Friday, January 18, 2019

Where is the karma for killing the Cow? Lets understand how it this "karma" works

Where is the karma for killing the Cow?

Lets understand how it this "karma" works

To start with its nothing like the painting shown, thats very rare maybe at the end of Kali-yuga.

Most people are NOT punished that way, this post will reveal how most ARE punished for their sins of killing the Cow and eating other animals.

It happens collectively almost never maybe every 120 years a city is destroyed by an earthquake, the last big one in California was 1906 when San Francisco was destroyed.

There have been a few big ones in Asia, China, Russia, Japan and Indonesia all very rare and maybe only just 1 million killed like in China a drop in the ocean of 7.3 billion people

So where is the punishment Cow slaughter?

Why do many think there really is non because every day everything goes on and the world prosperity keeps getting better and and better and more opulant?

Materially our Society today is way better than 80 years ago where in 1933 life expectancy was 59 and today is 79 or if you live in Australia 84, the worlds highest. Even though millions of cows get slaughtered in Australia the Country has become very very rich and there is no poverty

But there are those who live as if they have nothing, for  some reason no one helps them, no one can help them.


This is the karma for killing the cow, it does not manifest all at once most of the time it is very subtle and happens gradually

Cow killing has been increasing out of all proportions for 150 years, today more Cows are slaughtered than ever before, India slaughter millions of cows too yet the world becomes more prosperous

A train driver in India gets 66,000 rupees a month and the Australia pension is 115,000 rupees a month just for doing nothing and its for life

Despite so much cow slaughter people are being looked after or are they?

So where is all this massive karma for killing the cow, I will tell you, to start with its subtle and the reactions are unfolding all the time on millions of individuals

Lets just do America per year

38,000 killed in car accidents
34,000 killed by guns
21,000 children between 10 and 16 commit suicide every year
47,000 over 16 die from suicide
84,000 die from heart disease
98,000 die from bowl cancer
88,000 die from cigarette related diseases includes passive smoking
123,000 die from alcohol related diseases
98,000 die from hospital accidents and mistake
87 died in military not including suicides

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