5 Chapter 21 Text 11, Purport
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 6 Chapter 16 Text 37 -
''Every universe is covered by seven layers—earth, water, fire, air, sky, the total energy and false ego—each ten times greater than the previous one. There are innumerable universes besides this one, and although they are unlimitedly large, they move about like atoms in You. Therefore You are called unlimited [ananta]''.
This verse describes the coverings of the universe (saptabhir daśa-guṇottarair aṇḍa-kośaḥ).
The 7 layers covering and surrounding our inner Universe called a Brahmanda, is made up of
1 - Earth,
2 - Water,
3 - Fire,
4 - Air,
5 - Sky,
6 - Total material energy,
7 - False ego.
Beginning with the covering of earth, each covering is ten times greater than the previous one. Thus we can only imagine how great each universe is, and there are many millions of universes.
As confirmed by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gītā (BG 10.42):
athavā bahunaitena
kiṁ jñātena tavārjuna
viṣṭabhyāham idaṁ kṛtsnam
ekāṁśena sthito jagat
"But what need is there, Arjuna, for all this detailed knowledge? With a single fragment of Myself I pervade and support this entire universe."
The entire material world manifests only one fourth of the Supreme Lord's energy. Therefore He is called ananta''.
SB 1.3.2, Purport:
The first puruṣa is the Kāraṇodakaśāyī Viṣṇu. From His skin holes innumerable universes have sprung up. In each and every universe, the puruṣa enters as the Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu.
He is lying within the half of the universe which is full with the water of His body. And from the navel of Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu has sprung the stem of the lotus flower, the birthplace of Brahmā, who is the father of all living beings and the master of all the demigod engineers engaged in the perfect design and working of the universal order.
Within the stem of the lotus there are fourteen divisions of planetary systems, and the earthly planets are situated in the middle.
Upwards there are other, better planetary systems, and the topmost system is called Brahmaloka or Satyaloka. Downwards from the earthly planetary system there are seven lower planetary systems inhabited by the asuras and similar other materialistic living beings.
SB Canto 2
The universe is divided into fourteen planetary systems. Seven planetary systems, called Bhūr, Bhuvar, Svar, Mahar, Janas, Tapas and Satya, are upward planetary systems, one above the other.
Srila Prabhupada - ''Kṛṣṇa consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind. This consciousness is the original energy of the living entity."
In this age of Kali-yuga, chanting the mahā-mantra is the best way to get out of this Material World
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa,
Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare,
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma,
Rāma Rāma Hare Hare
Srila Prabhupada - ''Kṛṣṇa consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind. This consciousness is the original energy of the living entity.
When we hear the transcendental vibration, this consciousness is revived. And the process is recommended by authorities for this age.
This chanting of Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare is directly enacted from the spiritual platform, surpassing all lower states of consciousness-namely sensual, mental and intellectual.
There is no need of understanding the language of the mantra, nor is there any need of mental speculation nor any intellectual adjustment for chanting this mahā-mantra.
It springs automatically from the spiritual platform, and as such, anyone can take part in this transcendental sound vibration, without any previous qualification, and dance in ecstasy.
We have seen it practically. Even a child can take part in the chanting, or even a dog can take part in it.
The chanting should be heard, however, from the lips of a pure devotee of the Lord, so that immediate effect can be achieved.
As far as possible, chanting from the lips of a nondevotee should be avoided, as much as milk touched by the lips of a serpent causes poisonous effect.
The word Harā is a form of addressing the energy of the Lord. Both Kṛṣṇa and Rāma are forms of addressing directly the Lord, and they mean "the highest pleasure, eternal."
Harā is the supreme pleasure potency of the Lord. This potency, when addressed as Hare, helps us in reaching the Supreme Lord.
The chanting is exactly like a genuine cry by the child for the mother. Mother Harā helps in achieving the grace of the supreme father, Hari, or Kṛṣṇa, and the Lord reveals Himself to such a sincere devotee.
No other means, therefore, of spiritual realization is as effective in this age, as chanting the mahā-mantra,
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa,
Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare,
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma,
Rāma Rāma Hare Hare
The cover of the Happening record album December 1966 New York City New York State.
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa,
Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare,
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma,
Rāma Rāma Hare Hare
Srila Prabhupada - ''Kṛṣṇa consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind. This consciousness is the original energy of the living entity.
When we hear the transcendental vibration, this consciousness is revived. And the process is recommended by authorities for this age.
This chanting of Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare is directly enacted from the spiritual platform, surpassing all lower states of consciousness-namely sensual, mental and intellectual.
There is no need of understanding the language of the mantra, nor is there any need of mental speculation nor any intellectual adjustment for chanting this mahā-mantra.
It springs automatically from the spiritual platform, and as such, anyone can take part in this transcendental sound vibration, without any previous qualification, and dance in ecstasy.
We have seen it practically. Even a child can take part in the chanting, or even a dog can take part in it.
The chanting should be heard, however, from the lips of a pure devotee of the Lord, so that immediate effect can be achieved.
As far as possible, chanting from the lips of a nondevotee should be avoided, as much as milk touched by the lips of a serpent causes poisonous effect.
The word Harā is a form of addressing the energy of the Lord. Both Kṛṣṇa and Rāma are forms of addressing directly the Lord, and they mean "the highest pleasure, eternal."
Harā is the supreme pleasure potency of the Lord. This potency, when addressed as Hare, helps us in reaching the Supreme Lord.
The chanting is exactly like a genuine cry by the child for the mother. Mother Harā helps in achieving the grace of the supreme father, Hari, or Kṛṣṇa, and the Lord reveals Himself to such a sincere devotee.
No other means, therefore, of spiritual realization is as effective in this age, as chanting the mahā-mantra,
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa,
Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare,
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma,
Rāma Rāma Hare Hare
The cover of the Happening record album December 1966 New York City New York State.
Deep inside each of the billions of Brahmanda egg shaped universes coming from the Body of Maha Vishnu, is a secondary universe where unlimited Garbhodakashayi Vishnus resides. From His naval, a stem has grown with a lotus flow at its end, this is where Lord Brahma resides and builds his material universe and all the Planetary Systems also located deep within each Brahmanda (Our inner universe has 14 planetary systems) Each surrounding Brahmanda is different in size, this is based on how many heads each Lord Brahma has, some have 4 or 40, or 400 even 1000 or 10,000. Therefore all Brahmanda's range in different sizes.
Here we see in this painting below what is deep within each of the millions of Brahmanda egg shaped universes coming from the Body of Maha Vishnu.
As shown in painting, deep inside each Brahmanda is a secondary Universe where Garbhodakashayi Vishnu resides and from His naval a stem has grown with a lotus flow at its end where Lord Brahma resides.
In this inner universe deep within the surrounding Brahmanda, Brahma builds and creates 14 different Planetary Systems that all exist within the lotus stem growing from Garbhodakashayi Vishnu's naval.
In our Brahmanda, the small inner material universe is called Bhu-Mandala and is 4 billion miles in diameter according to Srimad Bhagavatam's 5th Canto.
It is important to understand that each material universe, like our Bhu-Mandala Universe with its 14 different Planetary Systems, are actually encased and surrounded by a greater Universal body called a Brahmanda.
The size of our outer surrounding Brahmanda covering of our small material universe within, made up of 7 massive material layers, are collectively 44 quadrillion 444 trillion 444 billion miles in diameter as seen in the below painting.
The painting does not reveal the real size of our 4 billion mile diameter Bhu-Mandala Universe that is deep inside its massive surrounding Brahmanda.
If it did, you would not even see our smaller inner material Universe because the Brahmanda is so massive.
As shown in painting, deep inside each Brahmanda is a secondary Universe where Garbhodakashayi Vishnu resides and from His naval a stem has grown with a lotus flow at its end where Lord Brahma resides.
In this inner universe deep within the surrounding Brahmanda, Brahma builds and creates 14 different Planetary Systems that all exist within the lotus stem growing from Garbhodakashayi Vishnu's naval.
In our Brahmanda, the small inner material universe is called Bhu-Mandala and is 4 billion miles in diameter according to Srimad Bhagavatam's 5th Canto.
It is important to understand that each material universe, like our Bhu-Mandala Universe with its 14 different Planetary Systems, are actually encased and surrounded by a greater Universal body called a Brahmanda.
The size of our outer surrounding Brahmanda covering of our small material universe within, made up of 7 massive material layers, are collectively 44 quadrillion 444 trillion 444 billion miles in diameter as seen in the below painting.
The painting does not reveal the real size of our 4 billion mile diameter Bhu-Mandala Universe that is deep inside its massive surrounding Brahmanda.
If it did, you would not even see our smaller inner material Universe because the Brahmanda is so massive.
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Srila Prabhupada clearly says our Earth planet is a globe and the use of the word Islands can also means global planets in outer space. Only crazy delusional fools believe the nonsense our Earth is flat
In the following Text, Srila Prabhupada clearly says our Earth planet is a globe and the use of the word Islands can also means global spherical round planets in outer space.
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 Chapter 16 Text 12
bhadrāśvaṁ ketumālaṁ ca
bhārataṁ cottarān kurūn
kimpuruṣādīni varṣāṇi
vijitya jagṛhe balim
bhadrāśvam—Bhadrāśva; ketumālam—Ketumāla; ca—also; bhāratam—Bhārata; ca—and; uttarān—the northern countries; kurūn—the kingdom of the Kuru dynasty; kimpuruṣa-ādīni—a country beyond the northern side of the Himalayas; varṣāṇi—parts of the earth planet; vijitya—conquering; jagṛhe—exacted; balim—strength.
Mahārāja Parīkṣit then conquered all parts of the earthly planet-Bhadrāśva, Ketumāla, Bhārata, the northern Kuru, Kimpuruṣa, etc.-and exacted tributes from their respective rulers.
Bhadrāśva: It is an island near Meru Parvata. There is a description of this island in the Mahābhārata (Bhīṣma parva 7.16-18). The description was narrated by Sañjaya to Dhṛtarāṣṭra.
Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira also conquered this island, and thus the province was included within the jurisdiction of his empire. Mahārāja Parīkṣit was formerly declared to be the emperor of all lands ruled by his grandfather, but still he had to establish his supremacy while he was out of his capital to exact tribute from such states.
This earth planet is divided into seven parts, and according to others it is divided into nine parts. This earth is called Jambūdvīpa and is divided into nine varṣas.
Bhārata-varṣa is one of the above mentioned nine varṣas. Such varṣas are known as continents in the modern geographical context. Ketumāla is described as one of the above varṣas.
It is said that in this varṣa, women are the most beautiful. This varṣa was conquered by Arjuna also. A description of this part of the world is available in the Mahābhārata (Sabhā Parva 286.32-33).
It is said that this part of the world is situated on the western side of the Meru Parvata, and the inhabitants of this province used to live up to ten thousands of years (Bhīṣma Parva 6.16.31-32).
Human beings living in this part of the GLOBE are of golden color, and the women resemble the angels of heaven. The inhabitants are free from all kinds of diseases and grief.
This part of the world is also one of the nine varṣas of the Jambūdvīpa, or earthly planet. Each planet is also sometimes called a dvīpa because of its being an island in the fathomless outer space.
Each planet is factually an island in the airy ocean of outer space.
Jambūdvīpa is only one of such countless islands in this airy ocean of space. A description of Bhārata-varṣa is given in the Mahābhārata (Bhīṣma Parva, Chapters 9-10).
According to Śrīdhara Svāmī these parts of the world are called Ilāvṛta-varṣa, or the mediterranean countries of Europe. The description of the Ilāvṛta-varṣa is given in the Mahābhārata (Sabhā Parva 28.7-8) as follows:
nagarāṁś ca vanāṁś caiva
nadīś ca vimalodakāḥ
puruṣān deva-kalpāṁś ca
nārīś ca priya-darśanāḥ
adṛṣṭa-pūrvān subhagān
sa dadarśa dhanañjayaḥ
sadanāni ca śubhrāṇi
nārīś cāpsarasāṁ nibhāḥ
It is twice mentioned here that the women are beautiful, and some of them are equal to the apsarās, or heavenly women. Therefore the countries mentioned are round about the Mediterranean coast.
It is stated to be situated beyond the northern side of Darjelling Dhavala Giri and probably may be a country like Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet and China. These parts of the world were also conquered by Arjuna (Sabhā Parva 28.1-2).
The Kimpuruṣas are descendants of the daughter of Dakṣa.
When Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira performed a horse sacrifice, the inhabitants of these countries were also present to take part in the festival, and they paid tributes to the Emperor.
This part of the world is called Kimpuruṣa-varṣa, or sometimes the Himalayan provinces (Himavatī). It is said that Śukadeva Gosvāmī was born in these Himalayan provinces, and he came to Bhārata-varṣa after crossing the Himalayan countries.
In other words, Mahārāja Parīkṣit conquered all the world, namely all the continents adjoining all the seas and oceans in all directions, namely the eastern, western, northern and southern parts of the world.
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 Chapter 16 Text 12
bhadrāśvaṁ ketumālaṁ ca
bhārataṁ cottarān kurūn
kimpuruṣādīni varṣāṇi
vijitya jagṛhe balim
bhadrāśvam—Bhadrāśva; ketumālam—Ketumāla; ca—also; bhāratam—Bhārata; ca—and; uttarān—the northern countries; kurūn—the kingdom of the Kuru dynasty; kimpuruṣa-ādīni—a country beyond the northern side of the Himalayas; varṣāṇi—parts of the earth planet; vijitya—conquering; jagṛhe—exacted; balim—strength.
Mahārāja Parīkṣit then conquered all parts of the earthly planet-Bhadrāśva, Ketumāla, Bhārata, the northern Kuru, Kimpuruṣa, etc.-and exacted tributes from their respective rulers.
Bhadrāśva: It is an island near Meru Parvata. There is a description of this island in the Mahābhārata (Bhīṣma parva 7.16-18). The description was narrated by Sañjaya to Dhṛtarāṣṭra.
Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira also conquered this island, and thus the province was included within the jurisdiction of his empire. Mahārāja Parīkṣit was formerly declared to be the emperor of all lands ruled by his grandfather, but still he had to establish his supremacy while he was out of his capital to exact tribute from such states.
This earth planet is divided into seven parts, and according to others it is divided into nine parts. This earth is called Jambūdvīpa and is divided into nine varṣas.
Bhārata-varṣa is one of the above mentioned nine varṣas. Such varṣas are known as continents in the modern geographical context. Ketumāla is described as one of the above varṣas.
It is said that in this varṣa, women are the most beautiful. This varṣa was conquered by Arjuna also. A description of this part of the world is available in the Mahābhārata (Sabhā Parva 286.32-33).
It is said that this part of the world is situated on the western side of the Meru Parvata, and the inhabitants of this province used to live up to ten thousands of years (Bhīṣma Parva 6.16.31-32).
Human beings living in this part of the GLOBE are of golden color, and the women resemble the angels of heaven. The inhabitants are free from all kinds of diseases and grief.
This part of the world is also one of the nine varṣas of the Jambūdvīpa, or earthly planet. Each planet is also sometimes called a dvīpa because of its being an island in the fathomless outer space.
Each planet is factually an island in the airy ocean of outer space.
Jambūdvīpa is only one of such countless islands in this airy ocean of space. A description of Bhārata-varṣa is given in the Mahābhārata (Bhīṣma Parva, Chapters 9-10).
According to Śrīdhara Svāmī these parts of the world are called Ilāvṛta-varṣa, or the mediterranean countries of Europe. The description of the Ilāvṛta-varṣa is given in the Mahābhārata (Sabhā Parva 28.7-8) as follows:
nagarāṁś ca vanāṁś caiva
nadīś ca vimalodakāḥ
puruṣān deva-kalpāṁś ca
nārīś ca priya-darśanāḥ
adṛṣṭa-pūrvān subhagān
sa dadarśa dhanañjayaḥ
sadanāni ca śubhrāṇi
nārīś cāpsarasāṁ nibhāḥ
It is twice mentioned here that the women are beautiful, and some of them are equal to the apsarās, or heavenly women. Therefore the countries mentioned are round about the Mediterranean coast.
It is stated to be situated beyond the northern side of Darjelling Dhavala Giri and probably may be a country like Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet and China. These parts of the world were also conquered by Arjuna (Sabhā Parva 28.1-2).
The Kimpuruṣas are descendants of the daughter of Dakṣa.
When Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira performed a horse sacrifice, the inhabitants of these countries were also present to take part in the festival, and they paid tributes to the Emperor.
This part of the world is called Kimpuruṣa-varṣa, or sometimes the Himalayan provinces (Himavatī). It is said that Śukadeva Gosvāmī was born in these Himalayan provinces, and he came to Bhārata-varṣa after crossing the Himalayan countries.
In other words, Mahārāja Parīkṣit conquered all the world, namely all the continents adjoining all the seas and oceans in all directions, namely the eastern, western, northern and southern parts of the world.
There is NO such thing as an all-pervasive life force made into individual units that only happens when contained in a material bodily vessel. The life force within a material body is already and has etenally been a unique individual living entity known as the soul or Krishna's marginal energy called the independent individual jiva-tattva. Sadly the Mayavadis further believe when the life force is released from the material bodily vessel at it's death, it merges back into the "all pervasive oneness of the life force like water in a container is released and then merges into the Ocean of water."
The soul is eternally an individual independent living entity that belongs in the category of Krishna's marginal energy called the jiva-tattva that has 78% of Krishna's qualities.
The Impersonal Mayavadi philosophy claiming that all life in the universe is ultimately "one all pervasive consciousness", and individuality only exists when life is contained in separate "material bodily vessels", is very dangerous teachings.
This gives the illusion that individuality only exists when the so called all-pervasive life force is divided up and contained in separate material bodies.
In actual fact, there is NO such thing as an all-pervasive life force made into individual units that only happens when contained in a material bodily vessel.
The life force within a material body is already and has etenally been a unique individual living entity known as the soul or Krishna's marginal energy called the independent individual jiva-tattva.
Sadly the Mayavadis further believe when the life force is released from the material bodily vessel at death, it merges back into the "all pervasive oneness of the life force like water in a container is released and then merges into the Ocean of water."
This "all one consciousness" is also compared to when air in a jar is released and merges back into the "oneness of the atmosphere".
This impersonal philosophy is found in John Lennon's Beatles song "I am the Walrus" when John sings ''I am you, you are me, and we are all together''
No, Lennon is wrong, the life force is NOT part of an ''all one consciousness" that becomes only individuals while contained in a material bodily vessel.
Therefore, you are NOT me and I am NOT you and EVERYONE else separated by only the Bodily container we are presently in. An important philosophical point to realise.
The fact is, we are all "individual independent units called souls" known as the jiva-tattva.
Just one important point, we do NOT merge into a super consciousness not even as individuals because there is NO so called super consciousness.
The jivas are always individual part and parcels of the Lord and always maintain their individuality even when in a dormant state in the Brahmajyoti.
It is often said that at the end of each material creation, the jivas merge into the Body of Maha Vishnu and reamerge when the next material creation is manifest.
Such merging does NOT literally mean merging into His body, it means being in a individual dormant state like sleeping until the next material creation comes along
Krishna and His expansions are the Supreme Lord and are eternal Persons
And the individual jivas ARE also spiritual bodily forms eternally in their full potential as Spiritual beings.
Mind, intelligence and false ego are the subtle material form in the material creation that covers the soul. And Mind, intelligence and false ego (the subtle body) are further covered by a gross biological body.
The soul is a spiritual individual called svarupa and vigraha who all ARE their body, unlike the material creation where no living entity is their material body which is really a vessel.
The soul is Sat-Chit-Ananda-Vigraha, which is the make up of the individual soul called the jiva tattva.
This means eternity, knowledge, bliss and form.
When in the brahmajyoti they are just in a dormant individual state and never merge into God.
Srila Prabhupada – "In the Padma Purana it is said that there are two kinds of spiritual entities; one is called the jiva, and the other is called the Supreme Lord". (Bhaktivedanta purport of the Eighty-seventh Chapter of Krsna Book, 'Prayers by the Personified Vedas')
Srila Prabhupada - ''Mayavadi means mayayapahrta-jnana: “Their knowledge has been taken away by maya.” Fools. Either you call them fool or call them lowest of the mankind or the most sinful, whatever way you can call, they are like that. All good qualifications. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu has warned, mayavadi-bhasya sunile haya sarva-nasa: [Cc. Madhya 6.169] “If you hear from Mayavadi, then your spiritual life is finished.” It’s so dangerous.” Bombay, April 9, 1971.
The Impersonal Mayavadi philosophy claiming that all life in the universe is ultimately "one all pervasive consciousness", and individuality only exists when life is contained in separate "material bodily vessels", is very dangerous teachings.
This gives the illusion that individuality only exists when the so called all-pervasive life force is divided up and contained in separate material bodies.
In actual fact, there is NO such thing as an all-pervasive life force made into individual units that only happens when contained in a material bodily vessel.
The life force within a material body is already and has etenally been a unique individual living entity known as the soul or Krishna's marginal energy called the independent individual jiva-tattva.
Sadly the Mayavadis further believe when the life force is released from the material bodily vessel at death, it merges back into the "all pervasive oneness of the life force like water in a container is released and then merges into the Ocean of water."
This "all one consciousness" is also compared to when air in a jar is released and merges back into the "oneness of the atmosphere".
This impersonal philosophy is found in John Lennon's Beatles song "I am the Walrus" when John sings ''I am you, you are me, and we are all together''
No, Lennon is wrong, the life force is NOT part of an ''all one consciousness" that becomes only individuals while contained in a material bodily vessel.
Therefore, you are NOT me and I am NOT you and EVERYONE else separated by only the Bodily container we are presently in. An important philosophical point to realise.
The fact is, we are all "individual independent units called souls" known as the jiva-tattva.
Just one important point, we do NOT merge into a super consciousness not even as individuals because there is NO so called super consciousness.
The jivas are always individual part and parcels of the Lord and always maintain their individuality even when in a dormant state in the Brahmajyoti.
It is often said that at the end of each material creation, the jivas merge into the Body of Maha Vishnu and reamerge when the next material creation is manifest.
Such merging does NOT literally mean merging into His body, it means being in a individual dormant state like sleeping until the next material creation comes along
Krishna and His expansions are the Supreme Lord and are eternal Persons
And the individual jivas ARE also spiritual bodily forms eternally in their full potential as Spiritual beings.
Mind, intelligence and false ego are the subtle material form in the material creation that covers the soul. And Mind, intelligence and false ego (the subtle body) are further covered by a gross biological body.
The soul is a spiritual individual called svarupa and vigraha who all ARE their body, unlike the material creation where no living entity is their material body which is really a vessel.
The soul is Sat-Chit-Ananda-Vigraha, which is the make up of the individual soul called the jiva tattva.
This means eternity, knowledge, bliss and form.
When in the brahmajyoti they are just in a dormant individual state and never merge into God.
Srila Prabhupada – "In the Padma Purana it is said that there are two kinds of spiritual entities; one is called the jiva, and the other is called the Supreme Lord". (Bhaktivedanta purport of the Eighty-seventh Chapter of Krsna Book, 'Prayers by the Personified Vedas')
Srila Prabhupada - ''Mayavadi means mayayapahrta-jnana: “Their knowledge has been taken away by maya.” Fools. Either you call them fool or call them lowest of the mankind or the most sinful, whatever way you can call, they are like that. All good qualifications. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu has warned, mayavadi-bhasya sunile haya sarva-nasa: [Cc. Madhya 6.169] “If you hear from Mayavadi, then your spiritual life is finished.” It’s so dangerous.” Bombay, April 9, 1971.
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
The story of the "famous Brahmin Cook and the Prostitute" that also exposes how fallen the Brahmin Priest really is also, who at 62 years of age, in an attempted cover up by Temple authorities, was forced to marry one of the many girls he had taken advantage of over the years at his cooking classes.
The "famous Brahmin Cook" and The Prostitute.
Once, near the peaceful village of Vrndavana, the transcendental place where Krsna manifested His pastimes on earth, there lived a scholarly very proud Brahmana (priest) and servant of Krsna.
Opposite his home, there lived a lowely prostitute who earlier in her life, grew up in terrible poverty, neglect and abuse, leaving her emotionally and pschologically damaged.
This led her to committ many offenses, including sexual favors for money due to being exploited and scared by men at an early age.
Unfortunately, many NEVER saw the difficult life she had as a young girl, and how she was sexually abused at 12 years of age old that scared her deeply.
Nor did many, especially the proud arrogent famous Brahmin cook, had the wisdom and humility to see this and hate her sinful life style instead of hating her.
All through her struggles over the years, she remained an aspiring devotee of Lord Krsna who always tried to remember Krsna regardless of her sinful life.
Across the road, the proud local arrogent puffed up brahmana priest, known as a very famous cook who wrote many books, hated her so much he could not stop thinking about her and made sure everyone knew her exploitive sinful nature by always belittling her and ridiculing her to others.
The famous brahmin cook could not see beyond her external material body that he was disgusted and repulsed by.
Despite his vast learning, he could not see nor understand she was not the troublesome bodily vessel, but the soul within.
Therefore his show of spiritual advancement immitating a saint in devotional dress, was like stage acting and pretending.
He was never really advanced to begin with, even though he was expert at chanting thousands of Vedic slokas ot Texts, marking his body in Tilak and dressing so nicely while organizing devotee renunions and festivals.
Over the years, the scholarly Brahmana continued taking great pleasure in the fall downs of others, and then loved ‘gossiping’ about those fallen souls.
In fact a day would never go by where the Brahmin would not remark on how disgusting the prostitute across the road was.
But secretly he had his own problems and had been married many times and had many affairs with many young girls.
And now at 62 years of old, the Temple authorities forced him in a big cover up, to marry one of those girls he abused and took advantage of at one of his cooking classes.
The Brahmin used his famous cooking credentials and name to achieved this and satisfy his lusty desires.
The young girl he was forced to marry by the Temple authorities was half his age and seemed digusting to many senior devotees who knew what was really going on.
Therefore a few devotees new the real truth about this arrogent puffed up Brahmin cook taking advantage of young girls in his cooking classes.
However, most of his activities were not known by the general devotees, pushed under the rug, hushed up and "covered up" by Temple authorities.
The prostitute across the road on the other hand, always remained humble and genuinely felt embarrassed, humiliated and forever repentant for her forced youthful exploitations and past fall downs, caused by being neglected as a child.
Therefore she was never proud or puffed up and always remained humble.
Sadly, the proud Brahmana never showed such honesty and humility.
Even though she was very fallen and new it, she prayed to Lord Krsna everyday with genuine prayers.
Unlike the self centered Brahmin cook, who hid his real diqusting secret life of lusting over young girls, just so he could continue getting his cheap aderation and fame from both his cooking classes, and his self glorifying book writing that purposely left out the achievements of those he never liked.
As a daily observance, the Brahmin would sit in his room and recite the Bhagavad Gita, Brahma-Samhita and Srimad Bhagavatam, then cook offerings to the Deities in the Temple and even give classes.
He was expert at externally imitating Prabhupada and other saints.
However, his ego was always swollen with pride, arrogence and great bitterness he used to proudly bully others.
The Temple authorities knew all along what he was like and what he was doing, but never did a thing about it, only to cover it up.
In the meantime, across the street the prostitute would keep trying her hardest to leave the past behind, as she was now entering old age and leading a good life and even chanting 16 rounds a day of the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra.
But the arrogent puffed up brahmin refused to acknowledge her advancement, he always demanded and petitioned that she be banned from the Temple and any reunions, and that she should always be punished for her degradation and influence on others, no matter how much time passes.
To achieve this, the Brahmana spread many nasty rumors and lies about her, even one devotee friend of the Prostitute offered to beat him up and break his legs and even ambush him and kill him.
But she strongly protested that such violence will not solve anything and insisted that her prayers to Lord Krishna was enough and was her ONLY source of protection.
Anyway, it seemed his punishment was - "he always thought about the fallen prostitute and all her faults more so than thinking of Lord Krsna and listehingbto his expert chanting of slokas".
As the years passed, the Brahmana grew ever more bitter towards the prostitute everytime her presents is near him, knowing all her faults.
He continued for years belittling her and always trying to distribute her.
The brahmana would say -
“Just see how lowly and "disgusting" she is, how can such a low life ever leave her disgraceful body in the beautiful land of Vrndavana and associate with REAL "advanced" devotees of Krsna like me?”
Then hypcritically continued with his parrot like recitation of mantras while cooking various preparations.
Eventually it just so happened that both the Brahmana and the prostitute died (left their material bodily vessels) at the same time.
To the Brahman’s surprise, the Vishnuduttas (the Lord of Vaikuntha’s messengers) came to deliver the prostitute from her material body while the terrifying Yamadutas (the Lord of Death’s messengers) came for the proud Brahmin.
"What is this?"
The arrogent brahmana protested to the Yamadutas.
"There must be some mistake!" He angrily added.
The Yamadutas replied -
"My dear Brahmana, there is no mistake. While you were busy meditating on the lowly "disqusting" activities of the prostitute, she listened to you recite the Gita, Brahma Samhita and Srimad Bhagavatam and prayed that she could one day elevate herself to pure devotional selfless service and be forgiven for her sinful life.
Therefore her humility allowed her to achieve liberation because she was always thinking of Krishna and immediately went back home back to Godhead, while YOU only degraded yourself because of your fault finding and petty jealousy.
For that, your reward will be taking birth again in the material world on a planet of prostitutes, sex abusers, paedophiles and perverts."
Once, near the peaceful village of Vrndavana, the transcendental place where Krsna manifested His pastimes on earth, there lived a scholarly very proud Brahmana (priest) and servant of Krsna.
Opposite his home, there lived a lowely prostitute who earlier in her life, grew up in terrible poverty, neglect and abuse, leaving her emotionally and pschologically damaged.
This led her to committ many offenses, including sexual favors for money due to being exploited and scared by men at an early age.
Unfortunately, many NEVER saw the difficult life she had as a young girl, and how she was sexually abused at 12 years of age old that scared her deeply.
Nor did many, especially the proud arrogent famous Brahmin cook, had the wisdom and humility to see this and hate her sinful life style instead of hating her.
All through her struggles over the years, she remained an aspiring devotee of Lord Krsna who always tried to remember Krsna regardless of her sinful life.
Across the road, the proud local arrogent puffed up brahmana priest, known as a very famous cook who wrote many books, hated her so much he could not stop thinking about her and made sure everyone knew her exploitive sinful nature by always belittling her and ridiculing her to others.
The famous brahmin cook could not see beyond her external material body that he was disgusted and repulsed by.
Despite his vast learning, he could not see nor understand she was not the troublesome bodily vessel, but the soul within.
Therefore his show of spiritual advancement immitating a saint in devotional dress, was like stage acting and pretending.
He was never really advanced to begin with, even though he was expert at chanting thousands of Vedic slokas ot Texts, marking his body in Tilak and dressing so nicely while organizing devotee renunions and festivals.
Over the years, the scholarly Brahmana continued taking great pleasure in the fall downs of others, and then loved ‘gossiping’ about those fallen souls.
In fact a day would never go by where the Brahmin would not remark on how disgusting the prostitute across the road was.
But secretly he had his own problems and had been married many times and had many affairs with many young girls.
And now at 62 years of old, the Temple authorities forced him in a big cover up, to marry one of those girls he abused and took advantage of at one of his cooking classes.
The Brahmin used his famous cooking credentials and name to achieved this and satisfy his lusty desires.
The young girl he was forced to marry by the Temple authorities was half his age and seemed digusting to many senior devotees who knew what was really going on.
Therefore a few devotees new the real truth about this arrogent puffed up Brahmin cook taking advantage of young girls in his cooking classes.
However, most of his activities were not known by the general devotees, pushed under the rug, hushed up and "covered up" by Temple authorities.
The prostitute across the road on the other hand, always remained humble and genuinely felt embarrassed, humiliated and forever repentant for her forced youthful exploitations and past fall downs, caused by being neglected as a child.
Therefore she was never proud or puffed up and always remained humble.
Sadly, the proud Brahmana never showed such honesty and humility.
Even though she was very fallen and new it, she prayed to Lord Krsna everyday with genuine prayers.
Unlike the self centered Brahmin cook, who hid his real diqusting secret life of lusting over young girls, just so he could continue getting his cheap aderation and fame from both his cooking classes, and his self glorifying book writing that purposely left out the achievements of those he never liked.
As a daily observance, the Brahmin would sit in his room and recite the Bhagavad Gita, Brahma-Samhita and Srimad Bhagavatam, then cook offerings to the Deities in the Temple and even give classes.
He was expert at externally imitating Prabhupada and other saints.
However, his ego was always swollen with pride, arrogence and great bitterness he used to proudly bully others.
The Temple authorities knew all along what he was like and what he was doing, but never did a thing about it, only to cover it up.
In the meantime, across the street the prostitute would keep trying her hardest to leave the past behind, as she was now entering old age and leading a good life and even chanting 16 rounds a day of the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra.
But the arrogent puffed up brahmin refused to acknowledge her advancement, he always demanded and petitioned that she be banned from the Temple and any reunions, and that she should always be punished for her degradation and influence on others, no matter how much time passes.
To achieve this, the Brahmana spread many nasty rumors and lies about her, even one devotee friend of the Prostitute offered to beat him up and break his legs and even ambush him and kill him.
But she strongly protested that such violence will not solve anything and insisted that her prayers to Lord Krishna was enough and was her ONLY source of protection.
Anyway, it seemed his punishment was - "he always thought about the fallen prostitute and all her faults more so than thinking of Lord Krsna and listehingbto his expert chanting of slokas".
As the years passed, the Brahmana grew ever more bitter towards the prostitute everytime her presents is near him, knowing all her faults.
He continued for years belittling her and always trying to distribute her.
The brahmana would say -
“Just see how lowly and "disgusting" she is, how can such a low life ever leave her disgraceful body in the beautiful land of Vrndavana and associate with REAL "advanced" devotees of Krsna like me?”
Then hypcritically continued with his parrot like recitation of mantras while cooking various preparations.
Eventually it just so happened that both the Brahmana and the prostitute died (left their material bodily vessels) at the same time.
To the Brahman’s surprise, the Vishnuduttas (the Lord of Vaikuntha’s messengers) came to deliver the prostitute from her material body while the terrifying Yamadutas (the Lord of Death’s messengers) came for the proud Brahmin.
"What is this?"
The arrogent brahmana protested to the Yamadutas.
"There must be some mistake!" He angrily added.
The Yamadutas replied -
"My dear Brahmana, there is no mistake. While you were busy meditating on the lowly "disqusting" activities of the prostitute, she listened to you recite the Gita, Brahma Samhita and Srimad Bhagavatam and prayed that she could one day elevate herself to pure devotional selfless service and be forgiven for her sinful life.
Therefore her humility allowed her to achieve liberation because she was always thinking of Krishna and immediately went back home back to Godhead, while YOU only degraded yourself because of your fault finding and petty jealousy.
For that, your reward will be taking birth again in the material world on a planet of prostitutes, sex abusers, paedophiles and perverts."
Monday, July 1, 2019
The truth about the coming 3rd World War.
The truth about the coming 3rd World War.
Many devotees believe mass distribution of Srila Prabhupada's Books and Street Sankirtan will stop World War 3 war, is that true?
The following discussion is between Srila Prabhupada and Ramsevara in 1977 on train to the Kumbha Mela festival.
Ramesvara - "Prabhupada I thought you once said that if we keep distributing books then the war can be stopped."
Prabhupada - "No. That will increase it. That will make it come faster. We want that. That is preparing the world for the fight against atheism. My books are preparing the world. This war is inevitable. If they are reluctant to fight we will force them too.
Krsna became famous by killing demons.
After we have secured America, we will use everything in Krsna 's service, even atom bombs - surrender to Krsna or else we will drop this atom bomb.
The war is inevitable, there is no way it can be stopped"
After we have secured America, we will use everything in Krsna 's service, even atom bombs - surrender to Krsna or else we will drop this atom bomb.
The war is inevitable, there is no way it can be stopped"
From Page 289 from Ramesvara's diary.
However, in a later conversation, Prabhupada's mood above changed, and added further by saying, a war CAN be avoided by establishing a Krishna Conscious Society!
However, in a later conversation, Prabhupada's mood above changed, and added further by saying, a war CAN be avoided by establishing a Krishna Conscious Society!
Ramsesvara dasa - "Later that month, Srila Prabhupada and I continued discussing this and finally He said that not only would mass book distribution change the entire worlds atmosphere, and spiritualize it so religious sentiments awaken in people around the world.
And most important of all, that from such an awakening the masses of people in communist countries would rise up and bring about the end of atheistic communism without a nuclear war. He said future historians would later note this, and declare that such a re-spiritualization through mass public Sankirtan Yajna, will bring about the fall of communism.
He said that would leave one last great atheistic demon to destroy: the demonic atheist and their Godless science that has captured schools throughout the world with the lies life evolves from a combination of chemicals from dead matter.
Please make no mistake - Srila Prabhupada declared that it was the Will of Lord Krsna that the two great demons of Kali Yuga, namely atheistic government and atheistic science, who are destroying the purpose of human life, MUST be annihilated.
And just as Krsna appeared to annihilate demons and protect the devotees, so the Lord has again now incarnated as The Hare Krsna Movement to annihilate these two great demons of this age".
These statements are adapted from Ramesvara's Diary from his travels with Srila Prabhupada.
Many are not understanding Srila Prabhupada's vision of this mundane material world and the Karmic reactions to sinful life that Prabhupada sees that visits everyone.
Nothing is free in the material world, we all must pay eventually for EVERYTHING we take -"What goes around comes around"
What Governments are trying to do, is build the Kingdom of God WITHOUT God!
Such attempts are impossible in the material world because nothing is forever, ever decomposes eventually due to material time.
Keep in mind only the material body is destroyed by Atomic weapons not the jiva soul, there is no death for the soul that is eternal without beginning or end as the Bhagavad Gita As It Is tells us.
All Prabhupada is saying above is the sinful reactions to sins will keep building up and up, making War inevitable as a reaction to the sinful people who are exploiting this material world in so many ways, including killing billions of animals and performing millions of abortions.
The world CANNOT go on like that Prabhupada is tells us, and further says those who do not surrender to God and continue this exploitation of the material world, will reap what they sow and die horrifically for what they are doing in terrible wars or by having a terrible death.
Prabhupada is only stating the facts, so the critics should ask first before criticizing our Spiritual Master.
Look at it this way, do you think people will get away with sinful life of exploitation, mass animal slaughter, and human abortions etc?
We all have to pay in the end or surrender to God for shelter from one's sinful reactions.
Already punishment is going on, 1.8 million people world wide are killed in car accidents every year. And millions more dying of heart disease and cancers.
All reactions to sinful life.
So the Atomic bomb is the same, and the bad karma build up cannot go on forever, a heavy reaction will come and Prabhupada sees that very clearly.
So no one should criticize Srila Prabhupada vision and telling it as it is, first understand that he is talking about the temporary material world that is not the real home of the jiva soul anyway.
The fact is, we should NOT be here in this temporary material Universe anyway, it was a mistake we chose to come here!
It was a mistake we chose to come here to the material creation from Gods perpetual never aging Kingdom long, long, long ago
Last comments by
Gauragopala dasa ACBSP
Lord Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu the Supreme Personality of Godhead and cause of all causes and from whom ALL Visnu and Narayana forms originates from.
Lord Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the pioneer of the modern Hare Krsna movement, appeared in Mayapur, West Bengal 537 years ago, February 18th 1486.
He is Krsna Himself, who appeared to inaugurate the yuga-dharma – the Harinama Sankirtana (congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra).
He never disclosed Himself as the incarnation of the Lord and exemplified the life of a perfect devotee, so that others can follow in His footsteps.
However, this fact is corroborated in many authorized scriptures and also confirmed by great spiritual masters of our sampradaya.
The descriptions of Lord Caitanya in terms of His appearance, bodily features, characteristics and pastimes as found in the several works of His celebrated associates and great devotees completely conform to those predicted in the Vedic literatures.
In this article we present certain important verses from some of the well-known Vedic literatures to substantiate the identity of Lord Caitanya as the Supreme Lord Krsna.
(1) Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.32)
krsna-varnam tvishakrishnam sangopangastra-parshadam yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah
In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the holy name of Krsna.
Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krsna Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons and confidential companions.
krsna-varnam means:
This word denotes that Lord Caitanya belongs to the category of Krsna or in other words He is Krsna Himself. krsna-varnam also means one who constantly chants the name of Lord Krsna.
tvisa akrsnam means:
His bodily complexion is not black. He appeared in golden-like yellow complexion.
sangopangastra-parsadam means:
Lord Caitanya is always accompanied by His confidential associates like Lord Nityananda, Advaita Acharya, Sri Gadadhara Pandita, Srivasa Acarya, Haridasa Thakura, etc.
In other incarnations, the Lord sometimes made use of His weapons to defeat or kill the demons, but in this age the Lord subdues the demonic mentality with His all-attractive figure of Caitanya Mahaprabhu who freely distributes Krishna-prema, pure love of Krsna. That is His weapon.
(2) Visnu-sahasra-nama stotra from Mahabharata.
Each of the 1000 names contained in the Visnu-sahasra-nama stotra that is found in the Mahabharata, glorifies one or more aspects of the Supreme Lord’s transcendental forms, qualities, pastimes, etc.
The following names indicate the bodily features of Lord Caitanya.
suvarna-varno hemango varangas candanangadi
suvarna-varna means:
He has a golden complexion.
hemanga means:
He has the appearance of molten gold.
varanga means:
He is exquisitely beautiful.
candanangadi means:
The Lord’s body is smeared with sandalwood pulp.
Lord Caitanya’s qualities and activities are described in the following names.
sannyasa-krt means:
He accepts the renounced order of life. (Lord Caitanya accepted sannyasa at the age of 24.)
sama means:
He is fully sense-controlled or equipoised.
santa means:
He is completely peaceful.
nistha means:
He is rigidly fixed in the chanting of the holy name of Lord Krsna.
santi-parayana means:
He is the highest abode of devotion and peace. He silences the impersonalist philosophers. (Lord Caitanya defeated many eminent mayavadis in philosophical debates and converted them to Vaisnavism.)
(3) Garuda Purana
The Supreme Lord says:
aham purno bhavisyami yuga-sandhyau visesatah mayapure navadvipe bhavisyami saci-sutah
In the first part of Kali-yuga, I will appear in my complete spiritual form in Mayapura, Navadvipa and become the son of Shachi.
Sri Caitanya was born in Mayapura (a subsection of the holy town of Navadvipa, West Bengal) as the son of Srimati Shachi devi in the year 1486, about 4,500 years after the beginning of the Kali-yuga.
It is also stated in this purana:
kaleh prathama-sandhyayam laksmi-kanto bhavisyati daru-brahma-samipa-sthah sannyasi gaura-vigrahah
In the first part of Kali-yuga, the Supreme Lord in the golden complexion will become the husband of Lakshmi. Then He will become a sannyasi and reside near Lord Jagannatha.
Sri Caitanya married His eternal consort Srimati Lakshmipriya and later took sannyasa at the age of 24.
After the acceptance of sannyasa, He left Navadvipa and resided in Puri, the holy city of Lord Jagannatha in Orissa. Lord Jagannatha in Puri is also referred to as daru-brahma in the Puranas as the Deities here are made from Neem wood. The word daru means wood in Sanskrit.
yo reme saha-ballavi ramayate vrndavane ‘har-nisam
yah kamsam ni jaghana kaurava-rane yah pandavanam sakha so ‘yam vainava-danda-mandita-bhujah sannyasa-vesah svayam nihsandeham upagatah ksiti-tale caitanya-rupah prabhuh
The Supreme Lord who took delight in His pastimes with the gopis, who filled the residents of Vrindavana with joy day and night, who slew Kamsa, and who made friends with the Pandavas in the battle between the Kauravas, will without any doubt, come again to the earth.
He will be a sannyasi with the name Caitanya whose arm will be decorated with a bamboo stick.
It is clear from this verse that Lord Krsna Himself appeared as Caitanya Mahaprabhu. According to the custom, a sannyasi is supposed to carry a bamboo stick (danda). Lord Caitanya carried a single bamboo stick as He was an eka-danda sannyasi.
(4) Narasimha Purana
satye daitya-kuladhi-nasa-samaye
tretayam dasa-kandharam
paribhavan rameti namakrtih
gopalan paripalayan vraja-pure
bharam haran dvapare
gaurangah priya-kirtanah
kali-yuge caitanya-nama-prabhuh
The Supreme Lord who assumed the form of a half-man, half-lion in the Satya-yuga to cure a dreadful disease that had devastated the Daityas, and who appearing as Rama conquered the ten-headed Ravana in the Treta-yuga, and who removed the burden of the earth in the Dvapara-yuga and protected the cowherd men of Vraja-pura, will be the Lord by name Caitanya in the Kali-yuga.
He will have a golden form and He will take pleasure in chanting the Lord’s holy names.
(5) Padma Purana
The Supreme Lord states:
kaleh prathama-sandhyayam gaurangotham mahi-tale
bhagirathi-tate ramie bhavisyami saci-sutah
I shall take birth as the son of Shachi assuming a golden form in a beautiful place on the bank of the Bhagirathi (Ganges) on the earth in the first part of Kali-yuga.
Mayapura, the birth place of Sri Caitanya is on the banks of the Ganges. There is a similar verse in the Brahma Purana predicting the appearance of Lord Caitanya.
(6) Narada Purana
The Supreme Personality of Godhead says:
aham eva kalau vipra nityam pracchanna-vigrahah
bhagavad-bhakta-rupena lokan raksami sarvada
O brahmana, I will deliver all the worlds, concealing myself in the form of a devotee of the Lord in Kali-yuga.
divija bhuvi jayadhvam jayadhvam bhakta-rupinah kalau sankirtanarambhe bhavisyami saci-sutah
O demigods, please advent on the earth as devotees in Kali-yuga. To inaugurate sankirtana, I will incarnate as the son of Shachi.
(7) Bhavishya Purana
The Supreme Lord states:
anandasru-kala-roma-harsa-purnam tapo-dhana sarve mama eva draksyanti kalau sannyasa-rupinam
O austere sage, everyone will see My transcendental form as a sannyasi in the age of Kali. I will be displaying symptoms like shedding tears of bliss and hairs standing on end out of ecstasy.
Lord Caitanya was always merged in the ocean of transcendental ecstasy while chanting the names of Krsna and dancing during sankirtana.
He felt intense separation from the Lord and due to those devotional feelings displayed various ecstatic symptoms of pure love for Krsna, such as incessant tears, voice choking up, hairs on the body standing on end etc.
(8) Vayu Purana
The Supreme Lord says:
paurnamasyam phalgunasya phalguni-rksa-yogatah bhavisye gaura-rupena saci-garbhe purandarat
On the full moon day of the month of Phalguna, conjoined with the star Phalguni, I will appear in a golden form begotten by Purandara in the womb of Shachi.
Lord Caitanya was born on the full moon day in the month of Phalguna. His father was known by the names Jagannatha Mishra and Purandara Mishra.
svarnadi-tiram asthaya navadvipe janasraye tatra dvija-kulam prapto bhavisyami janalaye
I will appear in a brahmana family in Navadvipa, by the shore of the Ganges.
bhakti-yoga-pradanaya lokasyanugrahaya ca
sannyasa-rupam asthaya krsna-caitanya-nama-dhrk
In order to engage the people in devotional service and bestow mercy upon them, I will take sannyasa, accepting the name Krsna Caitanya.
(9) Matsya Purana
The following statement is made by the Lord:
mundo gaurah su-dirghangas tri-srotas-tira-sambhavah dayaluh kirtana-grahi bhavisyami kalau yuge
In the age of Kali, I will be golden colour. I will be tall and will have a shaven head. The place where I take birth will be a meeting point of three rivers. I will be very merciful and I will keenly engage in chanting the holy names.
Lord Caitanya, being an eka-danda sannyasi had a completely shaven head as was the custom for such sannyasis. Three rivers – the Ganges, the Yamuna and the Saraswati (which is currently in her hidden form) – flow at Navadvipa.
(10) Skanda Purana
The Supreme Lord states:
antah krsnah bahir gaurah sangopangastra-parsadah
saci-garbhe samapnuyam maya-manusa-karma-krt
Inwardly Krsna but outwardly of golden form, I will be accompanied by My associates, servants, weapons, and confidential companions. Taking My birth in the womb of Shachi, I will accept the role of a human being.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the pioneer of the modern Hare Krsna movement, appeared in Mayapur, West Bengal 537 years ago, February 18th 1486.
He is Krsna Himself, who appeared to inaugurate the yuga-dharma – the Harinama Sankirtana (congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord, the Hare Krsna maha-mantra).
He never disclosed Himself as the incarnation of the Lord and exemplified the life of a perfect devotee, so that others can follow in His footsteps.
However, this fact is corroborated in many authorized scriptures and also confirmed by great spiritual masters of our sampradaya.
The descriptions of Lord Caitanya in terms of His appearance, bodily features, characteristics and pastimes as found in the several works of His celebrated associates and great devotees completely conform to those predicted in the Vedic literatures.
In this article we present certain important verses from some of the well-known Vedic literatures to substantiate the identity of Lord Caitanya as the Supreme Lord Krsna.
(1) Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.32)
krsna-varnam tvishakrishnam sangopangastra-parshadam yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah
In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the holy name of Krsna.
Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krsna Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons and confidential companions.
krsna-varnam means:
This word denotes that Lord Caitanya belongs to the category of Krsna or in other words He is Krsna Himself. krsna-varnam also means one who constantly chants the name of Lord Krsna.
tvisa akrsnam means:
His bodily complexion is not black. He appeared in golden-like yellow complexion.
sangopangastra-parsadam means:
Lord Caitanya is always accompanied by His confidential associates like Lord Nityananda, Advaita Acharya, Sri Gadadhara Pandita, Srivasa Acarya, Haridasa Thakura, etc.
In other incarnations, the Lord sometimes made use of His weapons to defeat or kill the demons, but in this age the Lord subdues the demonic mentality with His all-attractive figure of Caitanya Mahaprabhu who freely distributes Krishna-prema, pure love of Krsna. That is His weapon.
(2) Visnu-sahasra-nama stotra from Mahabharata.
Each of the 1000 names contained in the Visnu-sahasra-nama stotra that is found in the Mahabharata, glorifies one or more aspects of the Supreme Lord’s transcendental forms, qualities, pastimes, etc.
The following names indicate the bodily features of Lord Caitanya.
suvarna-varno hemango varangas candanangadi
suvarna-varna means:
He has a golden complexion.
hemanga means:
He has the appearance of molten gold.
varanga means:
He is exquisitely beautiful.
candanangadi means:
The Lord’s body is smeared with sandalwood pulp.
Lord Caitanya’s qualities and activities are described in the following names.
sannyasa-krt means:
He accepts the renounced order of life. (Lord Caitanya accepted sannyasa at the age of 24.)
sama means:
He is fully sense-controlled or equipoised.
santa means:
He is completely peaceful.
nistha means:
He is rigidly fixed in the chanting of the holy name of Lord Krsna.
santi-parayana means:
He is the highest abode of devotion and peace. He silences the impersonalist philosophers. (Lord Caitanya defeated many eminent mayavadis in philosophical debates and converted them to Vaisnavism.)
(3) Garuda Purana
The Supreme Lord says:
aham purno bhavisyami yuga-sandhyau visesatah mayapure navadvipe bhavisyami saci-sutah
In the first part of Kali-yuga, I will appear in my complete spiritual form in Mayapura, Navadvipa and become the son of Shachi.
Sri Caitanya was born in Mayapura (a subsection of the holy town of Navadvipa, West Bengal) as the son of Srimati Shachi devi in the year 1486, about 4,500 years after the beginning of the Kali-yuga.
It is also stated in this purana:
kaleh prathama-sandhyayam laksmi-kanto bhavisyati daru-brahma-samipa-sthah sannyasi gaura-vigrahah
In the first part of Kali-yuga, the Supreme Lord in the golden complexion will become the husband of Lakshmi. Then He will become a sannyasi and reside near Lord Jagannatha.
Sri Caitanya married His eternal consort Srimati Lakshmipriya and later took sannyasa at the age of 24.
After the acceptance of sannyasa, He left Navadvipa and resided in Puri, the holy city of Lord Jagannatha in Orissa. Lord Jagannatha in Puri is also referred to as daru-brahma in the Puranas as the Deities here are made from Neem wood. The word daru means wood in Sanskrit.
yo reme saha-ballavi ramayate vrndavane ‘har-nisam
yah kamsam ni jaghana kaurava-rane yah pandavanam sakha so ‘yam vainava-danda-mandita-bhujah sannyasa-vesah svayam nihsandeham upagatah ksiti-tale caitanya-rupah prabhuh
The Supreme Lord who took delight in His pastimes with the gopis, who filled the residents of Vrindavana with joy day and night, who slew Kamsa, and who made friends with the Pandavas in the battle between the Kauravas, will without any doubt, come again to the earth.
He will be a sannyasi with the name Caitanya whose arm will be decorated with a bamboo stick.
It is clear from this verse that Lord Krsna Himself appeared as Caitanya Mahaprabhu. According to the custom, a sannyasi is supposed to carry a bamboo stick (danda). Lord Caitanya carried a single bamboo stick as He was an eka-danda sannyasi.
(4) Narasimha Purana
satye daitya-kuladhi-nasa-samaye
tretayam dasa-kandharam
paribhavan rameti namakrtih
gopalan paripalayan vraja-pure
bharam haran dvapare
gaurangah priya-kirtanah
kali-yuge caitanya-nama-prabhuh
The Supreme Lord who assumed the form of a half-man, half-lion in the Satya-yuga to cure a dreadful disease that had devastated the Daityas, and who appearing as Rama conquered the ten-headed Ravana in the Treta-yuga, and who removed the burden of the earth in the Dvapara-yuga and protected the cowherd men of Vraja-pura, will be the Lord by name Caitanya in the Kali-yuga.
He will have a golden form and He will take pleasure in chanting the Lord’s holy names.
(5) Padma Purana
The Supreme Lord states:
kaleh prathama-sandhyayam gaurangotham mahi-tale
bhagirathi-tate ramie bhavisyami saci-sutah
I shall take birth as the son of Shachi assuming a golden form in a beautiful place on the bank of the Bhagirathi (Ganges) on the earth in the first part of Kali-yuga.
Mayapura, the birth place of Sri Caitanya is on the banks of the Ganges. There is a similar verse in the Brahma Purana predicting the appearance of Lord Caitanya.
(6) Narada Purana
The Supreme Personality of Godhead says:
aham eva kalau vipra nityam pracchanna-vigrahah
bhagavad-bhakta-rupena lokan raksami sarvada
O brahmana, I will deliver all the worlds, concealing myself in the form of a devotee of the Lord in Kali-yuga.
divija bhuvi jayadhvam jayadhvam bhakta-rupinah kalau sankirtanarambhe bhavisyami saci-sutah
O demigods, please advent on the earth as devotees in Kali-yuga. To inaugurate sankirtana, I will incarnate as the son of Shachi.
(7) Bhavishya Purana
The Supreme Lord states:
anandasru-kala-roma-harsa-purnam tapo-dhana sarve mama eva draksyanti kalau sannyasa-rupinam
O austere sage, everyone will see My transcendental form as a sannyasi in the age of Kali. I will be displaying symptoms like shedding tears of bliss and hairs standing on end out of ecstasy.
Lord Caitanya was always merged in the ocean of transcendental ecstasy while chanting the names of Krsna and dancing during sankirtana.
He felt intense separation from the Lord and due to those devotional feelings displayed various ecstatic symptoms of pure love for Krsna, such as incessant tears, voice choking up, hairs on the body standing on end etc.
(8) Vayu Purana
The Supreme Lord says:
paurnamasyam phalgunasya phalguni-rksa-yogatah bhavisye gaura-rupena saci-garbhe purandarat
On the full moon day of the month of Phalguna, conjoined with the star Phalguni, I will appear in a golden form begotten by Purandara in the womb of Shachi.
Lord Caitanya was born on the full moon day in the month of Phalguna. His father was known by the names Jagannatha Mishra and Purandara Mishra.
svarnadi-tiram asthaya navadvipe janasraye tatra dvija-kulam prapto bhavisyami janalaye
I will appear in a brahmana family in Navadvipa, by the shore of the Ganges.
bhakti-yoga-pradanaya lokasyanugrahaya ca
sannyasa-rupam asthaya krsna-caitanya-nama-dhrk
In order to engage the people in devotional service and bestow mercy upon them, I will take sannyasa, accepting the name Krsna Caitanya.
(9) Matsya Purana
The following statement is made by the Lord:
mundo gaurah su-dirghangas tri-srotas-tira-sambhavah dayaluh kirtana-grahi bhavisyami kalau yuge
In the age of Kali, I will be golden colour. I will be tall and will have a shaven head. The place where I take birth will be a meeting point of three rivers. I will be very merciful and I will keenly engage in chanting the holy names.
Lord Caitanya, being an eka-danda sannyasi had a completely shaven head as was the custom for such sannyasis. Three rivers – the Ganges, the Yamuna and the Saraswati (which is currently in her hidden form) – flow at Navadvipa.
(10) Skanda Purana
The Supreme Lord states:
antah krsnah bahir gaurah sangopangastra-parsadah
saci-garbhe samapnuyam maya-manusa-karma-krt
Inwardly Krsna but outwardly of golden form, I will be accompanied by My associates, servants, weapons, and confidential companions. Taking My birth in the womb of Shachi, I will accept the role of a human being.
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