Krsna's direct expansions are called Visnu-tattva and Visnu-sakti-tattva, and His indirect expansions are called Siva-tattva (Siva who is in a league of his own and jiva-tattva, (the marginal living entities or jiva-souls)
Sakti means the energies of Krsna (God) including matter and the many categories of living entities.
Visnu in front of the word sakti means direct expansions of Krsna like the Visnu-tattva's are.
So how many qualities of Krsna do the different expansions have?
This percentage is based on the number of Krsna's 64 qualities (100%) His other expansions have.
For example, Visnu-tattva Forms and Visnu-sakti-tattva Forms of God have 60 qualities of Krsna's 64 attributes, which is 93.75% of Krsna's 100% qualities.
Siva-tattva has 54 qualities of Krsna's 64 attributes, which is 84.375% of Krsna's 100% qualities.
Jiva-tattva has 50 qualities of Krsna's 64 attributes, which is 78.125% of Krsna's 100% qualities.
Siva-tattva ( 84.375%) is between Visnu-tattva (93.75%) and the jiva-tattva or jiva-soul (78.125%).
Krsna always has 100% of His own attributes in full, which are His 64 qualities, and this is why Krsna is Supreme Personality of Godhead and cause of all causes.
Krsna is the original Form of Godhead from whom ALL His Visnu-tattva, Visnu-sakti-tattva, Siva-tattva and jiva-tattva forms expand from.
This means the only difference between Srimati Radharani, Balarama, Maha-Visnu, Ramachandra etc, and Lord Krsna is Lord Krsna has an extra 4 qualities more than all of them, although they may exhibit those 4 unique qualities partially.
Therefore, not even Srimati Radharani, Krsna’s consort, or Balarama (Krsna's older brother) always have those 4 extra unique qualities like Krsna always has perpetually.
The 64 qualities of Krsna.
Only Krsna has 64 qualities in full because He is the original Supreme Personality of Godhead and cause of ALL causes.
The Visnu-tattva (Visnu/Narayana) expansions of Krsna, who are also God, have only 60 of Krsna's 64 attributes or 93.75% of Krsna's qualities.
Some Vedic scholars and modern-day Hindu academics can not understand why Krsna has 4 more qualities than Visnu/Narayana and why Krsna IS the ORIGINAL Supreme Personality of Godhead and cause of ALL causes.
They cannot understand that Visnu/Narayana are expansions of Krsna and NOT the other way around, that Krsna originates from Visnu as many Hindus today wrongly believe.
Even the word Hindu is not found in Vedic texts because it is an alien word introduced by primitive European and Islamic invaders to the Indian sub-continent around 15 hundred years ago.
Krsna is NOT an expansion of Visnu either as many Hindus wrongly believe today.
The fact is Krsna is the original Supreme Personality of Godhead and cause of ALL causes from who ALL Visnu forms originate from.
The 4 qualities or attributes Visnu or Narayana do NOT have in full are as follows-
(1) Krsna is the performer of wonderful varieties of pastimes (especially His childhood pastimes).
(2) Krsna is surrounded by devotees endowed with wonderful love of Godhead.
(3) Krsna can attract all living entities all over the universes by playing on His flute.
(4) Krsna has a wonderful excellence of beauty which can not be rivalled anywhere in the creation.
These four qualities out of Krsna's 64 attributes are important to understand because, as said, not even Visnu/Narayana forms of God have them "in full," only sometimes exhibited partially.
All expansions of Krsna are-
1 - Visnu-tattva have 60 qualities out of Krsna's 64 attributes, which is 93.75 of Krsna's total qualities.
2 - Visnu-sakti- tattvas (this category of sakti potency or energy means Srimati Radharani, who also has 60 qualities of Krsna's 64 qualities or 93.75 of Krsna's qualities.
3 - Siva-tattva has 55 qualities out of Krsna's 64 attributes or 84.375% of Krsna's qualities.
4 - Jiva-tattva souls have 50 qualities of Krsna's 64 attributes, which is 78.125% of Krsna's qualities.
The Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krsna has all sixty-four transcendental qualities in full.
So, the difference between Krsna (64 qualities) and Visnu/Narayana (60 qualities) are the four extra qualities that only Krsna has in full.
The full extent of Krsna's wonderful qualities or attributes is inconceivable.
Here are Krsna's 64 qualities or attributes-
(1) Beautiful features of the entire body
(2) Marked with all auspicious characteristics
(3) Extremely pleasing
(4) Effulgent
(5) Strong
(6) Ever youthful
(7) Wonderful linguist
(8) Truthful
(9) Talks pleasingly
(10) Fluent
(11) Highly learned
(12) Highly intelligent
(13) Genius
(14) Artistic
(15) Extremely clever
(16) Expert
(17) Grateful
(18) Firmly determined
(19) An expert judge of time and circumstances
(20) Sees and speaks on the authority of Vedas (scriptures)
(21) Pure
(22) Self-controlled
(23) Steadfast
(24) Forbearing
(25) Forgiving
(26) Grave
(27) Self-satisfied
(28) Possessing equilibrium
(29) Magnanimous
(30) Religious
(31) Heroic
(32) Compassionate
(33) Respectful
(34) Gentle
(35) Liberal
(36) Shy
(37) The protector of surrendered souls
(38) Happy
(39) The well-wisher of devotees
(40) Controlled by love
(41) all-auspicious
(42) Most powerful
(43) all-famous
(44) Popular
(45) Partial to devotees
(46) Very attractive to all women
(47) all-worship able
(48) all-opulent
(49) all-honourable
(50) The supreme controller.
(51) Changeless
(52) all-cognizant
(53) Ever fresh
(54) sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (as an eternal blissful bodily Form)
(55) Possessing all mystic perfections.
(56) He has inconceivable potency.
(57) Uncountable universes generate from His body.
(58) He is the original source of all incarnations.
(59) He is the giver of salvation to the enemies whom He kills.
(60) He is the attractor of liberated souls.
As explained above, besides these sixty transcendental qualities, Krsna has four more not manifested even in the Visnu/Narayana form of Godhead, what to speak of the demigods or living entities.
They are as follows-
(61) He is the performer of wonderful varieties of pastimes (especially His childhood pastimes).
(62) He is surrounded by devotees endowed with wonderful love of Godhead.
(63) He can attract all living entities all over the universes by playing on His flute.
(64) He has a wonderful excellence of beauty that can not be rivalled anywhere in the creation.
The Absolute Truth Lord Krsna is anandamaya (desiring to increase His joy), hence, from Krsna's original form, He expands and becomes many.
These emanations from the Supreme Person are of two categories: full expansions and partially manifested expansions.
The Lord's various full and partial expansions and the Lord Himself simultaneously co-exist, only appearing to manifest under the influence of time.
These expansions of Krsna are known as Visnu-tattva Forms of God, and they are also the Supreme Absolute Truth such as-
Maha Visnu,
Garbhodakashayi Visnu, etc
And then there is Visnu-"sakti"-tattvas like Radharani and many other inhabitants including many gopis and gopas who are technically Krsna Himself playing a role in His own Vrindavana pastimes alongside the jiva-souls.
All Visnu-tattva and Visnu-sakti-tattva accept their own role in the mood of Servitor to the "original" Supreme Being Lord Krsna.
For example, Visnu and Narayana Forms are known by many different names on their particular Vaikuntha Planet in the Spiritual sky.
This relationship is the foundation of Vedic monotheism, which encompasses the inconceivable, absolute personal nature of the original Godhead.
As explained above, Lord Krsna possesses two other expansive qualities known as Siva-tattva and jiva-tattva (jiva-souls).
Together with Visnu-tattva and Visnu-sakti-tattvas, these four personalities are representative of the Absolute Person's (Krsna's) internal, external, and marginal energies.
The Lord expands Himself as Lord Siva and Lord Brahma, and the marginal living entities (jiva-souls) are also expansions.
Like us, Lord Brahma is also jiva-tattva (78.125%)
Lord Siva is between Visnu-tattva and jiva-tattva (84.375%)
Lord Visnu/Narayana is Visnu-tattva (93.75%)
And Radharani is Visnu-sakti-tattva (93.75%), which only means she does not always exhibit Krsna's four extra qualities always in full.
When Krsna desired to experience loving affection and exchanges with a woman, He expanded Himself as Srimati Radharani, who is none different than Krsna.
Visnu-tattva and jiva-tattva are different categories of living entities but are all expansions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krsna.
Therefore, as a reminder, we can summarize as follows-
Lord Krsna. Has all 64 qualities or 100%
Visnu-tattva. Has 60 qualities of Krsna's 64 attributes or 93.75%
Visnu-sakti-tattvas. Has 60 of Krsna's 64 attributes qualities or 93.75%
Siva-tattva. Has 54 qualities of Krsna's 64 attributes or 84.375%
Jiva-tattva (jiva-souls). Has 50 qualities of Krsna's 64 attributes or 78.125%
This is the reason why Krsna is called Param Purushottam, Purnavatar or Supreme Personality of Godhead and cause of ALL causes.
Srila Prabhupada - "Learned scholars in transcendental subjects have carefully analyzed the summum bonum Krsna to have sixty-four principal attributes.
All the expansions or categories of the Lord possess only some percentages of these attributes. But Sri Krsna is the possessor of the attributes cent percent.
His personal expansions such as svayam-prakasa, tad-ekatma up to the categories of the avataras who are all visnu-tattva, possess up to 93.75% of these transcendental attributes." (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.29)
Lord Siva is neither avatara nor avesa, nor in between them; he possesses 84.375% of Krsna's attributes.
But, the jiva-souls or the individual marginal living entities possess up to the limit of 78.125% of Krsns's attributes.
In the conditioned state of material existence, the marginal living entities (jiva-souls) exhibit these attributes in very minute quantity in the material creation, varying in terms of the pious and impious life of the living being.
Only in the spiritual world are the jiva-soul's full potential fully experienced.
The most perfect of living beings in this material universe is Brahma, the supreme administrator of each material universe deep inside their surrounding Brahmanda greater universe.
Lord Brahma, who is jiva-tattva, possesses 78.125% per cent of Krsna's 100% attributes.
All the demigods except Siva have only 78.125% attributes or have 50 of Krsna's 64 qualities also.
All the species of material life also possess these same attributes in their full potential because they are also jiva-tattva soul but are presently covered by material energy.
The standard of perfection for a human being is to develop their full potential of up to 78.125% in full. The marginal living entities or jiva-tattvas can NEVER possess attributes like Siva, Visnu, Radharani, or Lord Krsna.
A living being or marginal living entity (jiva-souls) can become godly by developing their full potential of 78.125% of their attributes but can NEVER become a God like Krsna or Visnu (93.75%) or Siva (84.375%).
Although, as said, he can become a Brahma in due course.
The godly living beings who are all residents of the Vaikuntha planets in the spiritual sky are eternal associates of Visnu in different spiritual planets called Hari-dhama and Mahesa-dhama.
However, the abode of Lord Krsna Goloka Vrindavana is above all the Vaikuntha planets and is called Krsnaloka or Goloka Vrndavana.
The marginal living entity (jiva-soul) can develop 78.125% of the above attributes in full, which is their full potential; they can NEVER become Krsna or Visnu.
By reaching their full potential of 78.125%, the jiva-souls can AGAIN enter the planet of Krsnaloka (Goloka-Vrindavana) after leaving their present decaying material bodily vessel..*..