Friday, January 18, 2019

Srila Prabhupada told Yumuna dasi, the bodily designation of "a women" never applied to her because "you are a devotee", and know you are NOT the external bodily vessel covering of the soul.

Understanding women's roles as taught by Srila Prabhupada.

Srila Prabhupada told Yumuna dasi, the bodily designation of "a women" never applied to her because "you are a devotee", and know you are NOT the external bodily covering of the soul.

In this age of Kali-yuga both men and women are EQUALLY low births BOTH men and women are lower than a sudra women!

Prabhupada gave different instructions to different people and opened the doors for women in so many ways by changing basic vedic standards.

For example, in 1968 the sannyasis in the Gaudiya Math were very critical of Prabhupada, horrified he allowed women to live in the Temple.

Prabhupada allowed them to dress the Dieties, do puja, and talk to other men other than their husbands and family to sell Books.

And even giving women the gayatri mantra unheard of in the Gaudiya Math as well as giving both Evening and Morning Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam classes.

Already many in the Gaudiya Math were critical when Prabhupada dropped the 64 rounds a day standard to live in the Temple down to 16 rounds a day.

And today some of the biggest Book distributors are WOMEN and Prabhupada also never ruled out women gurus.

In 1977 many of Prabhupada's Godbrothers apologized to him when the success of his ISKCON was obvious.

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