Sunday, January 27, 2019

Deep within each of the millions of Brahmanda almost spherical universes originating from Maha Vishnu's breathing them out through His mouth and the pores of His skin, is a secondary universe that is encased and surrounded by that greater Brahmanda material universe.

Our Lord Brahma's 4 billion mile diameter inner universe is called "The Bhu-Mandala Universe".

Our Lord Brahma has 4 heads, his 4 billion mile diameter material creation is made up with 14 different planetary systems.

Deep within each of the millions of Brahmanda universe is a secondary universe that is encased and surrounded by the greater Brahmanda material universe.

Our Earth global sphere is in the 7th planetary system called Bhuloka

The surrounding Brahmanda universe that encases our small 4 billion mile diameter Bhu-Mandala universe, is a massive 44 Quadrillion 444 Trillion 444 billion miles in diameter according to Srimad Bhagavatam 5th Canto.

Other inner universes, like our Bhu-Mandala universe, are also deep within each of the millions of other Brahmandas recently that all originate from the Body of Maha Vishnu.

Each material universe also has their own Brahma who may have 10, 20, 50, 100, 10,000 or even 1000,000 heads.

All material universes are therefore different sizes.

Therefore to claim our small Earth globe is Bhu-Mandala is incorrect, our Earth globe is too small in size to be Bhu-Mandala described in the 5th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam.

Our small "earth global sphere" is just a small planet within one of Bhu-Mandala's 14 Planetary Systems called Bhurloka (The 8th planetary system from lowest realm (hellish realm) known as Patala loka)

According to Vedic literature, there are many planetary systems. The planetary system in which we are living is called Bhūrloka. Above this planetary system is Bhuvarloka. Above that is Svarloka (the moon belongs to the Svarloka planetary system)

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