Thursday, April 25, 2019

What is a real miracle?

Do Miracles happen when Krishna (God) or His pure devotees personally intervene?

What is a real miracle?

True miracles, when they happen, are the Lord's causesless mercy performed to help bring back the fallen souls trapped in this material creation in a material bodily container, back home back to Godhead.

Therefore a REAL miracle is a "spiritual act" beyond the temporary material bodily decaying vessel one is in.

The fact is, the nature of the material body is birth, youth, disease, old age and death. Such material bodies are always in a state of decline and decay and always in need of maintenance.

God's miracles are not really meant for repairing such decaying bodies but the "people" who pray for a cure and the survival of their sick child would differer.

We see it in these people, of limited religious faith like Christians, who use the word miracle in this way.

But is it?

The health and type of body one gets is based on Karma, although if one comes across a mystic yogi, his ability to cure (manipulate material energy) based on the Vedic text known as the "Book of Danvantari", appears like a miracle to the ignorant and uneducated but in reality it is Vedic science.

These interventions called miracles (faith based cures) rarely work in society, every now and again you will hear of a child's miraculous cure from leukemia but sadly for the parents, many pass away.

All the more reason to understand that the word miracle is in relation to the soul not the material vessel because the soul is eternal and NOT the material body which is temporary and not the identity of the eternal soul within.

Recently a girl claimed she was cured by cancer drinking Cows Urine however, it was suggested her "strong faith of positive thinking" had also a great role in curing her cancer.

The mind is a powerful instrument that CAN cure.

All the doctors told her it was her beliefs because others had drank Cows urine and were not cured.

They told her there is no strong medical basis or proof that Cows urine cures cancer.

In fact, people have even become seemingly cured on a pla-cebo because of the "psychological strong belief of their mind" in their faith that allows other healing factors within the immune system take effect.

To the out back Aborigines who never saw men fly, they believed the men in the planes were performing miracles by flying.

But an "educated person" knows there really is no such thing as miracles when flying a plane or performing a heart transplant.

The concept of them being miracles is based on ignorance and lack of higher education and knowledge.

The most powerful scientific cure that modern scientists are just now discovering, is sound vibration.

They believe the quality of sound vibrations DO help cure the biological material body of diseases.

On the other hand, devotees of Krishna chant Hare Krishna to purify the soul to get out of this material creation and is not suppose to chant for material gain, even to help cure the material body of diseases.

But tell that to a devotee when their child is sick!

No, of  course the parents will pray to Prabhupada and Krishna for their sick child and miracles cures can happen there too. With Krishna there are no set rules, He can do what He wants and override all karma, after all, this material world is His creation

But from a scholarly point of view, one of the 10 offences while chanting Hare Krishna is chanting for material gain which includes healing a "material bodily vessel" that is perpetually in a state of decay leading to death anyway.

Pray for a miracle to get out of the material world and NOT how to be comfortable here which is NEVER possible anyway.

Even the parting of water in the painting below, is NOT a miracle, such abilities that advanced souls have, are known as mystic yogis who have developed, over many life times, the power of mind control, mind over matter.

An advanced yogi who controls his mind has many powers including being in 8 different places at once and can live without food or water and just on the air (prana).

Such mystic yogis are very rare and live in the Himalayas only on this planet at this time in Kali-yuga.

It is important to never see such mystical acts as spiritual, they are NOT spiritual, they are more advanced acts of materialism that the present mundane material scientists in 3 or 4 hundred years may begin to discover (the power of mind control over matter)

A devotee sees Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's Sankirtan Movement as the Lord's greatest "miracle" (which means "Spiritual" in the full potential of the word) that has come to this age of Kali-yuga.

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