Tuesday, December 22, 2020

There is only "ONE" God, and under Him there are many administrators that manage material affairs known as demigods. They are just like the ministers in a Government under the direction of the President or Prime Minister.

Krishna's management of the material universes are just like the Prime Minister or President of a Country being the head administrator of his Government.

And under the Prime Minister or President's administration, he appoints different Ministers to manage different portfolios or different departments in Society.

Then these Ministers report to the Prime Minister about their portfolios, such as-

Department of water, 

Department of agriculture, 

Department of Forests, 

Department of defence, 

Department of Education,

Department of Health

Department of housing,

Department of  elderly etc, etc.

Similarly, just like there is ONE Prime Minister or President managing and over seeing his Ministers, there is only "ONE" God managing the material creation via His representatives called the demigods.

Therefore under Krishna (God), like the Ministers in a Government under the direction of the President or Prime Minister, the demigods represent God and manage the material Worlds under His direction.

The entire material creation is managed like this by 33 million demigods according to Srimad Bhagavatam.

Therefore there are NOT many "Gods" in India as the ignorant and fools believe.

No, there is only "ONE" God, known as Krishna, Vishnu or Narayana.

All other so called gods like Brahma, Ganesha, Indra, Vayu, Sura, Yamaraj, etc" are minor gods called demigods, like the Ministers in the President's or Prime Minister's administration or Government.

There is only "ONE" God but He does have different names in different cultures throughout the universe.

There are NOT many Gods, their is ONE God with many names, just like there is only ONE Sun in the sky but has different names in different languages in different Nations .*

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