Friday, July 12, 2019

July 20th 2019, will be the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon landings. How much longer will ISKCON keep calling the Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972 to the Moon a hoax? Or was it really a hoax? Let's weigh up all the evidence on both sides.

Soon, July 20th 2019, will be the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon landings.

50 years has passed, how should we maturely understand this significant event of human history?

Many forget that over 450,000 people worked on Moon landing project between 1961 and 1972?

Was it all really a hoax 50 years ago?

Srila Prabhupada taught his disciples it WAS a hoax and that man never went to the Moon.

However, it is obvious he really meant the "subtle dimension" on the Moon invisible to our "gross material bodies" that is the heavenly realm called Chandraloka.

And even today knowing he meant the heavenly realm called Chandraloka, to question Prabhupada the Acharaya's authority and judgement from 45 years ago, many devotees today call you an offensive demon for questioning and doubting the Acharaya.

Prabhupada once said he is not God but Krishna's humble servant and that many things in Cosmology he did not know.

He said he did not know or understand how to draw of Bhu-Mandala our universe, he had an idea but was not sure

Therefore he sent Tamal Krishna Maharaj to Southern India in search of a learned Brahmin, who could TEACH us all about Cosmology from the Vedic point of view and what this small material universe we are in really looks like.

We do not want to sound like a fanatical fundamentalist religious cult who has no evidence to prove our claims, he once said

So lets be sensible here and not sentimental, fanatical or even Just follow blindly.

Even Prabhupada told us long ago, "question everything" including all Vedic teachings in order to understand.

ISKCON devotees and leaders in what is nearly 2020, cannot keep ignoring the overwhelming evidence from so many employees involved with the present day Space programs and Moon experdition projects of China, Japan, India, European Union, Israel, Russia, America and soon Australia.

The 2020s are going to be very revealing time within the field of space travel.

Even though we do NOT agree with what they are doing, we CANNOT deny what they have achieved.

For devotees, as Prabhupada taught us, it is all a big waste of time and billions of dollars.

This is because a devotee's ONLY real goal is to "get out of this mundane temporary decaying material creation", and not try to be comfortable here by traveling through the material universe (outerspace), attempting to build the Kingdom of God in the material universe without God.

There needs to be a serious review of ISKCON's stand on the Apollo missions to know the truth.

And at the sametime, show the greatest respect to Srila Prabhupada who has the eyes to see the Moon as Chandraloka, a heavenly planet and not the "gross moon" us humans on this Earth globe only see.

As time goes on, it will become more aparent that all evidence over the last 50 years, clearly proves man DID go to the Moon, but ONLY the "gross Moon" we see at night and NOT the "subtle Moon" where the heavenly atmosphere of Chandraloka exists.

ISKCON should prepare a statement before it become obvious they have gone to the Moon and will send manned missions to the Moon sometime in the 2020s, when many Countries, like China, India, Japan, Israel, USA, Russia and European Union will go there.

In fact the many Countries above are going there now with unmanned probes and have been doing so for years.

The Moon they have been going too, is "the gross Moon" we see on Earth".

We have to understand that Srila Prabhupada was originally ALWAYS referring to the "subtle heavenly realm on the Moon called Chandraloka".

In this regards, Prabhupada is right, man in their mundane material space crafts can NEVER enter Chandraloka in a "gross material body" or their "material space vehicals" they went to the Moon in.

On these points Srila Prabhupada  was right.

This is because there is a underlining "subtle material reality" or dimension exising in sub-space throughout all the material universe, not just on the moon either.

This subtle parallel reality is here on earth too, it is all around us and for one to enter this unseen dimension of space-time in the gross material body is NOT possible.

Therefore, to enter the heavenly atmoshere of Chandraloka on the Moon, is only possible in the subtle material body, NOT a gross biological body.

And that entry is based on pious and impious activities (karma) and NOT material mundane technology.

But as far as the "gross Moon" is conerned, they DID go and there and soon many Countries will be back there with manned missions, already they have sent many probes and rovers to the Moon in recent years.

Therefore "is it wise" to keep denying these facts in today's world of 2019?

Or will some devotees keep up the denial of Moon landings, regardless of Srila Prabhupada's comments that they did not go.

Many devotees who firmly believe Prabhupada's comments, still repeat his 45 year old seemingly out dated comments with devotees back then all in their mid 20s.

Many of those recorded conversations with Prabhupada frankly seem humorous today.

For example, comments like all Moon rocks came from Arizona and the Moon landings were all staged on a Movie set directed by Stanley Kubrick who made the 1968 Movie "A Space Odesey"

But with all due respects to Srila Prabhupada, often he said the Astronauts CANNOT enter the heavenly realm of Chandraloka, which is right however, he extended that fact to not going to the "gross Moon" as well.

The fact is, we can see the Moon in the sky, it is that Moon we call "the gross Moon"

And to believe it was all staged acted in Arizona, is simply based on lack of proper information about this new technology of space exploration by America.

It is obvious to intelligent people 50 years on, Prabhupada's strong views back then 45 years ago, needed deeper research and correction.

This is because many back then lacked the knowledge in the 1960s and early 1970s about this new science.

Also Srila Prabhupada was born in the 19th Century, before even airplanes existed,  let alone space travel that some foolish devotees even today believe is a hoax along with Satellites.

Therefore "every comment" he made claiming the Moon landings were "all bluff" and never happened, seems by the evidence today incorrect.

Why is that?

Back then not many understood or even believed in space technology in the 1960s and early 70s. This is because it was all a new pioneering industry, not properly understood or researched maturely by the young devotees back then, including Srila Prabhupada.

To be fair, Prabhupada's views on going to the Moon was both "right and wrong" in the following way -

1 - They never entered the heavenly dimension of Chandraloka that is impossible to visit in a gross material body and gross materialistic space crafts.

2 - They DID land on the "gross Moon" between 1969 and 1972 as CORRECTLY documented by the Apollo missions.

So it seems today in nearly 2020, the Moon landings will be historically seen as NOT "all bluff" or some silly hoax by future generations.

Like all new technologies, the 1960s and 70s were no different, it brought , doubt, disbelief, denial, scriptural prophecies and superstition and conspiracy theories.

Just like when electric wiring was introduced in 1882 to power electric lights. Back then also many feared this technology and were told the wires entering your house, will attract evil spirits to enter through the wiring.

Or when in December 1903, the Wright brothers first flew their plane, it was condemned as a prank by the Catholic Church and the work of the devil, because if God wanted man to fly, He would of gave him wings.

These are the facts.

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